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Started by Admin, April 11, 2008, 08:05:42 AM

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Question for any of you legal eagles out there...

We want to take pics of different restaurants clubs, etc. in downtown and we want to have it look "alive". Nothing more desolate looking than a photo of a street or building with no people in it. This is supposed to be "Downtown Live!" after all, not "Downtown Dead and Empty".lol

What would be the legal restrictions on taking a photo of say the front of Lolas at night with people sitting outside eating and posting that on our downtown map/guide? Or snapping a pic during the busy part of the day while people are walking by and, in and out of Topeca? Do we have to ask permission of everyone in the photo or walking by? How about inside shots?

We aren't selling the photos or the online map/guide. So is there really any difference between that and say all the other photos people put on flickr or anywhere else on the web?
"When you only have two pennies left in the world, buy a loaf of bread with one, and a lily with the other."-Chinese proverb. "Arts a staple. Like bread or wine or a warm coat in winter. Those who think it is a luxury have only a fragment of a mind. Mans spirit grows hungry for art in the same way h


For more information on the DowntownLIVE! Project, go here: