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Lets do Naked Streets around Ballpark

Started by TheArtist, July 14, 2008, 09:46:01 AM

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I have been meaning to start a thread on this, especially considering what they may be doing around the new ballpark. Its the perfect time to consider since they may be redoing the streets and sidewalks in that area anyway. Might as well make them exceptional. The idea is called "Naked Streets" or "Shared Streets". You eliminate all directional signs, no-one way or two-way, no stop signs or signals, no curbs, etc. just "naked". This creates a shared environment that slows people down, is more "kid and family friendly" is safer and imo, looks better.

I have noticed as they make lots of "non pedestrian friendly" mistakes in OKC and their bricktown. Seen several new buildings announced that arent up to the sidewalk but set back and have swaths of land on either side, more suburban than urban. This is a way for us to leapfrog them. Their mistakes will come back to haunt them. If we really push for all the buildings on the main streets in Greenwood, Brady Arts and Blue Dome to be pedestrian friendly. It will in the end create a much better urban environment. Having quality streets will put us ahead. We may be behind now, but if we are wise and careful, pay attention to the details... it will pay off in the long run. WE will have the better quality, more attractive, urban environment.

Remember though, If you try to make every street a perfect street, none of them will be. You have to decide which streets or areas you want to make your "A" best, pedestrian friendly, streets and which streets will be your "B" streets or areas, alleys, etc. The "A" streets are where you hold the line and do not allow non pedestrian friendly construction to take place. Greenwood, Brady, Archer, Boston Ave, Main, all definite "A" streets. The Arena, the parking garages behind it, "B" streets. But we should definitely encourage the streets in front of the Arena, leading into the heart of downtown to be "A" streets.

The area around the ballpark, the main streets that run from it to the other districts, all "A" streets.

I say we make the streets around the new Ballpark into "Naked Streets" while we have the opportunity to do so.
"When you only have two pennies left in the world, buy a loaf of bread with one, and a lily with the other."-Chinese proverb. "Arts a staple. Like bread or wine or a warm coat in winter. Those who think it is a luxury have only a fragment of a mind. Mans spirit grows hungry for art in the same way h


I am not sure anybody wants to see me naked.

I have a million dollar figure, but it is all in loose change.
Power is nothing till you use it.


I've seen Tulsan's try to negotiate uncontrolled intersections.  He with the most guts, the most ignorant, or the least insured simply wins.  Sorry, but we are entirely incapable of handling four way stops with any volume of traffic (no you go waive... umm, you have the damn right of way and the person opposite you understand this and is going, hence, I CANT GO.  Now I can, opp, now you're going. Argh!).   Large volumes of traffic such as after a baseball game.

Also, curbs are mandatory in Tulsa on account of heavy rains. Without them storefronts would be continuously flooded unless we put ditches in or sloped the entire area (which would create either flooded roads or sidewalks).  And sloping the entire area would necessity some form of channel.  We simply have high-volume rain frequently that has to be dealt with.

HOWEVER, I agree with the concept.  I would especially agree with making several areas ped friendly only construction.   As well as no one way streets and a few of the other ideas.

The entire package, however, I'm afraid Tulsa just can't handle.  Sad, but true.  Though, if proposed I would have no opposition.  The areas you linked to look very ped friendly and urban.
- - - - - - - - -
I crush grooves.


Originally posted by cannon_fodder

I've seen Tulsan's try to negotiate uncontrolled intersections.  

I'm having flashbacks of the days following the ice storm and Tulsan's not knowing what to do when the stoplights were out for days....


I thought this was going to be a thread advocating streaking.
"We're going streaking! We're going up through the quad to the gymnasium!"

Anyway, sounds a little radical for Tulsa but I like the idea of doing a lot of traffic calming to encourage walkable use of that corner of downtown.


Will this require me to shave my back?


The answer to downtown revitalization - nude tourism.
Vote for the two party system!
-one one Friday and one on Saturday.


Originally posted by jne

The answer to downtown revitalization - nude tourism.

