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Started by Gaspar, March 20, 2008, 09:41:31 AM

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Originally posted by Conan71

I'm calling BS or urban myth.

I find numbers like that to be somewhat suspect.  I fail to see how something between a 125cc to 300cc engine burning a half gallon of gas in one hour will put out as much hydrocarbon as a 4000cc engine ('92 Explorer V-6 is a 4.0 liter) burning 1533 gallons of gas (assuming 15 mpg) over a year's time.

I can see where the lawn mower will have higher emissions for 1/2 gallon of gas over a smog-equipped car or truck- that much makes sense, but not 1/2 gallon of gas generating more emissions than 1533 gallons of gas.  Just doesn't even compute.

Please feel free to straighten me out on this point.

I'm just quoting what the website said.  It does seem a bit high.  The environmental issue is only one reason for using a push reel mower or an electric reel mower, it's the effect on the lawn that makes it really worth while.  They just make it look better.  I guess that's why reel mowers are used on golf courses?

I'm probably going to buy one of the electric models this spring as long as they are not too much heaver.  My dad wants my old mechanical model, and I'd like to try one out.

I looked at Depot yesterday and noticed that they have the bottom of the line mechanical models.  I'd shy away from those because the gear inside the wheels that drives the rotor does not drive it fast enough, and the wheels will stick, making it harder to push.

When attacked by a mob of clowns, always go for the juggler.


I've done some checking around the Internet, and it seems indisputable that gasoline lawn mowers do pollute more than cars.

That's because cars have a ton of pollutant-suppressing devices in the engine (catalytic converters, EGR valves, etc.). Gas engine lawn mowers have none.

And don't get me started on two-cycle engines. Yeesh.


Originally posted by rwarn17588

I've done some checking around the Internet, and it seems indisputable that gasoline lawn mowers do pollute more than cars.

That's because cars have a ton of pollutant-suppressing devices in the engine (catalytic converters, EGR valves, etc.). Gas engine lawn mowers have none.

And don't get me started on two-cycle engines. Yeesh.

For a given amount of fuel burned, yes.  Comparing emissions from 1/2 gal of fuel vs. 1533 sounds like a fairy tale.
"It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first" -Ronald Reagan


I don't know Conan.  I just found this article that has some EPA figures.

Traditional gas-powered lawn mowers are responsible for 5 percent of the nation's air pollution, according to the Environmental Protection Agency, which recently created emission regulations for small engines like those that lawn mowers use. One gas mower running for an hour emits the same amount of pollutants as eight new cars driving 55 mph for the same amount of time, according to the Union of Concerned Scientists.  From The Daily American

and I found this graphic that makes me laugh for some reason.

. . . and this from CNN:
A typical 3.5 horsepower gas mower, for instance, can emit the same amount of VOCs -- key precursors to smog -- in an hour as a new car driven 340 miles, say industry experts.

The replacement of every 500 gas mowers with non-motorized mowers would spare the air

212 pounds of hydrocarbons
(smog ingredient)
1.7 pounds of nitrogen oxides
(smog ingredient)
5.6 pounds of irritating particles 1,724 pounds of carbon dioxide

garden equipment users spill 17 million gallons of fuel each year...more petroleum than spilled by the Exxon Valdez in the Gulf of Alaska.
CNN Onine
When attacked by a mob of clowns, always go for the juggler.


Gaspar, Those are much more plausible numbers re: 8 cars driven at 55 MPH for same amount of time as the mower.  

I can buy that, but 23,000 miles, especially with 1992 emissions controls that was a whopper!

"It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first" -Ronald Reagan


Yeah they are really all over the map on this topic.  Needless to say, small engines are dirty little buggers.
When attacked by a mob of clowns, always go for the juggler.


I looked it up and saw various statistics.  But it seems the comparison is:  one small 2 stroke motor (chainsaw, lawn mower, blower) for one hour = driving an average car 3,000 miles.  For some pollutants it was more, for others it was far less.  

2 stroke engines burn oil - which is much less refined.  They do not have catalytic converters.  They are not as finely tuned as most cars.  They lack electronic control for air intake, fuel ratios, and complex injection systems.  

Snow mobiles, two stroke motor cycles (including old scooters that get 100000 mpg), and 2 stroke boat motors are equally bad polluters.  Snow mobiles are particularly bad (large 2 stroke engines), Yellowstone actually had smog at times in the winter until they banned them (not to mention the noise of one can be heard for 10+ square miles!).

Interesting calculator:
- - -

I'd get a REEL.  But I'm cheap and already have a mower.  Plus I'm lazy and don't always mow as frequently as I should (if my Bermuda grow 4" tall and I wanted down to 2/5" I'd be screwed).  Plus dog turds.  I think I'll buy a new acoustic guitar instead ans save power that way.

But I appreciate the effort!
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I crush grooves.


[edit] The dreaded double post! [/edit]
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I crush grooves.


Goes through dog turds like butter!

Ok... that's just gross.  I'm sorry!
When attacked by a mob of clowns, always go for the juggler.


I'm guilty of having one of the last two stroke Lawn Boy models made.  Fortunately, my postage stamp-sized lawn takes about seven minutes to mow.

At least from the hobby side, after owning race cars, an airplane, and multiple motorcycles, I did manage to find one of the greenest vehicles available to indulge myself in: a sailboat.

"It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first" -Ronald Reagan


You know what?  My mower is brand new as of last year.  4 Stroke.  I totally forgot about that.  Super duper mulching mower without self propel (saves gas!), 4 stroke, high efficiency.  Geea!

I don't even feel guilty about my sloth now.
- - - - - - - - -
I crush grooves.