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Talk About Tulsa => Other Tulsa Discussion => Topic started by: zstyles on May 07, 2008, 01:54:54 pm

Title: Phillips 66 gas station deceptively luring drivers
Post by: zstyles on May 07, 2008, 01:54:54 pm
This is BS...went to Readers 66 gas station today at 2406 E 21st get gas..sign said gas 3.39 a gallon on the sign unleaded..I pull up...NOPE that is for ETHONOYL

"When consumers see an advertised price they have a reasonable expectation to easily find the pump with that price"(see story below)

Now, their 90/10 blend is 89 in stead of 87
which is the same price as QT 90/10 blend
87 but their 87 100% is higher than 87 100% elsewhere they are screwing people by getting them to pull in and once there..people (not me) are just paying for what they are since they are already there..I called the owner and he said "well no one else in town tells your this and this and this.." we asked him if that made it right and he said..well it doesn't make it wrong does it.....BBBBBBSSSSSSS....

Here is a story in another state of someone doing exactly this...

Title: Phillips 66 gas station deceptively luring drivers
Post by: patric on May 07, 2008, 02:08:56 pm
Originally posted by zstyles

This is BS...went to Readers 66 gas station today at 2406 E 21st get gas..sign said gas 3.39 a gallon on the sign unleaded..I pull up...NOPE that is for ETHONOYL

"When consumers see an advertised price they have a reasonable expectation to easily find the pump with that price"(see story below)

Now, their 90/10 blend is 89 in stead of 87
which is the same price as QT 90/10 blend
87 but their 87 100% is higher than 87 100% elsewhere they are screwing people by getting them to pull in and once there..people (not me) are just paying for what they are since they are already there..I called the owner and he said "well no one else in town tells your this and this and this.." we asked him if that made it right and he said..well it doesn't make it wrong does it.....BBBBBBSSSSSSS....

How the 66 station at 21st & Lewis gets you is that the low price is for their mid-grade Ethanol.  So when first-time customers pull in and automatically select the low-end button, it's actually for the more expensive gas and they've filled up before they catch the mistake.
Drive a couple of blocks east and get your gas for about 5-10 cents less.

Edit:  They eventually put stickers on the mid-grade pumps indicating they were the posted price.  The "100%" price is really high though -- perhaps reflecting the true price of gas without the ethanol filler?

Title: Phillips 66 gas station deceptively luring drivers
Post by: Gaspar on May 07, 2008, 02:27:19 pm
Come on Lawyer types.  This is excellent fodder for a suit.

Title: Phillips 66 gas station deceptively luring drivers
Post by: sgrizzle on May 07, 2008, 02:31:54 pm
Originally posted by zstyles

This is BS...went to Readers 66 gas station today at 2406 E 21st get gas..sign said gas 3.39 a gallon on the sign unleaded..I pull up...NOPE that is for ETHONOYL

"When consumers see an advertised price they have a reasonable expectation to easily find the pump with that price"(see story below)

Now, their 90/10 blend is 89 in stead of 87
which is the same price as QT 90/10 blend
87 but their 87 100% is higher than 87 100% elsewhere they are screwing people by getting them to pull in and once there..people (not me) are just paying for what they are since they are already there..I called the owner and he said "well no one else in town tells your this and this and this.." we asked him if that made it right and he said..well it doesn't make it wrong does it.....BBBBBBSSSSSSS....

Here is a story in another state of someone doing exactly this...

Every pump is 90/10 blend at every station. Different stations just use a different ingredient in their 10%.

Title: Phillips 66 gas station deceptively luring drivers
Post by: zstyles on May 07, 2008, 03:23:53 pm
So then if that's the case, he should go sue every station that says they have 100%

You get the moron of the day award....

Title: Phillips 66 gas station deceptively luring drivers
Post by: Conan71 on May 07, 2008, 03:28:31 pm
The Fiesta Mart on 81st near TCC SE, was advertising gas at, I believe, $3.24 per gallon.

In very small print at the bottom of the sign it says: "with car wash purchase".  Otherwise it's the same $3.39 crap everyone else is selling.

Title: Phillips 66 gas station deceptively luring drivers
Post by: Gaspar on May 07, 2008, 04:01:20 pm
Originally posted by zstyles

So then if that's the case, he should go sue every station that says they have 100%

You get the moron of the day award....

Congress passed a bill making it legal to refer to E10 gasoline or less as "100% gasoline".  So you can't sue!

The reasoning was that people were more likely to buy E10 if they believed it to be just as good as pure gasoline.  E10 is slightly less efficient, has no environmental benefit it also costs more to manufacture, but because ethanol subsidies to farming communities convert into votes in the midwest, our leaders have done everything they can to put E10 in our tanks.

