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Starbucks stores closing

Started by zstyles, July 18, 2008, 12:05:49 PM

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Originally posted by Steve

If every Starbucks store in the U.S. closed, it would not be a great loss, or a loss by any means.  You can make a cup of cofee to your liking at home for 1/12 the price they charge at these rip-off joints like Starbucks.

Holy Jeez, there's a world outside your neighborhood...crotchety old fuddy duddy.  Is your name Statler or Waldorf?


I think that make-over they did a while ago hurt them. The coffee was over priced and they lost that old time coffee shop feeling with the make-over. They bit off more than they could chew. It makes no matter to me since I don't drink coffee. It was just a fad.
Proud Global  Warming Deiner! Earth Is Getting Colder NOT Warmer!


Originally posted by OUGrad05

I've never understood the hate for starbucks.  They're a great american company that pays decent wages, gives benefits to part time workers and offers a good career path to those willing to subject themselves to the throws of working retail.

Because going to the local joint where the guy is a prick is a better experience...not that I'm talking about anyone in particular...


Originally posted by deinstein

Originally posted by OUGrad05

I've never understood the hate for starbucks.  They're a great american company that pays decent wages, gives benefits to part time workers and offers a good career path to those willing to subject themselves to the throws of working retail.

Because going to the local joint where the guy is a prick is a better experience...not that I'm talking about anyone in particular... wouldn't be talking about Doublesnot would you?


Starbucks was just under an over-zealous expansion campaign, and it bit them in the donkey.  Tulsa is a perfect example of their problem: why was it necessary to have a Starbucks at 71st & Memorial, 81st & Mingo, Woodland Hills Mall, and 71st & Garnett?  There's two Starbucks just within the airport!


Originally posted by Steve

If every Starbucks store in the U.S. closed, it would not be a great loss, or a loss by any means.  You can make a cup of cofee to your liking at home for 1/12 the price they charge at these rip-off joints like Starbucks.

You are correct Steve, but you miss the point of Starbucks entire business.  The consumer perceives Starbucks coffee to be completely different than that good old fashioned home-brew.  The coffee shop is a romanticized atmosphere in many aspects of American culture, and people are buying the actual coffee-shop experience as much as the coffee itself.

Their marketing worked on millions of people.