The Tulsa Forum by TulsaNow

Talk About Tulsa => Development & New Businesses => Topic started by: ARGUS on May 01, 2008, 05:55:45 pm

Title: T.U. needs a coffehouse
Post by: ARGUS on May 01, 2008, 05:55:45 pm
werd up! hardwoods will be the new location of a new coffeehouse.
maybe called "coffefodder".
standard internet forum disclosures on all but the name....wink wink...grin.
Sounds good to me as the area needs one.

Title: T.U. needs a coffehouse
Post by: Dana431 on May 01, 2008, 06:35:57 pm
Count me in. I'd be there.

Title: T.U. needs a coffehouse
Post by: mrhaskellok on May 01, 2008, 07:09:13 pm
Get me some information...I run a couple coffee shops...if you think the numbers are there let me know.  

Where would you want to see it?  What hours?  Are people there all year?

Title: T.U. needs a coffehouse
Post by: TURobY on May 01, 2008, 09:18:06 pm
TU students don't really drink that much coffee. Those who do already go to Shades of Brown, or Starbucks, or QT, or the coffee cart on campus. I think the limited market is already pretty saturated. [:(]

Title: T.U. needs a coffehouse
Post by: mrhaskellok on May 01, 2008, 10:07:51 pm
That is what I had seen...but I am always ready to be wrong.  If something changes or anyone has a different perspective, I would love to hear it.

Title: T.U. needs a coffehouse
Post by: Renaissance on May 02, 2008, 12:03:26 am
Originally posted by TURobY

TU students don't really drink that much coffee.

As opposed to any other student body in the United States?  What, are they all Mormon?  Come on, it's college.  I'm sure thy need caffeine . . .

In other words, I doubt it's a demand issue.  Probably more an issue of supply combined with opportunity.  Sounds like somebody has figured that out.

Title: T.U. needs a coffehouse
Post by: dsjeffries on May 02, 2008, 12:23:17 am
As a current TU student, there isn't a large group of students who DOESN'T go to Starbucks, Coffeehouse on Cherry Street, Gypsy or Shades of Brown.  I think a coffee house across the street from campus would do alright... not great, but alright.  We do have a coffee place in ACAC and one in the fitness center.

Really, I think it's not the proximity of the place to campus... People at TU want to see and be seen on Cherry Street, Brookside or Utica Square; NOT a strip mall.

Generally speaking, of course.

Personally, I think TU students are more likely to visit a place like Alisee Momo next to Circle Cinema.

Title: T.U. needs a coffehouse
Post by: sgrizzle on May 02, 2008, 05:36:57 am
Originally posted by TURobY

TU students don't really drink that much coffee.

Obviously, the curriculum is too easy then.

Title: T.U. needs a coffehouse
Post by: cannon_fodder on May 02, 2008, 07:32:51 am
There was a coffeehouse...  Saffron.  It was a nice little place, art on the wall, plenty of space, decent coffee and they tried to embrace the students.  It failed.

Currently there are coffee shops on campus in the ACAC and the Fitness Center, as well as coffee in most loungers and cafeterias.  Thrown in QT and BK and there are two more places to get a shot of joe.  Unfortunately, I don't think the students would support another coffee shop near campus.

Plus, Hardwoods needs to be a sports bar.  There are no sports bars near midtown - a failure to make money as the only sports bar near the richest area of town and across from a college is an amazing feat.

Title: T.U. needs a coffehouse
Post by: perspicuity85 on May 02, 2008, 09:30:52 am
TU needs a place like this. (http://"")

Title: T.U. needs a coffehouse
Post by: we vs us on May 02, 2008, 10:02:57 am
Originally posted by perspicuity85

TU needs a place like this. (http://"")

Funny story, perspicuity:  

I helped open Common Ground's predecessor, Emerald Coast, in 1993ish, right there on Dickson St.  Same building, same set up, pretty much same everything except that the colors were green rather than red. I bartended there for several years and had some really fantastic times.

The original owner was a businessman from Tulsa, who saw an opportunity across the border and took a big chance.  Dickson at that point was sketchy after dark and catered almost exclusively to the biker/drifter set. Turns out, almost 15 years later (and after an ownership swap), it's still a great and successful concept and was a major cornerstone for Dickson's revitalization.

Title: T.U. needs a coffehouse
Post by: Gold on May 02, 2008, 11:36:32 am
Saffron was a neat idea, but it just wasn't that great.  They meant well.  They opened up right about the time Tulsa finally got Starbucks.

Their food wasn't that great.  Really not much reason to go back.  I tried to frequent it while I was in school and I just didn't see much value.

What TU really needs is a place that has great food, coffee, and beer.  There's nothing but fast food, Mexican, and Wilson's (which is neither the Wilson's I grew up with or really worth going to).  A couple of the earlier incarnations of Hardwood tried to have food (one place was 24 hrs).  

The problem is that in the summer, that area is dead and you can't keep decent help around.  The bars will make up for that with letting underage kids in (Hardwood was busted for that a time or two, JR's was always busted for that) until they get in trouble; they'll also do awful events like ladies night (really bad to go to when TU isn't in session).

