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Pay to play on I-44

Started by twizzler, July 09, 2008, 11:04:18 AM

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A widening project for Interstate 44 and 193rd East Avenue in Catoosa was put two years ahead of schedule Tuesday, after the Cherokee Nation announced it would donate more than $6 million for the project.

The total cost of construction will be between $48 million and $50 million, Ridley said.

I wonder if the state is looking for a little grease from Tulsa to finish Tulsa's section of I-44?


Hey, with great friends like Chet Cadieux at QT, who needs MORE enemies?


Originally posted by tulsarufflebutt

Hey, with great friends like Chet Cadieux at QT, who needs MORE enemies?

Paul Tay?  That you?


Originally posted by tulsarufflebutt

Hey, with great friends like Chet Cadieux at QT, who needs MORE enemies?

Seriously, What?


The dood drives around on a bike, wearing a santa suit, and is known for saying crazy nonsense.

And you ask him what he seriously meant?  He's not serious.

It's like recognizing a street preacher downtown.  "Hey man, where do you preach?  I like your stuff!"

Or, the line from Wayne's World . . . "A sphincter says what?"


Originally posted by sgrizzle

Originally posted by tulsarufflebutt

Hey, with great friends like Chet Cadieux at QT, who needs MORE enemies?

Seriously, What?

Go ask him what da BEEF with da Natives.  I don't make this stuff up.