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Started by cks511, July 23, 2008, 10:32:08 AM

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What do you have to do to the eggs so you can eat them?  How do you get a yolk as opposed to bloody little chick fetus?


Originally posted by Rex

What do you have to do to the eggs so you can eat them?  How do you get a yolk as opposed to bloody little chick fetus?

The only way you get a chick is if you have a rooster, which we don't.

Hens will lay eggs nearly daily, regardless.

Funny ... I initially thought this was a strange question, but I grew up in the country, where knowledge like this is a given.


Originally posted by Rex

What do you have to do to the eggs so you can eat them?
Cook them....Scrambled or fried over EZ is my preferred method.  Try eggs with a side of  buttered toast or biscuits and gravy, maybe a breakfast burrito.
Originally posted by Rex

How do you get a yolk as opposed to bloody little chick fetus?

Collect the eggs daily and the yolks have no time to become a bloody little chick fetus. Even if the hen has been bred by a rooster, it takes a setting hen's body heat 21 days to incubate the yolk into a chick.  

Though the eggs and butchered chickens that are sold in this area come from a factory in Bristow, Springdale or from the Pilgrims in Kilgore, TX...the basic biology is the same. Some eggs become chickens and some are served up every morning.