If someone had some good food that could draw regulars in from around town during the off times, it would work.  Until then, bah.

Title: T.U. needs a coffehouse
Post by: wordherder on May 02, 2008, 01:59:51 pm
Originally posted by we vs us

Originally posted by perspicuity85

TU needs a place like this. (http://"")

Funny story, perspicuity:  

I helped open Common Ground's predecessor, Emerald Coast, in 1993ish, right there on Dickson St.  Same building, same set up, pretty much same everything except that the colors were green rather than red. I bartended there for several years and had some really fantastic times.

The original owner was a businessman from Tulsa, who saw an opportunity across the border and took a big chance.  Dickson at that point was sketchy after dark and catered almost exclusively to the biker/drifter set. Turns out, almost 15 years later (and after an ownership swap), it's still a great and successful concept and was a major cornerstone for Dickson's revitalization.

Oh lord, as a former Fayetteville resident I absolutely LOVE Common Grounds.  Great food, great atmosphere, great place to meet folk and hang out.  Went back there last year and it's still great.

Saffron... I think the situation there was caused by the owners, who in my experience were pretty unreliable.  They had a DJ there for a while some nights, but he got fed up and quit when the owners kept closing the place early without letting him know.  Guy just showed up to find the place dark and shuttered.  A better-run coffeehouse would have a much better shot.

Title: T.U. needs a coffehouse
Post by: perspicuity85 on May 03, 2008, 02:04:55 pm
Originally posted by we vs us

Originally posted by perspicuity85

TU needs a place like this. (http://"")

Funny story, perspicuity:  

I helped open Common Ground's predecessor, Emerald Coast, in 1993ish, right there on Dickson St.  Same building, same set up, pretty much same everything except that the colors were green rather than red. I bartended there for several years and had some really fantastic times.

The original owner was a businessman from Tulsa, who saw an opportunity across the border and took a big chance.  Dickson at that point was sketchy after dark and catered almost exclusively to the biker/drifter set. Turns out, almost 15 years later (and after an ownership swap), it's still a great and successful concept and was a major cornerstone for Dickson's revitalization.

Let's get that original to build a Common Grounds in Tulsa!  CG is a great concept, they serve as a coffee house and bar all in one.  It's certainly a great place to sober up, or continue drinking, after a night on Dickson.  The pizza is outstanding, as well as all other food I have tried there.  It's a big hit with U of A students and local residents.

Title: T.U. needs a coffehouse
Post by: TheCollective on May 04, 2008, 10:54:01 am
I am glad to see that there is some discussion around the idea of a coffeehouse in the old Hardwood's joint.
I am in fact currently renovating the space to be a cafe, coffeehouse, and bar called The Collective. Our website is, if anyone is interested, or wants more information please email us at

Title: T.U. needs a coffehouse
Post by: TheCollective on May 04, 2008, 10:57:06 am
sorry, our email is

Title: T.U. needs a coffehouse
Post by: cannon_fodder on May 05, 2008, 07:42:02 am
Here's a (the) question for ya', will it at least try to cater to sports fans?  

More generally, what can we expect?  Bar/cafe/coffee house is a broad concept, sell it to me!

and best of luck, see you in September.

Title: T.U. needs a coffehouse
Post by: JoeMommaBlake on May 05, 2008, 08:08:30 am
A couple of questions, if you don't mind...

1. Are you leasing the space and the parking lot from Abdul?

2. Are you using the kitchen side for food?

3. Are you going to spray paint the name of your restaurant on the building like BALLERS? I really hate to see that beautiful artwork go...

4. What are the hours going to be?

I live very close by and am excited to see someone in the space. It's had a rough go and hasn't worked out for one reason or another. I tend to blame bad ownership and lame concepts. Their failures have caused some to assume that it's the location's fault. I totally disagree. I think it's a great spot and even looked at leasing it myself once for a Joe Momma's.

I think you may really have something with a coffee shop. Great idea and best of luck!

Title: T.U. needs a coffehouse
Post by: darkspectre on May 05, 2008, 08:10:30 am
There is a french-style coffee shop going in over by the Circle Cinema on Lewis where the old mexican restaurant once was.

Title: T.U. needs a coffehouse
Post by: Gold on May 05, 2008, 11:54:51 am
Originally posted by JoeMommaBlake

A couple of questions, if you don't mind...

1. Are you leasing the space and the parking lot from Abdul?

2. Are you using the kitchen side for food?

3. Are you going to spray paint the name of your restaurant on the building like BALLERS? I really hate to see that beautiful artwork go...

4. What are the hours going to be?

I live very close by and am excited to see someone in the space. It's had a rough go and hasn't worked out for one reason or another. I tend to blame bad ownership and lame concepts. Their failures have caused some to assume that it's the location's fault. I totally disagree. I think it's a great spot and even looked at leasing it myself once for a Joe Momma's.

I think you may really have something with a coffee shop. Great idea and best of luck!

I echo your statements on ownership.  As a TU alum and long time TU sports fan, I've had interactions with various owners at that place over the years.  The common denominator after the Regers family sold the original Hardwood was bad ownership.