Can we put a weight limit on the people who are allowed to go nude?


Originally posted by safetyguy

Originally posted by cannon_fodder

I've seen Tulsan's try to negotiate uncontrolled intersections.  

I'm having flashbacks of the days following the ice storm and Tulsan's not knowing what to do when the stoplights were out for days....

+1 !  

Let's keep our streets clothed! (The ice storm and downtown construction has convinced me that those Dutch folks must be better drivers than we are...we couldn't handle it!)

But, if we could just get some good naked public art... That might add to our quality of life AND slow down the drivers!

Ed W

Here's my thought - simply prohibit motor vehicles on the streets around the stadium.  Cars - and all the problems they produce - are eliminated.

It'll never happen.

May you live in interesting times.


I don't think the city will go for this plan as it is BUT I think there will be urban design limitations for the surrounding development (or at least I hope so).  That would mean enforcing your typical downtown urban design standards such as building to the sidewalk, planting street trees, on-street parallel parking, parking lots behind or beneath buildings, 2-way streets with marked pedestrian crossings, etc.  Also encouraging (or enforcing) retail space on the first level of new buildings along Elgin, Brady, and Greenwood (existing or future commercial streets) and mixed-use above with apartments, condos, and offices.


I saw the title and thought Paul Tay must have hacked Artist's account [;)]
"It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first" -Ronald Reagan


Ha! Made ya look. [:P]

However, I don't think it would be too extreme an idea, for that area especially.

I dont think we have to worry about the rain, there are other large surface areas that deal with it perfectly fine. The ballpark is going to be below ground level. Parking lots deal with it, the plaza by the convention center, etc.

I think people underestimate how the feeling of an area can change when its done like this. Even if you leave the signs, making the street and sidewalks "one" Just leaving out the curbs, creates a different feeling and psychology for a place.  

I think Jamie Jameson is pushing for that sort of thing for in the Pearl District. I was there with him one day as he was describing it to me. He was actually trying to describe the canal idea for in the middle of the street. I kept hopping back onto the sidewalk all the time. It was almost second nature, I HAD to be on that sidewalk, and he pointed it out to me. Then he described how it would be without the sidewalks, with bollards and trees, how the traffic would slow down, how it makes an area feel more comfortable, relaxing and inviting to the pedestrian. Its also kid friendly. People talk about how "scary" downtown is, how even regular people dont like being there let alone feeling like its a place for kids. But you want downtown and those areas to be Urban Neighborhoods where familes can live. Thats one reason you do want trees, pocket parks,,, this design feature which helps slow things down, also creates a different pshychology that can help make an area more family friendly. Sounds like something perfect for around a Ballpark if you ask me?

Imagine the area from the entrance of the ballpark to the street to the plaza as being almost one seamless comfortable space, shared equally by pedestrians, bikes and autos alike. With bollards and trees delineating the different areas. I have been in places like that and it creates a really wonderful feel. One little thing about bollards, it may sound silly, but they also actually have a comforting feeling. Its like they are "little people". When they are there, its like the space isnt empty. They "stand guard".  

Often times people dont really know why they like a place, or a room in my business. I have had clients show me a room, show me pics of rooms that they liked out of magazines, and how they tried to emulate that look and feel, but they are frustrated that they didnt achieve it. I have the ability and the talent to see what it is they were really liking, and sometimes when I even explain it to them what they "got wrong" they dont really believe it. But if they trust me and allow me to do my thing and make changes, they are amazed at how sometimes small changes that they wouldnt have guessed would have made a bit of difference, completely change the whole feel of a room, how you experience it. I think that very much goes to the heart of the "Naked or Shared" streets ideas. I think many underestimate the influence on peoples behaviors and feelings, seemingly small changes, can have.

"When you only have two pennies left in the world, buy a loaf of bread with one, and a lily with the other."-Chinese proverb. "Arts a staple. Like bread or wine or a warm coat in winter. Those who think it is a luxury have only a fragment of a mind. Mans spirit grows hungry for art in the same way h