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The Eagles. Anyone able to get tickets?

Started by Ibanez, July 21, 2008, 10:56:05 AM

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FOTD, we went over this circle before.  Many if not most of the TOP TIER pro sport cities have scalping laws.  I would go back and list them all again, but you didn't figure it out then so you won't figure it out now.  Or, as usual, just don't care what the facts are.

Scalpers do stand to possibly lose some money.  But their goal is to drive the price up and profit.  They are not providing a service, they are not supplying a commodity, they are another tier of distribution with the express purpose of raising prices and earning themselves profit.

Generally society frowns on people who are just out to increase the cost to everyone else for personal gain.  It is a market externality.  Again, I am not raising a coherent argument for banning the practice - just saying it is not beneficial to anyone but scalpers and people wealthy enough to not care about the price hike.

[edit]Tickets are going for 2.5 to 5 times face value.  Explain to me who this is benefiting? [/edit]
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I crush grooves.


Originally posted by cannon_fodder
Tickets are going for 2.5 to 5 times face value.  Explain to me who this is benefiting?

I hope me.

I bought four extra tickets together that I plan to sell. I just don't want to be arrested for it.

The city council put off further discussion for two weeks. Do I wait and try to get the most money for my tickets and risk government intervention or do I sell now and bank the cash?

Capitalism is so new to me. Working for a non-profit teaches me bad habits.
Power is nothing till you use it.


Originally posted by cannon_fodder

FOTD, we went over this circle before.  Many if not most of the TOP TIER pro sport cities have scalping laws.  I would go back and list them all again, but you didn't figure it out then so you won't figure it out now.  Or, as usual, just don't care what the facts are.

Scalpers do stand to possibly lose some money.  But their goal is to drive the price up and profit.  They are not providing a service, they are not supplying a commodity, they are another tier of distribution with the express purpose of raising prices and earning themselves profit.

Generally society frowns on people who are just out to increase the cost to everyone else for personal gain.  It is a market externality.  Again, I am not raising a coherent argument for banning the practice - just saying it is not beneficial to anyone but scalpers and people wealthy enough to not care about the price hike.

[edit]Tickets are going for 2.5 to 5 times face value.  Explain to me who this is benefiting? [/edit]

"Most" don't make it right. Oh, but doing things the way every other city does makes it correct.

The price of oil is beneficial to producers and those wealthy enough to not worry about the price hike.

Capitalism sux? Scalpers do provide a big service to some of us.

"they are another tier of distribution with the express purpose of raising prices and earning themselves profit." Those dern used car salesmen.

RM's comment was at least very funny. Yours CF, tough sheet if you got left out of Eagle tickets or refuse to pay more. Go buy the CD. Free enterprise for corporations only!?


You said we regulations as proposed are for a "third tier city."  I pointed our that is totally false.  And you merely changed the slant of your argument and assumed the new facts.  You do this consistently, just throwing stuff at the wall and seeing if it sticks.

Integrity would be admitting when you are wrong.
- - -

I wouldn't pay face value ($50-150) to see the Eagles.  That is not my issue.  Nor, if you read, am I advocating a ban.

I'm merely saying that scalpers provide market externalities.  They aim to manipulate the market to their advantage.  Market manipulation is universally accepted as a (the) reason for governments to regulate.

If we wanted a pure market based ticket scheme all tickets would be auctioned off.  As it stands, the prices are at least in part set so a variety of peoples can attend.  Scalpers help ensure that only the wealthiest people can enjoy entertainment at the new BOk Center.

If that serves your purpose, then just say so.  Stop making up pathetic shotgun arguments.

Market manipulation on commodities is illegal.  Point to a company engaged and regulated by the US and you will be a very wealthy man.  Unfortunately, LUC OIL, Nigerian Oil, and all of OPEC are outside of US regulations and thus we do not control enough of the market to stop their manipulation.  We control the entire market at the BOk center, thus, the analogy fails.

Used car salesmen is just a pathetic analogy.  The similarities with buying a product at a fixed price so that one can then manipulate the price simply doesn't apply.  It's hardly worthy of discussion.

You have not attempted to raise a coherent argument supporting their bennefit as a market force, to the majority consumers, nor to the city, region, or venue.  If you want to have a discussion, put in a little effort.  Certainly one can be made, but you are either unwilling or unable to form a coherent argument.  Try harder.
- - - - - - - - -
I crush grooves.


Originally posted by FOTD

Originally posted by Conan71

Why should a select few people be allowed to drive up the price on everyone, when there would be no need to pay more than face value  if these parasites were barred from plying their trade?

It manipulates the market unnecessarily.  Not much different than someone buying up large chunks of oil or some other commodity simply to drive the price up.  

The idea of paying some greaseball with a mullett twice face value of a ticket or more  makes my blood boil.  

Blood boiler:

NEWS! Price elasticity.....there's the possibility the price goes down!

I saw some people outside Cains last night just asking face value. I have attended many events where I bargained for a lower price.

Of course, Tulsa is a third tier city and should be regulated like one.

So Conan, you feel the police should be re prioritized by councilors?

It's not needed.  There's normal event security who can handle it.  

"It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first" -Ronald Reagan


Originally posted by Conan71

Originally posted by FOTD

Originally posted by Conan71

Why should a select few people be allowed to drive up the price on everyone, when there would be no need to pay more than face value  if these parasites were barred from plying their trade?

It manipulates the market unnecessarily.  Not much different than someone buying up large chunks of oil or some other commodity simply to drive the price up.  

The idea of paying some greaseball with a mullett twice face value of a ticket or more  makes my blood boil.  

Blood boiler:

NEWS! Price elasticity.....there's the possibility the price goes down!

I saw some people outside Cains last night just asking face value. I have attended many events where I bargained for a lower price.

Of course, Tulsa is a third tier city and should be regulated like one.

So Conan, you feel the police should be re prioritized by councilors?

It's not needed.  There's normal event security who can handle it.  

Volunteer vigilantes?


Originally posted by cannon_fodder

You said we regulations as proposed are for a "third tier city."  I pointed our that is totally false.  And you merely changed the slant of your argument and assumed the new facts.  You do this consistently, just throwing stuff at the wall and seeing if it sticks.

Integrity would be admitting when you are wrong.
- - -

I wouldn't pay face value ($50-150) to see the Eagles.  That is not my issue.  Nor, if you read, am I advocating a ban.

I'm merely saying that scalpers provide market externalities.  They aim to manipulate the market to their advantage.  Market manipulation is universally accepted as a (the) reason for governments to regulate.

If we wanted a pure market based ticket scheme all tickets would be auctioned off.  As it stands, the prices are at least in part set so a variety of peoples can attend.  Scalpers help ensure that only the wealthiest people can enjoy entertainment at the new BOk Center.

If that serves your purpose, then just say so.  Stop making up pathetic shotgun arguments.

Market manipulation on commodities is illegal.  Point to a company engaged and regulated by the US and you will be a very wealthy man.  Unfortunately, LUC OIL, Nigerian Oil, and all of OPEC are outside of US regulations and thus we do not control enough of the market to stop their manipulation.  We control the entire market at the BOk center, thus, the analogy fails.

Used car salesmen is just a pathetic analogy.  The similarities with buying a product at a fixed price so that one can then manipulate the price simply doesn't apply.  It's hardly worthy of discussion.

You have not attempted to raise a coherent argument supporting their bennefit as a market force, to the majority consumers, nor to the city, region, or venue.  If you want to have a discussion, put in a little effort.  Certainly one can be made, but you are either unwilling or unable to form a coherent argument.  Try harder.

Massive debator.....