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We got to punish this guy...

Started by RecycleMichael, June 13, 2008, 09:03:25 PM

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The idiot from Westboro Baptist Church had his family at the funerals of the two girls who were killed in Okmulgee County.

He says God Hates Oklahoma...
Power is nothing till you use it.

Ed W

Much as I believe in free speech, these people really test that belief.  What they do is no less than reprehensible, stomach-churning hate mongering.

May you live in interesting times.


I know some folks down there who would happily make these people disappear forever.


Aside from in-breeding (they are almost all members of the Phelps family) their other distinguishing characteristic is most are licensed to practice law.

Yes, it's still possible to give that profession a bad name, and they abuse it as much as they do the right of free speech.  Some conduct the KS bar association should maybe look into.

"Tulsa will lay off police and firemen before we will cut back on unnecessarily wasteful streetlights."  -- March 18, 2009 TulsaNow Forum


There's a special place in hell for people who rejoice at the killing of children. Make room, Mengele - you're going to have company soon.


I wonder what Fred Phelps thinks about Warren Jeffs and the FLDSers down in Texas? And vice versa?


They are from weleetka which probably hasn't seen a liberal since that one VW broke down back in 73.

I'm not sure why I'm trying to bring logic into this.

P.S. On a completely unrelated note, if you ever end up in Weleetka, get the chicken fried steak, it is amazing.


Come on, now... that chicken-fighting Dem (was it Sheridan?) is from the Henryetta area. How far apart could Weleetka and the Henryetta suburbs be?


Originally posted by RecycleMichael

The idiot from Westboro Baptist Church had his family at the funerals of the two girls who were killed in Okmulgee County.

He says God Hates Oklahoma...

Well, this wasn't their usual targets. I'm wondering how the deceased are even remotely at odds with Phelps' worldview?


Originally posted by sgrizzle

They are from weleetka which probably hasn't seen a liberal since that one VW broke down back in 73.

I'm not sure why I'm trying to bring logic into this.

P.S. On a completely unrelated note, if you ever end up in Weleetka, get the chicken fried steak, it is amazing.

Yes. The chicken fry at the Round Up Cafe is AWESOME!


Originally posted by RecycleMichael

The idiot from Westboro Baptist Church had his family at the funerals of the two girls who were killed in Okmulgee County.

He says God Hates Oklahoma...

Then obviously, God has NEVER been to Topeka, Kansas.....


Originally posted by OkieDiva

Come on, now... that chicken-fighting Dem (was it Sheridan?) is from the Henryetta area. How far apart could Weleetka and the Henryetta suburbs be?

Culturally or geographically?


First, this is possibly the most disturbing thing I've heard in a while.  War's are inherently political, so at least I understand attention whoring on that stage (an unbelievable stretch of logic, not to mention cruelty towards the families... but at least there is SOME political tie-in in his warped little head).  I guess the laws have either changed, the motorcycle gangs been effective, or people have learned to ignore them on that stage.

The obvious horror accepted, I didn't know we "persecuted" the WBC.  

Define: persecute -
Cause to suffer; "Jews were persecuted in the former Soviet Union" or "Early Christians were persecuted by the Romans."

I think Oklahoma tried to ban them from picketing military funerals.  I can certainly see the analogy with other notable religious persecutions.  Truly they are HIS servants as they are willing to suffer such great retribution and horror for him.

I'd also like to point out that using mock-old-English (more cometh) makes it sound simultaneously ridiculous and pompous.  

I therefor accuse the WBC of the sins of PRIDE, heresy, and hypocrisy.  Judge not lest ye' be judged.  I'm fairly confident the Bible says something about letting him worry about transgressions - but just this once I'm willing to over look that and get in on ye' ole' stoning!

Want proof that God no longer comes down just to smite heretics?  
- - -

On a side note, why did God allow Oklahoma to pass an anti-WBC law then?  Shouldn't He have destroyed yonder parchment for wit ye' law t'was written?  Or smitten thy lawmakers who doth passeth it?

Makes much more sense that God would kill two 13 year old girls.  The Bible is full of references were random children are killed for the sins of totally unrelated persons.  I'm not sure what verse (and ignoring the language and parables to the contrary), but I bet Fred can find it!

I can't wait to see the party at the gates of his funeral.  I'm bringing beer and brats.  Spiteful?  I suppose so.
- - - - - - - - -
I crush grooves.


You forgot to mention that the little girl in the picture is wearing what appears to be a Kansas City Royals t-shirt.

Obviously she has broken the first two commandments and should be punished.


Wow!! Do I have a lot to learn about OK politics and the locals.