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Big Splash has not paid 2007 rent

Started by Hoss, June 28, 2008, 09:39:32 AM

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Originally posted by FOTD

Originally posted by Conan71

The Murphys are in breach of contract if they are late on rent for Big Splash, correct?

This is not neccesarily so.....CF? Don't you have the answer?

CF......answer the question.


Damn, why the spam fest all of a sudden?  5 posts in the same thread in 8 minutes?

I don't know if they are in breach, I have not seen the contract.  I also do not know if the midway contract is in any way related to the Bell's contract.  Or if Bell's as an entity is legally related to the midway business (I suspect now).

In general, failure to pay rent for 6 months would be viewed as a breach of contract. Res ipsa loquitur - the thing speaks for itself.  But again, I have not read this contract.
- - -

Since you posted 5 times without giving an actual opinion, maybe you could grace us with your thoughts on the matter.

[edit]fixed typo[/edit]
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I crush grooves.


Originally posted by zstyles

Robby Bell is going to be on 1170 KFAQ this afternoon..should be an interesting listen...I wonder if Chris could post the audio link on here after its on the air as I will be stepping into a meeting soon...

The interview turned out really well, it sounds like Bell's is on the way to opening up again soon, somewhat to even my surprise.


Originally posted by FOTD

Oh sweet Jesus.....not another stupid ad for CM.[:(!]

Are you always a moron? Or are you just one online?


Originally posted by Shavethewhales

Originally posted by zstyles

Robby Bell is going to be on 1170 KFAQ this afternoon..should be an interesting listen...I wonder if Chris could post the audio link on here after its on the air as I will be stepping into a meeting soon...

The interview turned out really well, it sounds like Bell's is on the way to opening up again soon, somewhat to even my surprise.

That's good news. Where and how soon?


Originally posted by waterboy

Originally posted by Shavethewhales

Originally posted by zstyles

Robby Bell is going to be on 1170 KFAQ this afternoon..should be an interesting listen...I wonder if Chris could post the audio link on here after its on the air as I will be stepping into a meeting soon...

The interview turned out really well, it sounds like Bell's is on the way to opening up again soon, somewhat to even my surprise.

That's good news. Where and how soon?

It is on right now..1170 KFAQ AM


Originally posted by cannon_fodder

As a point of order... the gypsies are a culture (if not a race) of people known as the Roma.  Calling carnies a bunch of gypsies is akin to saying "I got Jewed" or that you fixed something by "****** rigging it."  Many people use the term in a derogatory sense and don't realize it is "racist."  (Gypsies are a "race" like the Jews are, more of a cultural identity than a race.)

I'm not overly sensitive to such things, but as with my examples... some will view the gypsy comments as overt racism.  Just a heads up.

But by all means, I agree with the sentiment as applied here.

[edit]I edited this and PM'd people so as not to distract from the thread, but now unedited as the thing comment s keep getting quoted![/edit]

Lighten up, Francis.

Friendly Bear

Originally posted by waterboy

Originally posted by Shavethewhales

Originally posted by zstyles

Robby Bell is going to be on 1170 KFAQ this afternoon..should be an interesting listen...I wonder if Chris could post the audio link on here after its on the air as I will be stepping into a meeting soon...

The interview turned out really well, it sounds like Bell's is on the way to opening up again soon, somewhat to even my surprise.

That's good news. Where and how soon?

The timing of this mismanagement could NOT have happened at a worse time POLITICALLY for incumbent County Commissioner Randi Miller.

Miller is running for re-election, with the GOP primary in only 27 days.

Her long-standing close ties to the Murphy Family carnies, to the tune of at least $5K x 2 for election campaigns, soils her further.

Miller may also already have burned a few bridges with her GOP base with support for Vision 2025, the Kaiser River Tax, and a 3rd place showing in her race for Tulsa Mayor.

She claims she's a GOP'er, yet fights on behalf of the local ruling establishment for every possible new SALES tax on the local populace.

Perry and Small-ego likely won't pay any near term price, since it's another few years before they stand for re-election.


breitee:  nothing personal, I didn't mean to yell at you.  I simply didn't know this and was called out on it by someone when I said I was "gyped."  Just giving you the PC heads up.
- - - - - - - - -
I crush grooves.


Originally posted by waterboy

Originally posted by Shavethewhales

Originally posted by zstyles

Robby Bell is going to be on 1170 KFAQ this afternoon..should be an interesting listen...I wonder if Chris could post the audio link on here after its on the air as I will be stepping into a meeting soon...

The interview turned out really well, it sounds like Bell's is on the way to opening up again soon, somewhat to even my surprise.

That's good news. Where and how soon?

Due to the nature of the deal, he's not saying where yet, but he is saying that it will be soon. I think he may have said that he would make an announcement either in the fall or at the end of summer.


Originally posted by cannon_fodder

breitee:  nothing personal, I didn't mean to yell at you.  I simply didn't know this and was called out on it by someone when I said I was "gyped."  Just giving you the PC heads up.

No problem, CF. I just think that society as a whole is too P.C. and nobody has a sense of humor anymore. People get too agitated for no reason. I am of German decent yet it doesn't bother me in the least for someone to call me a Kraut or Nazi. Everyone just needs to "roll with the punches" and if you can't take it, too bad. Life is too short to worry about such trivial things.


If Sally Bell can't beat Randi in the primaries after this shenanegan, something is wrong.  Not only would her beating Randi be signficant in change down at the county it would be a symbolic victory for the Bell family.  

"It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first" -Ronald Reagan

zstyles is the meat -

Public Works Director Charles Hardt said Gary Johnson, the general manager of Big Splash, presented two post-dated checks to pay the bill on Jan. 27. Hardt said Johnson was told the city does not accept post-dated checks.
The checks, dated March 31 and April 30, were returned by certified mail and on Monday, the city posted water shutoff notices at the park's office. Herrington said it makes little difference to the city when Big Splash decides to reconnect the water. The park is scheduled to open Memorial Day.

City records show the park has not been paid up on its utility bills in more than four years. The city said in December that the
park owed more than $95,000 on its bill. That amount was later lowered to $39,159 following a dispute over how the city calculated
sewer charges.

dbacks fan

Originally posted by zstyles

Thanks, I could not remember what it was.