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Talk About Tulsa => The Burbs => Topic started by: safetyguy on April 29, 2008, 01:13:32 pm

Title: Jenks police racking up tickets at Elm/Creek Turnp
Post by: safetyguy on April 29, 2008, 01:13:32 pm
For those of you who live and/or frequent the area of Elm Street and the Creek Turnpike be aware that Jenks police are on that intersection like flies on manure to make a quick buck.

The street dept. just added new signs within the past few weeks that say right lane is for right turn onto Creek Turnpike. They also painted the street with a Right Turn Arrow Only.

The cops are sitting in the right lane under the bridge and if you go straight through in the right lane you are toast!

It is kind of nice that they are doing it because of all of the people that would drive in the right lane and then try and merge in (kind of like driving in a construction zone with people waiting to merge at the last moment).

Title: Jenks police racking up tickets at Elm/Creek Turnp
Post by: BKDotCom on April 30, 2008, 06:58:01 am
I'm all for them enforcing the rules, but they seem to be ignoring the underlying problem:  that intersection is broke!
Ever since they added that traffic signal @ 101st(aquarium dr) that intersection has been borked.  Northbound backs up for 1/2 a mile because the signal seldom turns green..   The light is red while trafic is exiting westbound turnpike.  Getting onto eastbound always has a protected left.   meanwhile there's two empty lanes just ahead that could be getting queued up.

And I understand why southbound is for turnpike traffic only (it narrows to one lane).  Why is northbound?

Those officers should be directing traffic there, not further tying it up.

Title: Jenks police racking up tickets at Elm/Creek Turnp
Post by: safetyguy on April 30, 2008, 07:53:02 am
Originally posted by BKDotCom

I'm all for them enforcing the rules, but they seem to be ignoring the underlying problem:  that intersection is broke!
Ever since they added that traffic signal @ 101st(aquarium dr) that intersection has been borked.  Northbound backs up for 1/2 a mile because the signal seldom turns green..   The light is red while trafic is exiting westbound turnpike.  Getting onto eastbound always has a protected left.   meanwhile there's two empty lanes just ahead that could be getting queued up.

And I understand why southbound is for turnpike traffic only (it narrows to one lane).  Why is northbound?

Those officers should be directing traffic there, not further tying it up.

Maybe things will improve once the street is widened, whenever that happens. I think the problem will get worse instead of better because of them adding a light at 106th St. It will just back the traffic up even more.

Title: Jenks police racking up tickets at Elm/Creek Turnp
Post by: mrhaskellok on April 30, 2008, 09:41:06 am
Do we need to be adding temporary camera's in any new intersection with lights so that traffic engineers are watching traffic for several months and making adjustments?

We are never going to get it right the first time every time, but there needs to be an easy method of "tweaking" the way it works.

Title: Jenks police racking up tickets at Elm/Creek Turnp
Post by: Wilbur on April 30, 2008, 06:34:21 pm
It's simple.  It's called paying attention.

Title: Jenks police racking up tickets at Elm/Creek Turnp
Post by: mrhaskellok on April 30, 2008, 07:50:47 pm
Originally posted by Wilbur

It's simple.  It's called paying attention.

Lol, too easy...everything is too easy.

Beam me up scotty!

Title: Jenks police racking up tickets at Elm/Creek Turnp
Post by: Vision 2025 on May 07, 2008, 01:18:59 pm
Originally posted by mrhaskellok

Do we need to be adding temporary camera's in any new intersection with lights so that traffic engineers are watching traffic for several months and making adjustments?

Not for tweaking, make it for punitive measure if the design does not work force the engineer to watch his/her work for ever... maybe put stocks off to the side too (just in case further punishment is needed) at each new intersection seriously though traffic signal design/multiple intersection integration is quite difficult.


Ps.  Oh and thanks for the warning.

Title: Jenks police racking up tickets at Elm/Creek Turnp
Post by: safetyguy on May 07, 2008, 01:28:19 pm

Ps.  Oh and thanks for the warning.

Jenks finest (the whole 2 cops on shift) were out again last night generating revenue last night. They love sitting in the grassy area by where the nursery used to be.

Title: Jenks police racking up tickets at Elm/Creek Turnp
Post by: patric on May 08, 2008, 10:47:12 am
Originally posted by safetyguy

The street dept. just added new signs within the past few weeks that say right lane is for right turn onto Creek Turnpike. They also painted the street with a Right Turn Arrow Only.

Its not entirely uncommon to find a new stop sign or changed speed limit sign crop up seemingly overnight. After years driving the route the change is bound to catch everyone off guard.

I can buy the rational that the motorcycle cops that were also planted there are calling attention to the change, but only if they were giving warnings.

Otherwise, it's just shooting fish in a barrel, or just a legalized form of robbery.  The "violations" are the result of a technicality and not an intentional act that deserves punishment.
I read where the federal RICO statute was used to shut down similar practices in another state, but I havent heard anything recently.

At the least, it's a dishonest practice that's not going to garner them the respect they think they deserve.