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Big Splash has not paid 2007 rent

Started by Hoss, June 28, 2008, 09:39:32 AM

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Friendly Bear

Originally posted by Hoss


Back when I was a tenant, if my rent was even FIVE days late, I got a call from the landlord.


Must be different when the County Goobermint is the landlord.

Let's see if we can piece this puzzle together:

A.  The County Fairgrounds Authority kicks out the highest and longest-tenured paying tenant, Bell's Amusement Park, because they don't have a "viable" business plan.

B.  The Co. Fairgrounds Authority keeps Murphy Bros./Big Splash, that "forgot" to pay their 2007 rent for the past eight months.

C.  The County Fairgrounds Authority forgets to cash their rent check from 2006, that sort of enhances Murphy's a very favorable "cash-flow" position.

D.  And, the County Fairground Authority gives Murphy a 10 year No-Bid contract to run the Tulsa State Fair Midway.

E. Oh, and it lets them ignore a State Order to replace rotten wooden support beams on their water slides.

Thanks for checking on County business, Mr. Small-ego.

And, we handed these Yahoos another 6/10 Sales Tax for the next 13 years??

A BILLION New Tax dollars being managed by the County Goobermint?



Double A

Originally posted by Friendly Bear

Originally posted by Hoss


Back when I was a tenant, if my rent was even FIVE days late, I got a call from the landlord.  Promptly.

Must be different when the County Goobermint is the landlord.

Let's see if we can piece this puzzle together:

A.  Kick out the highest paying tenant Bell's Amusement Park because they don't have a "viable" business plan.

B.  Keep Murphy Bros./Big Splash that "forgot" to pay their 2007 rent for the past eight months.

C.  Forget to cash their rent check from 2006 that sort of gives Murphy a favorable "cash-flow" incentive.

D.  And, give Murphy a 10 year No-Bid contract to run the Tulsa State Fair Midway.

E. Oh, and let them ignore a State Order to replace rotten wooden support beams on their water slides.

Thanks for checking on County business, Mr. Small-ego.

Ahem, that's Commissioner Small I.Q.
The clash of ideas is the sound of freedom. Ars Longa, Vita Brevis!

Friendly Bear

Originally posted by swake

Contributions to make this all stop can be made here:

I think while Karen seems to be a nice person, I don't think that being a TV newsperson necessarily qualifies her.

It does make her a very good communicator.

That is why former Mayor Major MisFortunate hired her, apparently.  

It also shows you that:

A)  Bill LaFortune was a RINO, what with hiring Democrats.

B)  LaFortunate was Dumber than a dirt-clod by positioning a future Democrat adversary in local government.  

You don't see Gov. Brad Henry appointing ANY Republicans, do you?

C)  Karen's husband is a local heriditary scion of the legal Paladin's who represent the moneyed establishment:  

Pat Malloy III.

Assigned to act as Bankruptcy Trustee for:


See..... Oh, NOTHING to see here; just MOVE ON.

His grandfather was a local rainmaker attorney, about on par with the reputed Prince of Darkness Charles Norman, and Charles Gotwals.

Remember, Ms. "Keith" helped debate and agitate for the Vision 2025 13-year new County Sales tax.  

Shows she probably doesn't have a ounce of conscience, being quite happy to take another 6/10 cent sales tax from Tulsa's poorest and neediest.  

Maybe she can comp them a ticket at the new BOK Arena to make amends.  

They sure can't EVER afford a ticket there.  

I'm sure they are just happy to be able to GIVE more to the local ruling Oligarch Families.

Keith's candidacy is her reward from the local power establishment for prior services rendered.

They want another County sales tax, and they've used up Commissioner Randi Miller.  

Miller has no more credibility, and is now instantly disposable from their viewpoint.
Sorry, Randy:  You're no longer useful to them.  


It's starting to happen with Ms. Kitty Taylor, too.  

$7,000,000 paid to BOK when it's not owed by the City until Mrs. Kitty decides just last week to add the City of Tulsa as a Defendant to the lawsuit. How devious!

$80 million for a new city hall w/ 30-year back-loaded, financing.

Similar 30-year financing for the proposed $60 million minor league ball park downtown.

