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Paul Tay, a Tulsa export

Started by cannon_fodder, July 15, 2008, 11:53:37 AM

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Originally posted by stu8749

Hey Bicycle Paul, I hate to burst your bubble, but every time you hear someone honking at you when you're bicycling.  It's not because they like you, it's because they think you're a moron.

Oh, fo' shure!  Gas is heading up to $6.  Santa's on a bike.  Will the REAL village IDIOT please STAND up?


Originally posted by TUalum0982

no one is afraid of you.  I mean seriously, look at yourself in the mirror.  I would love to meet you and personally give you the *** kicking that you so deserve.  Care to tango??

BRING it.  When and where?


Originally posted by RecreateDNC68

Originally posted by TUalum0982

no one is afraid of you.  I mean seriously, look at yourself in the mirror.  I would love to meet you and personally give you the *** kicking that you so deserve.  Care to tango??

BRING it.  When and where?



Originally posted by TUalum0982

Originally posted by RecreateDNC68

Originally posted by cannon_fodder

So TulsaScuttleButt (whatever)

and a couple others.  I've had about enough Paul.  Seriously, pick a log in and stick with it.

Seriously, tell THAT to the Admin, who keeps bumping me...for NO good reason.  WHO'S AFRAID OF PAUL TAY? [:(!]

no one is afraid of you.  I mean seriously, look at yourself in the mirror.  I would love to meet you and personally give you the *** kicking that you so deserve.  Care to tango??

I'd love to see a TU "alum" fighting Paul Tay.

I've got Tay 3:1 on this fight.

Any takers? PM me.



Thursday, July 10, 2008
How to be a Jerk, WITHOUT Really Trying

On the way back from the bus station, I stopped at the local QT for a sandwich and drink. There was NO bike parking. I could have simply leaned my bike against the outer wall. There was plenty of space. But, what the hell? I simply squatted a car parking space, to deny some other jerk the spot. I hope QT is taking NOTES on How to do Bike Parking, WITHOUT Really Trying.
Posted by Paul Tay

Posted by Paul Tay on his site. Even he recognizes a jerk. Seems like a little ole SUV could share the parking space with PT's bike!


Originally posted by mrB


Thursday, July 10, 2008
How to be a Jerk, WITHOUT Really Trying

On the way back from the bus station, I stopped at the local QT for a sandwich and drink. There was NO bike parking. I could have simply leaned my bike against the outer wall. There was plenty of space. But, what the hell? I simply squatted a car parking space, to deny some other jerk the spot. I hope QT is taking NOTES on How to do Bike Parking, WITHOUT Really Trying.
Posted by Paul Tay

Posted by Paul Tay on his site. Even he recognizes a jerk. Seems like a little ole SUV could share the parking space with PT's bike!

I ENJOY being the JERK and in the GOOD company of all the other JERKS who take up the WHOLE parking space with $6/gallon gas-guzzling MOTOR vehicles.

Next time, I'm bringing a lawn chair and really do a parking space squat RIGHT.


Originally posted by deinstein

Originally posted by TUalum0982

Originally posted by RecreateDNC68

Originally posted by cannon_fodder

So TulsaScuttleButt (whatever)

and a couple others.  I've had about enough Paul.  Seriously, pick a log in and stick with it.

Seriously, tell THAT to the Admin, who keeps bumping me...for NO good reason.  WHO'S AFRAID OF PAUL TAY? [:(!]

no one is afraid of you.  I mean seriously, look at yourself in the mirror.  I would love to meet you and personally give you the *** kicking that you so deserve.  Care to tango??

I'd love to see a TU "alum" fighting Paul Tay.

I've got Tay 3:1 on this fight.

Any takers? PM me.

Mecury Lounge.  Tickets $5.  House take on wagers and ticket proceeds benefits DVIS.  You name date and time.  Game?


1) Being a jerk in an attempt to force others to your point of view is borderline narcissism.  I am the great cyclist Paul Tay - a shining beacon for civility and enlightenment, the rest of you Philistines continue to drive your earth killers.  Hence, I'm doing you a favor by being a jerk.

Usually doesn't work too well.  Instead of getting your point across it just makes people hate you.

2) My money is on not Tay.  He'd be a bit of a scraper, but not mean at all.  I know he's had several fights with cops, but he apperently lost them all as he ended up in jail.  I'd take not Tay if the odds were 3:1 in favor of Tay.
- - - - - - - - -
I crush grooves.


Mercury Lounge? You would hang out there, Tay. But two blocks away? Can't beat that!


On the 4th I walked down to the river with my buddy and heckled Tay about that dollar he was trying to bum a few weeks ago when I was waiting on that ever so convenient trolley.

Officer yelled: "It's not worth it! I've seen him naked! It's not worth it!"



Originally posted by cannon_fodder

1) Being a jerk in an attempt to force others to your point of view is borderline narcissism.  I am the great cyclist Paul Tay - a shining beacon for civility and enlightenment, the rest of you Philistines continue to drive your earth killers.  Hence, I'm doing you a favor by being a jerk.

Wrong AGAIN, genius.  I ENJOY being a JERK, to be in the SAME company of ALL the OTHER jerks who HOG the WHOLE parking space.


Originally posted by deinstein

On the 4th I walked down to the river with my buddy and heckled Tay about that dollar he was trying to bum a few weeks ago when I was waiting on that ever so convenient trolley.

Officer yelled: "It's not worth it! I've seen him naked! It's not worth it!"


Oh, fo' shure!  Santa's STILL trying to bum a picture of a cop in uniform to shoot the bird.  THAT would be GOLD!


"...I introduced myself to him at the Naked Bike Ride..."


"It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first" -Ronald Reagan


Originally posted by inteller

i know how paul tay and biker fox could make a real contribution to society.  Go squat on the spots around 71st/169 that the con artist panhandlers occupy and keep making fun of them until they go away for good.  Like go down there with a big sign that says "I chug cock ->" and point the arrow at those con artist panhandlers till they leave.

You've made a good career of snark on this board, but that's one of the funniest comments I've seen here.

"It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first" -Ronald Reagan

Double A

Originally posted by RecreateDNC68

Originally posted by TUalum0982

no one is afraid of you.  I mean seriously, look at yourself in the mirror.  I would love to meet you and personally give you the *** kicking that you so deserve.  Care to tango??

BRING it.  When and where?

Yo, I got your back. Paul Tay has a posse.

The clash of ideas is the sound of freedom. Ars Longa, Vita Brevis!