Probably the most egregious example is the group that tried to re-open it in the fall of '06.  They sold coupons that gave a discount for drinks there (I think there might be a legal issue in there somewhere).  They closed before anyone could use the coupons.

That same group drew the ire of TU football diehards when they promised they would televise the TU at BYU game that fall.  Several people on the message boards claimed there was no way they would get it.  Anyway, I personally walked up to the door about three hours before the game and asked; they told me it was a go.  

They never got the game on the tv.  They promised several times they would.  While I was there, I saw a bouncer get in a fight with a drunken OU fan.  After that, my group was interested in going back.

The various other owners I've talked to over there (other than the Rogers family) have all had weird quirks.  I arranged for a TU law school party over there once and got a phone call from the owner the night of the party, asking if his friend's band could play.  "You'll like them -- they'll play Coolio."

I think the place needs a massive rework.  If they made it nicer, that might run off some of the shady folks who have caused trouble there.  But the current setup scares the college kids off -- there have been a couple of shootings there and a lot of fights.  Granted, bad stuff happens anywhere, but I think if they had better control on the place, more people would go.

Title: T.U. needs a coffehouse
Post by: cannon_fodder on May 05, 2008, 12:08:57 pm
The place was nice, not as Ballerz, but the 2 incarnations before that.  They had TONS of TU memorabilia on the walls and lots of TVs.

BUT, they failed to get the sports package, a liquor permit, ran out of beer etc. etc.  

I agree with the general assessment on why it failed.  I hope it turns around, great location and I will certainly, at very least, give you a try.

Title: T.U. needs a coffehouse
Post by: TheCollective on May 06, 2008, 06:18:12 pm
Originally posted by JoeMommaBlake

A couple of questions, if you don't mind...

1. Are you leasing the space and the parking lot from Abdul?

2. Are you using the kitchen side for food?

3. Are you going to spray paint the name of your restaurant on the building like BALLERS? I really hate to see that beautiful artwork go...

4. What are the hours going to be?

I live very close by and am excited to see someone in the space. It's had a rough go and hasn't worked out for one reason or another. I tend to blame bad ownership and lame concepts. Their failures have caused some to assume that it's the location's fault. I totally disagree. I think it's a great spot and even looked at leasing it myself once for a Joe Momma's.

I think you may really have something with a coffee shop. Great idea and best of luck!

Thanks Joe Mamma! Here are some answers to your questions and the questions of other posters.

Yes we are leasing from Abdul.

We are using the kitchen for food: quirky, healthy sandwiches, gourmet soups and original salads all with an old-time tulsa twist.

We will not be using spray paint for our signage, sorry to see you will be upset about us taking down the grafitti... there should be a real sign and a new deck with patio lights and tables!

Our projected hours of operation are :
Tues-Thurs: 7am-9pm
Fri-Sat: 7am-2am

I am happy to answer any questions, but I dont want to give it all away! We are hoping to create a quirky, artsy atmosphere with a wall dedicated to local artists openings monthly, and local bands shows on Friday and Saturday nights.

Unfortunately, due to the previous history of "Sports themed" businesses in this location, we have decided to stay away from that arena. there will be comfortable seats, good food, free wifi, good coffee and great company!

We hope to see you all in September!

Title: T.U. needs a coffehouse
Post by: Gold on May 07, 2008, 09:38:45 am
Originally posted by cannon_fodder

The place was nice, not as Ballerz, but the 2 incarnations before that.  They had TONS of TU memorabilia on the walls and lots of TVs.

BUT, they failed to get the sports package, a liquor permit, ran out of beer etc. etc.  

I agree with the general assessment on why it failed.  I hope it turns around, great location and I will certainly, at very least, give you a try.

LOL @ "Ballerz."  The name just hit the nail on thte head , , ,

Title: T.U. needs a coffehouse
Post by: JoeMommaBlake on May 09, 2008, 11:21:09 am
I'm so there. I can't wait. Every day I drive by that place and complain to myself that it's sitting empty.

I'm really excited to see you going in and I'm so glad that you're moving the direction that you are.

It'll be a new and fresh concept there and I hope/think you'll do well.

Title: T.U. needs a coffehouse
Post by: we vs us on May 09, 2008, 12:42:25 pm
Where is Hardwoods?  I drove around TU a little this morning and didn't see a place that seemed to obviously be Hardwoods-esque.

Is this happening on 11th?

Title: T.U. needs a coffehouse
Post by: cannon_fodder on May 09, 2008, 01:10:05 pm
Yes, it is on 11th Street directly across from Skelly Field on the South side of the street.  On the SW corner of Gary and 11th. The building is a single story brick structure with seating out front and 2 entrances.  Gary is immediately to the East and a parking lot is on the West side.

Title: T.U. needs a coffehouse
Post by: JoeMommaBlake on May 10, 2008, 09:29:37 am
The best way to describe it is to mention that it has the word "Ballers" painted on the building above the west door and a movie theater style marquee above the other.

It looks hideous.