The result is less feed grain, soybeans, and produce.  Everyday more farmers are converting their crops to hard corn so that they can cash in on the guaranteed subsidies.  This results in higher food costs, higher fuel costs, and a non-sustainable energy source (it currently costs more energy to produce ethanol than the final product produces).

Thanks Nancy, George and the gang!

Title: Phillips 66 gas station deceptively luring drivers
Post by: custosnox on May 12, 2008, 12:40:22 pm
well, technically you can still sue, it just makes winning whole lot harder.

Title: Phillips 66 gas station deceptively luring drivers
Post by: Kashmir on May 12, 2008, 03:07:52 pm
Originally posted by Conan71

The Fiesta Mart on 81st near TCC SE, was advertising gas at, I believe, $3.24 per gallon.

In very small print at the bottom of the sign it says: "with car wash purchase".  Otherwise it's the same $3.39 crap everyone else is selling.

Oh good gosh, to have 3.39 back![B)]

Title: Phillips 66 gas station deceptively luring drivers
Post by: YoungTulsan on May 13, 2008, 01:29:35 am
It clearly says on their sign, PLUS.  Their 89 octane gas sells for the same price as QuikTrip's 87 octane.  They are both 90/10 gas/ethanol at QT and Reeders.  You are getting a slightly better deal on the 89 octane at Reeders.

You are getting a BETTER deal on their 87 octane, which is ethanol free (call it 100% gas, or 10% MTBE - who cares.  You aren't burning corn at a net energy loss) - than you are getting on the 89 octane (or 87 octane at QT) selling for 13 cents less.  At 3.50 a gallon that is about a 3 and a half percent increase in price, but people are reporting results in the range of 5 to 15 percent better with traditional gas versus ethanol.  It is actually CHEAPER even though the price is higher because the performance more than makes up for the difference.  THAT DOESNT EVEN TAKE INTO ACCOUNT THE FACT THAT YOU ARE HELPING RAISE FOOD PRICES AND CREATE FOOD SHORTAGES, AS WELL AS PROPPING UP A VOTE-GETTING SCHEME VIA FARM SUBSIDIES!!

Quit buying ethanol.

Title: Phillips 66 gas station deceptively luring drivers
Post by: joiei on May 13, 2008, 04:34:35 am
Originally posted by zstyles

This is BS...went to Readers 66 gas station today at 2406 E 21st get gas..sign said gas 3.39 a gallon on the sign unleaded..I pull up...NOPE that is for ETHONOYL

"When consumers see an advertised price they have a reasonable expectation to easily find the pump with that price"(see story below)

Now, their 90/10 blend is 89 in stead of 87
which is the same price as QT 90/10 blend
87 but their 87 100% is higher than 87 100% elsewhere they are screwing people by getting them to pull in and once there..people (not me) are just paying for what they are since they are already there..I called the owner and he said "well no one else in town tells your this and this and this.." we asked him if that made it right and he said..well it doesn't make it wrong does it.....BBBBBBSSSSSSS....

Here is a story in another state of someone doing exactly this...

Their reader sign now says 100% gas available.

Title: Phillips 66 gas station deceptively luring drivers
Post by: zstyles on May 13, 2008, 08:18:51 am
Please post the fact that you can get 100% gas in Berryhill at the 90/10 price everywhere else, while Reeders is adding an additional amount to the price for mixed?!?!?!

Call Berryhill, then call reeders
get the 100% gas price at both locations.

If they're the same, then NBD, but if reeders is 8 cents a gallon more, then have them explain why.

They sell more volume than berryhill does.

Title: Phillips 66 gas station deceptively luring drivers
Post by: zstyles on May 13, 2008, 08:19:36 am

Quit buying ethanol.

AGREED! I have not bought gas at QT in over two months.....

Title: Phillips 66 gas station deceptively luring drivers
Post by: sgrizzle on May 13, 2008, 09:05:23 am
Originally posted by YoungTulsan


Quit buying ethanol.

I would burn 100% ethanol for this reason.

If everyone would quit paying for CORN McNuggets and fries fried in CORN oil with their CORN coke and their apple pie drenched in CORN syrup and again fried in CORN oil then we wouldn't have this problem. In every single case CORN is used it is replacing healthier ingredients and only used because of the US governments push for corn production. If corn became harder to get we would use healthier oils, sugar, and other better ingredients. We wouldn't cute the US obesity problem but we'd make a big dent.

Title: Phillips 66 gas station deceptively luring drivers
Post by: patric on May 14, 2008, 05:50:27 pm
From 6's website:

INCOG's air quality expert says there is one thing is not helping Tulsa's air.  It's the ethanol blended fuel that is saving gasoline, but actually increases pollution.

"If you blend 10% ethanol into the gasoline, you increase the volatility of the gasoline and that increases emissions," said INCOG's Nancy Graham.

