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Does anyone else post on the

Started by zstyles, October 10, 2008, 05:10:18 PM

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Originally posted by tulsa1603

I go there to read the news and wind up with a headache after reading the comment section.  Gotta stop doing that to myself - but it's just too tempting.

Don't I know it. I can't help but look and see how many ill-informed people have to chime in on each and every news story. It's actually a pleasure when I get a chance to read a news story at 6 in the morning before people have commented.


I reaally try not to scroll down to the blog, but sometimes I can't help myself. I end up seeing something very misinformed and I respond to it. Of course it's futile. So much misdirected anger there.


I don't post and I try to avoid reading that ignorant cesspool. I can even save you the time of reading the comments, here's the content of 99% of the posts there, no matter what the story is about.

"The city sucks, Obama is a socialist muslim, Kathy Taylor and her cronies are corrupt, go Sooners."


Swake, I thought for a minute there I was ready the Tulsa worlds web site. You absolutely nailed that one except for the part that they are the only ones that know everything and have inside information that they will not tell anyone.


Swake, you forgot to add:

"Blame the Mexicans...and kill the lawyers."

Everytime a lawyer story is on the TW they go nuts insulting them. A guy was killed in a car wreck last Christmas when two lawyers were racing and there was a feeding frenzy about the man wjo died.  No compassion, no regard for whether the family might be reading the posts, just a lot of hateful, nasty evil bile.


The articles are enough to make one puke by themselves.

"Agenda-Driven News" for $0.50 $0.75, $1.75 $2.00 on Sunday.


Locally owned paper > not locally owned paper with no local news coverage

Don't believe everything you read.