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It's Illegal To Have Pets in Car on Lap...

Started by Rowdy, October 06, 2007, 11:05:19 AM

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Originally posted by Rowdy

Originally posted by Wilbur

It is really rocket science to know how dangerous it is to have a dog bouncing around in your lap while you drive?  Really?  It's sad you even need a law like that on the books.

You wouldn't have your kid there (actually, some folks do)!  Do we not realize, if you have to take evasive action, the dog is in the way?

And Councilor Christiansen, thanks for putting dogs in the lap a higher priority then traffic safety.  And for blasting a police officer for doing his job.

Once again, we have folks who don't understand those pesky little 1400 collisions every month in this town and that all of them are preventable.  But, no, we are in need of doing just about everything else BUT driving that 4000 pound slab of steel down the road.


How about the police take care of business like all the murders and everything else going on instead of paying officers to pull people over for pets not buckled in. I for one take my dog every month or two to the vet and let her sit on the floorboard of the passenger side.  If I get a ticket, fine.  But theres a difference between having a buckled-in pooch and one sitting on a lap.  

Get over yourself Wilbur.

A dog sitting ANYPLACE in your car is not illegal, nor do they have to be buckled up (much to the dismay of PETA).  But sitting in the driver's lap is the problem and is against the law.  Sorry you don't understand the problem.

And why do you blame the police for the law?  They didn't put it in place, but your legislature/council is the one who demands the police enforce it (who else is there?).  Find that law silly?  Fine, do away with it.  Very simple.  But I can honestly tell you, dogs in laps cause wrecks.  Not frequent, but it happens.


I'm sure there are accidents in correlation with lap-sitting Wilbur.  Be it animal or human. [:D]