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Christmas Tree Tops BOk Center

Started by dsjeffries, December 14, 2006, 03:48:54 PM

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Tulsa World, 12/14/2006:
Link to story

A fresh evergreen tree was hoisted atop the BOK Center's massive concrete structure Wednesday to show a bit of holiday spirit and to follow an old construction tradition.

"Williams Construction placed the tree up there because they are close to topping off their portion of the work, possibly over the holiday week," Project Director Bart Boatright said. "Since we're in the Christmas season, they thought it was appropriate."

Tulsa-based Williams Construction won the bidding earlier this year to create the arena's cast-in-place concrete skeleton that looms over the downtown site.

The concrete structure will be completed soon. The steel structure that will reach 30 feet higher will be erected beginning early next year.

The tradition of "topping out" has roots in both Scandinavian and American Indian cultures.

Builders often attach a fresh tree when the final beam of a structure is put into place, according to a history of the custom.

An evergreen can be a symbol of many things: nature's contribution to the building process, the job being done without the loss of life, the birth of a new building, and good luck
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for the future occupants.

Scandinavian mythology suggests that humans originated from trees and that souls return to trees after death.

When a shelter is constructed using a tree's wood, the topmost leafy branch is to be set on the roof so that the tree's spirit is not homeless.

Vikings in their conquering travels spread the custom throughout the world.

The American Indian tradition grew out of the belief that no manmade structure should be taller than a tree.

Tulsa's BOK Center is scheduled to open in September 2008 and is being funded with $178 million from the Vision 2025 Tulsa County sales-tax initiative.


Foul.  That's breaking with tradition, and misleading to those who see it. That's not the final, uppermost beam. What's this world coming to?[:P]
"When you only have two pennies left in the world, buy a loaf of bread with one, and a lily with the other."-Chinese proverb. "Arts a staple. Like bread or wine or a warm coat in winter. Those who think it is a luxury have only a fragment of a mind. Mans spirit grows hungry for art in the same way h


Caption for the picture:

"Tulsa attempts a last ditch effort at satisfying the tree-huggers."

"Tree decides to commit suicide over huge loss at casino."

"Christmas is a b&%@*!"