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Corporation Commission question

Started by Ed W, July 18, 2008, 12:27:19 PM

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Ed W

As I was going into the grocery store, a uniformed, armed officer was coming out.  I didn't recognize the uniform, but he got into a car marked Corporation Commission - Transportation Enforcement.  He looked good in the currently-fashionable paramilitary duds.  

Why does the Corporation Commission have armed, apparently sworn officers?

May you live in interesting times.


Originally posted by Ed W

As I was going into the grocery store, a uniformed, armed officer was coming out.  I didn't recognize the uniform, but he got into a car marked Corporation Commission - Transportation Enforcement.  He looked good in the currently-fashionable paramilitary duds.  

Why does the Corporation Commission have armed, apparently sworn officers?

Thats easy.  OK Corporation Commission has
truck cops.

From their web page,

       The Motor Carrier and Motor Vehicle Enforcement Department monitors for-hire and private motor carrier and commercial motor vehicle compliance with state statutes, Commission rules and federal regulations governing interstate and intrastate for-hire and private motor carriers and commercial motor vehicles.  The Enforcement Department also performs overweight audits of motor carriers and shippers and oversees the building of truck yard wash pits used to temporarily store deleterious substances.

Kind of funny in OK, they have a "Corporation
Commission" but to register a corp, set one up, etc, just like most other states, you go to the Secretary of state.....