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Multi-use trail etiquette

Started by Ed W, July 16, 2008, 06:14:24 PM

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Originally posted by sauerkraut

Originally posted by nathanm

Originally posted by sauerkraut

A dog can spoil the fun for many people not to mention the dog poop all over. JMO.[:)]

I don't know about an outright ban, but dog owners are pretty ridiculous about not picking up the surprises they leave for everyone else. I was riding my bike through inteller's neighborhood the other day and saw several piles of similar looking poo in the middle of the street.

It looked like the Jenks pedestrian bridge, which has been littered with hundreds of little bundles of joy the last few times I've ridden across it.

Yep. It's time the city puts a stop to that. people want dogs but don't want to clean up after them. They walk dogs in public so others have to clean up the dog poo. Dogs should be banned at all public parks. With the new dog parks Tulsa has let the dog owners go there. All that dog poo is a health hazzard and can ruin a picnic in a park. One dog can spoil it for a lot of people and many people like to have more than one dog.[B)]

I love the story about a community in Canada, i think. They faced the dog poo problem as well. They didn't have enough money to fund a clean up effort or serious enforcement. Their solution was to buy large quantities of peanut butter. They then hired temporary employees to go around town and smear the peanut butter on the dog poo.

When the owners watched in horror as their dogs ate each other's droppings, the problem solved itself.


Originally posted by charky

Originally posted by sauerkraut

Originally posted by BKDotCom

Off topic:
Does the bridge on the creek turnpike trail (creek & 169) exist yet?
The one on this map
Several months ago I noticed they'd started on it... might head this way this weekend... if there's a bridge.

That map link is great and so are the pictures. The only bad thing about the Creek Trail is the street crossings. When I'm doing a hard run the last thing I want to do is stop for crossing a street and car traffic. I lose time and I break my pace. Tulsa has been really busy building and expanding alot of trails. I'd like to see the RiverSide trail expanded farther south and a full trail on the west bank of the river. That Turkey Mountain trail is all dirt (or it was), I don't like running on dirt trails and when it rains it's all mud- Unless they have paved it over since I was last there, I ran there last in the summer of 2007 hoping to find a west bank trail, I saw the dirt trail and turned around. Some people ride horses there.

Not sure about the 169 bridge. I'll ask a co-worker that runs the Creek Turnpike trail every so often.

The west side trail is fully paved all the way to 71st now. You can take it from 11th Street...go south...and you'll end up at the trail head at Turkey Mtn. Trail starts back up at the south end of the parking lot...and it'll take you back east across 71st Street.

The trails at Turkey Mtn. are a lot of fun. I try to get a 4-6 mile trail run in once every week or two. Great change of pace (literally) and very challenging.

I went around there the thru the south side and just seen a dirt trail and two people on horseback unless I went the wrong way to find the west bank trail. I parked at the lot across from the QT store on RiverSide Drive and I ran over the white Jenks bridge and followed  the jogging trail west it soon ended after about a mile and turned north for about 1/4 mile and ended at the dirt trail & dirt parking lot. A sign just said "Turkey Mountain" I turned around and headed back. I was hoping to find a west bank trail that went all the way down to 101st street from 11th street. I did see a west bank jogging trail as I drove over the I-44 bridge but had no idea where it goes.
Proud Global  Warming Deiner! Earth Is Getting Colder NOT Warmer!


[/quote] I did see a west bank jogging trail as I drove over the I-44 bridge but had no idea where it goes.

What you saw WAS the westbank trail. The westbank trail is not developed from 71st to Jenks yet, if ever.  Turkey Mountain is at 71st and Elwood, north of Jenks.  You could park in the same spot take the east bank trail north to 71st, go under the 71st street bridge and then over to the westbank and T-mountain.  Hope this helps.


OK- Thanks for the info. I only hope that one day soon Tulsa will extend the west bank trail all the way down to 101st street.
Proud Global  Warming Deiner! Earth Is Getting Colder NOT Warmer!