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Cherokee Casino looking for Indians to fill 1,000-

Started by zstyles, October 13, 2008, 10:11:26 AM

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Originally posted by swake

Originally posted by sauerkraut

I'm a bit old fashioned, but IMO I think government needs to get out of the business of telling companies who they can- and can't hire, and this also goes for telling land lords who they can and can't rent to. If a landlord does not want to rent to a gay couple (or whoever) because it's against his/her faith they should have that right it's their building. A company should have a right to hire anyone they want to as long as the person is a legal resident. I don't like government involved in matters that don't concern them. If I own a business and needed people to hire  I should have the right in a free country to hire anyone I want, after all I'm the one who is paying them..But that's just me. I don't like government in my personal life. The governments main job is  to defend the shores and deliver the mail. Not get involved in private companies hiring.

So then you are in favor of the Cherokee Nation hiring as employees whomever they see fit, even if that means there is a native preference in their hiring practice?

According to you, government should not interfere with who they want to hire.

Yes- But I favor letting all business hire who they want. It's a private business and they pay the workers so If some business wants to hire all green people from Mars more power to them. The government Telling a business they need to hire so many people of one race or so many people of this or that culture or risk legal action is wrong. I also believe Landlords should have the power to rent to who they want without getting sued for discrimation. We are supposed to be a free country. School testing for colleges should be the highest scores on the test make the grade and get accepted. What can be more fair than that? The students who study the hardest get the good grades, giving test points for skin color is wrong. The government needs to get out of people's business. If the Casino wants to hire 1,000 Indians I feel they should be allowed to it's their money and The free market. In Tulsa with low unemployment and a strong economy it will be tuff for the Casino to find 1,000 workers peroid of any race or culture, so they will have to really up the wages. The only thing unfair about this subject is that other companies are not allowed to hire who they want.
Proud Global  Warming Deiner! Earth Is Getting Colder NOT Warmer!


Well Sauerkraut that is the case in Mexico.  You often see Help Wanted signs that specify "Under Age 30" or "Male or Female" though I understand it is very difficult to fire an employee in Mexico.

I think one of the arguments for diverse campuses is that it provides a more well rounded experience for all students to be exposed to various cultures.  We live in a world where today's student will need to relate to people of various cultures in transacting business.

Maybe that's why diversity has not been as much of an issue for Tulsa's businesses.  Perhaps Tulsa's clientele is mostly local and not as diverse as one would find in an international city.  You know a Chinese businessman would relate well to a Chinese-American employee of an American business.  Might make the difference in whether or not the business got the contract or not.

And I have frequently seen law firms use an attorney of the same race as the plaintiff or defendant that opposes them.  I imagine it provides them with some advantage.


Originally posted by sauerkraut

Originally posted by swake

Originally posted by sauerkraut

I'm a bit old fashioned, but IMO I think government needs to get out of the business of telling companies who they can- and can't hire, and this also goes for telling land lords who they can and can't rent to. If a landlord does not want to rent to a gay couple (or whoever) because it's against his/her faith they should have that right it's their building. A company should have a right to hire anyone they want to as long as the person is a legal resident. I don't like government involved in matters that don't concern them. If I own a business and needed people to hire  I should have the right in a free country to hire anyone I want, after all I'm the one who is paying them..But that's just me. I don't like government in my personal life. The governments main job is  to defend the shores and deliver the mail. Not get involved in private companies hiring.

So then you are in favor of the Cherokee Nation hiring as employees whomever they see fit, even if that means there is a native preference in their hiring practice?

According to you, government should not interfere with who they want to hire.

Yes- But I favor letting all business hire who they want. It's a private business and they pay the workers so If some business wants to hire all green people from Mars more power to them. The government Telling a business they need to hire so many people of one race or so many people of this or that culture or risk legal action is wrong. I also believe Landlords should have the power to rent to who they want without getting sued for discrimation. We are supposed to be a free country. School testing for colleges should be the highest scores on the test make the grade and get accepted. What can be more fair than that? The students who study the hardest get the good grades, giving test points for skin color is wrong. The government needs to get out of people's business. If the Casino wants to hire 1,000 Indians I feel they should be allowed to it's their money and The free market. In Tulsa with low unemployment and a strong economy it will be tuff for the Casino to find 1,000 workers peroid of any race or culture, so they will have to really up the wages. The only thing unfair about this subject is that other companies are not allowed to hire who they want.

Ok, then Kraut, let's go back to the good 'ol days when you can say I don't hire black people because I don't like them. Let's not promote women because I prefer men, even those less qualified. Let's say it'd ok to not hire Indian because they are all drunks. And why should the government tell me I can't hire children and pay them what ever I think I can get away with. After all, it's my business isn't it?

"It's a private business and they pay the workers so If some business wants to hire all green people from Mars more power to them"
-Since there are no Green Mars men, you could translate that to be White Anglo Saxon Protestant middle class males, now couldn't you?

"The students who study the hardest get the good grades"
-Awful hard to study if you were born to poor innner city parents who have no education and you have to deal with shootings, burglaries, hunger, and drug dealers outside your house everyday. And when you get to school, most of your classmates are more interested in selling rocks than studying science. It's not that those kids aren't able to study and do well, it's just that the tables are slanted against them compared to the average Owasso or BA P.S. student. It takes more than average tenacity to succeed in that environment. Those kids need real help, not tests.

The point: Government regulation has done some great things for this country. And the public supports them. Nobody wants to go back to 1919 labor policies. Do you?


That's beside the whole Cherokee thing, they are sovereign and can do what they want.


Originally posted by cannon_fodder

I don't buy it Gold.  Tribal citizenship is based solely on race.   Cherokee Citizen = Cherokee Blood.  If you are not racially Cherokee, you can not be a tribal member.

Sorta.  You have to have an ancestor listed on the Dawes Rolls or other similar rolls to be allowed into the tribe.  You can be 100% Cherokee and not be in because your ancestor didn't register, but a 1/128 Cherokee gets full membership.  That is not fair.  Why don't they accept DNA proof of ethnicity?  If it's good enough to lock somebody in prison for life or to execute them, then why isn't it good enough for acceptance into a tribe?


Originally posted by cannon_fodder

Originally posted by Hometown

I know this isnt' affirmative action where we address past inequities but certainly there have been past inequities with hiring Native Americans.  I'm glad to see these people enjoy an advantage -- finally.

To "advantage" one group you have to disadvantage another.   By definition favoring one group over another is discriminating against some other group.   My ancestors were not in this country when Native Americans suffered the worst (we were busy being discriminated against in Bavaria).  

What did I do do deserve this discrimination against me (clearly I don't care about this instance, it's the principle of it and some people in my same situation do care)?  My ancestors never owned slaves.  

The answer to the past discrimination is to discriminate again.  I do believe two wrongs make a right and sons are supposed to be held responsible for the sins of their fathers.  Wait, I got that wrong...

At what point are all people, no matter what blood they have or what color their skin is, going to be treated equally?

What about those who are part Native American and part white?  Do they have to flog themselves?