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Where to complain noisy neighbor?

Started by AsianTulsan, July 08, 2008, 11:33:36 PM

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I have a similar problem, there's this "kid" down the street that has one of those buzzy Hondas. He comes down the street about 10,000 rpm in first, hits the corner, flies down the street, makes all kinds of racket. It's very disturbing, like a chainsaw through the livingroom.

I asked him to slow down in the neighborhood, and to not be so loud, we're on a quiet street in Brookside. He steps it up even louder. If I'm standing out there, he's quiet. If my vehicle is in the drive and I'm in the house, he's noisy. Apparently he thinks this is a game. He comes and goes all the time, I've tried to keep a written schedule so I can give the cops a heads up, but it's so erratic it wouldn't be much help[:(!]

I went by and got his address and actually went to the police station to file a complaint. The officer behind the glass said I couldn't do that and refused to take my complaint. She said I had to call it in and the responding officer(s) would take my complaint.

So, I go home and call the cops. They show up, I tell them what's going on and they basically tell me they have to witness the kid doing this.
This has been going on for almost a year now, the cops won't respond, the kid does what he wants. I'm ready to throw some spike strips out there. Good luck with your problem, AsianTulsan, I hope you can get the inconsiderate butthead to turn it down.
Me?? I don't know how to stop this. Anybody have any suggestions?


Originally posted by Jeepguy

I have a similar problem, there's this "kid" down the street that has one of those buzzy Hondas. He comes down the street about 10,000 rpm in first, hits the corner, flies down the street, makes all kinds of racket. It's very disturbing, like a chainsaw through the livingroom.

I asked him to slow down in the neighborhood, and to not be so loud, we're on a quiet street in Brookside. He steps it up even louder. If I'm standing out there, he's quiet. If my vehicle is in the drive and I'm in the house, he's noisy. Apparently he thinks this is a game. He comes and goes all the time, I've tried to keep a written schedule so I can give the cops a heads up, but it's so erratic it wouldn't be much help[:(!]

I went by and got his address and actually went to the police station to file a complaint. The officer behind the glass said I couldn't do that and refused to take my complaint. She said I had to call it in and the responding officer(s) would take my complaint.

So, I go home and call the cops. They show up, I tell them what's going on and they basically tell me they have to witness the kid doing this.
This has been going on for almost a year now, the cops won't respond, the kid does what he wants. I'm ready to throw some spike strips out there. Good luck with your problem, AsianTulsan, I hope you can get the inconsiderate butthead to turn it down.
Me?? I don't know how to stop this. Anybody have any suggestions?

Start talking to you city councilor, call the media, rattle some cages.  My brother did that with a different problem and it worked itself out.