Taylor's political capital is being rapidly depreciated to ingratiate herself with the local ruling Power Establishment to attain higher office:  

U.S. Congresswoman Kitty.

Governor Kitty.

Sinator Kitty.

Poor Kitty.  

Don't you know they are NEVER happy?

They have one simple paradigm:  

They NEED to FEED their GREED.

And, they are ALWAYS hungry.

Doesn't she know when her CREDIBILITY is used up, she'll be tossed aside like last week's Lorton's World newspaper?

Poor, poor Kitty.  

Poor thing.




Murphy said Friday that Big Splash had yet to pay its 2007 rent for two reasons: The park wanted to discuss the possibility of being compensated for revenue that she contends was lost when its parking lot was torn up last year as part of an overall reconstruction project at the fairgrounds; and the park was waiting to be paid about $120,000 from a sponsorship deal with Coca-Cola.

1. You can not withhold payment on a lease because of another dispute AND the water park will bennefit from the construction work. Essentially, the County was redoing the water park's parking lot.

2. "We don't have the money to pay our rent."

Wasn't the fear of that the reason excuse used to kick out Bell's?  Now Big Splash blatantly comes out and says they don't have the cash to pay rent.  Which is worse, fear of a business plan that might someday lead to not being able to pay rent... or coming out and saying you can't pay rent?
- - - -

CLEARLY favorable treatment of one County tenant over another.  Does anyone even argue otherwise?
- - - - - - - - -
I crush grooves.


Get rid of Big Splash. It is an embarrasment to the city, not to mention a run down safety hazard death trap.


FB, you owe it to yourself to get to know Karen Keith a little better.  I think she will bring some integrity back to the County Commission.

FWIW, she refused to accept contributions from the Murphy's.

"It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first" -Ronald Reagan


Originally posted by Conan71

FB, you owe it to yourself to get to know Karen Keith a little better.  I think she will bring some integrity back to the County Commission.

FWIW, she refused to accept contributions from the Murphy's.

Murphy's afraid their prize horse won't win this one?

Double A

Originally posted by swake

Contributions to make this all stop can be made here:

Contributions to her are contributions to the status quo. Karen Keith and Randi Miller are different sides of the same coin. BTW, there's lots of fluff and self aggrandizing on her website, but nothing about where she stands on the issues or what she will do as a County Commissioner. The fact that she asks for a minimum contribution of $100 from contributors tells me all I need to know about who she will be representing if elected.
The clash of ideas is the sound of freedom. Ars Longa, Vita Brevis!

Double A

Originally posted by Conan71

FB, you owe it to yourself to get to know Karen Keith a little better.  I think she will bring some integrity back to the County Commission.

FWIW, she refused to accept contributions from the Murphy's.

BFD. She's not stupid enough to take contributions from the Murphys(which would be political suicide in this race). No way in Hell will I vote for Karen Keith.
The clash of ideas is the sound of freedom. Ars Longa, Vita Brevis!

Friendly Bear

Originally posted by TulsaSooner

You're nuts.

Thanks for the feedback.

Can you be a little more specific?

Thanks again.


Friendly Bear

Originally posted by Conan71

FB, you owe it to yourself to get to know Karen Keith a little better.  I think she will bring some integrity back to the County Commission.

FWIW, she refused to accept contributions from the Murphy's.

I know that she was a paid promoter on the taxpayer's payroll agitating for a new, 13-year 6/10 sales tax:

Vision 2025.

A new regressive sales tax that hits the poor and middle-class the hardest.

A new tax intended to line the pockets of the local ruling Oligarchy Families:

Rooney and Flint (Tulsa Vision Builders), and Lorton and Kaiser (50/50 split on the No-Bid Revenue Bonds).  $100,000,000's and $100,000,000's in yummy new steaming hot TAX gravy.

If it comes right down to it, in a race between Miller and Keith, I'd probably vote for Miller, since she's all used up politically anyway, and therefore poses less future risk to the body politic.

People know when Randy Miller opens her mouth, that a new tax is coming.

Karen Keith is more dangerous.



Originally posted by Friendly Bear

Originally posted by TulsaSooner

You're nuts.

Thanks for the feedback.

Can you be a little more specific?

Thanks again.


Specifically, your turning a Big Splash failure to pay rent thread into a rant against the Mayor for starters.