The pure gasoline some stations sell costs a little more, but it burns cleaner, according to Graham.

Regardless of the ethanol content, all Tulsa area stations will continue selling a lower polluting blend during the Ozone Season between June and September.

Title: Phillips 66 gas station deceptively luring drivers
Post by: patric on May 24, 2008, 10:05:06 pm
That station was up to $3.79 Saturday afternoon.

Title: Phillips 66 gas station deceptively luring drivers
Post by: Hoss on May 25, 2008, 02:18:40 am
Originally posted by zstyles


Quit buying ethanol.

AGREED! I have not bought gas at QT in over two months.....

Just because you're not buying it at QT doesn't mean everywhere else that doesn't explicitly mark it as pure is selling it that way.

Hell, even Sinclair stations (I have asked) are selling 5 percent ethanol.  That's better than most.

Title: Phillips 66 gas station deceptively luring drivers
Post by: joiei on May 25, 2008, 07:18:52 am
They now have stickers at each pump handle telling the customer if it is 100% or a blend and what the percentages of that blend are.  As for pricing, that station has always been a little higher in price than others in town consistently.  I know this and still go there to buy gas.  The mechanic who works there has done work on my car and has done an excellent job.

Title: Phillips 66 gas station deceptively luring drivers
Post by: moonovrmia on May 26, 2008, 08:22:58 am
Let me set you straight. On Jun 1 till Sep 15, Tulsa is required to meet 7.8 Lb. blend gas due Ozone restrictions. The remainder of the year it is 9.0lb gas. A 10% blend of ethanol takes the 7.8lb out of compliance, but there is a little hidden clause saying the use of 7.8lb gas is not mandatory. QT has been blending ethanol since last summer in their fuel. So.. what you will see is Tulsa having more Ozone day alerts  than we've seen in past years if temps are high, as the majority of all stations incld QT are blending ethanol. The state legis has mandated eff 7/1/08 all pumps must be stickered (orange) stating ethanol % blend. In the long run, you will be loosing MPG, thus filling your tanks more and in the long run, not saving anything. The ethanol hype in this country by utilizing food products, ie corn and soybean is making food prices across the nation increase (people and livestock). You can't compare the success of ethanol in Brazil (product is sugar cane).. it doesn't have a negative impact on the food chain and their base stock of crude is cheaper than the US..

Title: Phillips 66 gas station deceptively luring drivers
Post by: RecycleMichael on May 26, 2008, 09:45:27 am
Originally posted by moonovrmia

Let me set you straight. On Jun 1 till Sep 15, Tulsa is required to meet 7.8 Lb. blend gas due Ozone restrictions. The remainder of the year it is 9.0lb gas. A 10% blend of ethanol takes the 7.8lb out of compliance, but there is a little hidden clause saying the use of 7.8lb gas is not mandatory. QT has been blending ethanol since last summer in their fuel. So.. what you will see is Tulsa having more Ozone day alerts  than we've seen in past years if temps are high, as the majority of all stations incld QT are blending ethanol. The state legis has mandated eff 7/1/08 all pumps must be stickered (orange) stating ethanol % blend. In the long run, you will be loosing MPG, thus filling your tanks more and in the long run, not saving anything. The ethanol hype in this country by utilizing food products, ie corn and soybean is making food prices across the nation increase (people and livestock). You can't compare the success of ethanol in Brazil (product is sugar cane).. it doesn't have a negative impact on the food chain and their base stock of crude is cheaper than the US..

That is mostly correct. The 7.8 pound gas is not a requirement yet, but has been done voluntarily. If we go on the dirty air list, it would be required.

Title: Phillips 66 gas station deceptively luring drivers
Post by: nathanm on May 26, 2008, 10:50:13 am
Originally posted by patric

From 6's website:

INCOG's air quality expert says there is one thing is not helping Tulsa's air.  It's the ethanol blended fuel that is saving gasoline, but actually increases pollution.

"If you blend 10% ethanol into the gasoline, you increase the volatility of the gasoline and that increases emissions," said INCOG's Nancy Graham.

I was under the impression that ethanol was used for the same reason MTBE is. MTBE is definitely more mobile in groundwater should it be spilled.

As far as increased volitility increasing emissions, I'm not sure how that works on a modern fuel injected vehicle. Unless she's conflating emissions from evaporation at the pump, which could be fixed with 5 cents worth of rubber or plastic on the nozzle, with increased tailpipe pollution.

Title: Phillips 66 gas station deceptively luring drivers
Post by: patric on May 27, 2008, 11:59:45 am
Originally posted by RecycleMichaelThe 7.8 pound gas is not a requirement yet, but has been done voluntarily. If we go on the dirty air list, it would be required.

That's the "special blend" that comes from the Gulf of Mexico (rather than Coffeyville) right?