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Bowling Balls for World Peace

Started by RecycleMichael, July 05, 2008, 08:21:37 AM

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The wife saw this on craigslist...

Please help build the World Peace Monument bowling balls

Please Help Build the World Peace Monument. I need 8,436 unwanted Bowling Balls to use as stones in this monument. The World Peace Monument is non-denominational, multi-racial, and is not a Political Statement. Please contact Richard L. Branaman 918-282-5405 for more Info.
Power is nothing till you use it.


You know... I just happen to have a bright blue bowling ball that I used as a kid. And now it can be used for World Peace. Who knew? [:D]

What flea market btw? lol

"When you only have two pennies left in the world, buy a loaf of bread with one, and a lily with the other."-Chinese proverb. "Arts a staple. Like bread or wine or a warm coat in winter. Those who think it is a luxury have only a fragment of a mind. Mans spirit grows hungry for art in the same way h



Monument of faith

By MATT GLEASON World Scene Writer
Last Modified: 4/30/2007  12:20 PM

Building peace - one bowling ball at a time

Richard L. Branaman felt empty the day two skyscrapers tumbled to the ground in New York City.

Then, some six months later, he passed a Sept. 11, 2001, monument along Interstate 244 and wondered why there couldn't be reminders of something other than disasters that hollow a man out.
entire article >

I wonder if he's still around!?

Great American Flea Market
9210-9244 East Admiral Place
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74115


Originally posted by mrB


Monument of faith

By MATT GLEASON World Scene Writer
Last Modified: 4/30/2007  12:20 PM

Building peace - one bowling ball at a time

Richard L. Branaman felt empty the day two skyscrapers tumbled to the ground in New York City.

Then, some six months later, he passed a Sept. 11, 2001, monument along Interstate 244 and wondered why there couldn't be reminders of something other than disasters that hollow a man out.
entire article >

I wonder if he's still around!?

Great American Flea Market
9210-9244 East Admiral Place
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74115

Don't know, but I wish they'd have traffic control at that damn flea market.  I hate driving on Admiral on the weekends.  I try to avoid it, although since I live so close to it, it is difficult to avoid.

Sardonicus Rex

Originally posted by mrB


Monument of faith

By MATT GLEASON World Scene Writer
Last Modified: 4/30/2007  12:20 PM

Building peace - one bowling ball at a time

Richard L. Branaman felt empty the day two skyscrapers tumbled to the ground in New York City.

Then, some six months later, he passed a Sept. 11, 2001, monument along Interstate 244 and wondered why there couldn't be reminders of something other than disasters that hollow a man out.
entire article >

I wonder if he's still around!?

Great American Flea Market
9210-9244 East Admiral Place
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74115

I think so. I walked through that flea market a few months ago (a definite sociological experience, btw) and saw a display regarding the monument inside.


I always thought my balls could save the world...