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The Eagles. Anyone able to get tickets?

Started by Ibanez, July 21, 2008, 10:56:05 AM

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I manged to score 3 tickets in section 327.


He posted minutes before you.  I replied there (no offense, just avoiding double threads).
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I crush grooves.



Sec. 2
Row K
Seat 22

November 8, 1976
Lloyd Noble
Monday 8 PM

Produced by Concerts West and WKY


Eight dollars! Compounded 32 years is probably in the neighborhood of $40 if you use an %8 rate.
What are they? Sold Out? What price were they charging?


my coworker got some, took her a million and a half clicks. she went with the first ones she found, not very good seats but i don't know the section at the moment.

good luck eagles fans! :)


Just look on Craig's list.

BTW, those Black Crowe tickets at $80 are a much better deal.

Unless you're too old to boogie.


Tried on the site but it had crashed. And by the time it came back up everything was sold out.

Of course you can go on Ebay and pay an outrageous price for them.

Since so many were bought to scalp I wonder how many people will actually be at the concert? [;)]


Originally posted by Sangria

Tried on the site but it had crashed. And by the time it came back up everything was sold out.

Of course you can go on Ebay and pay an outrageous price for them.

Since so many were bought to scalp I wonder how many people will actually be at the concert? [;)]

Funny thing about supply and demand. If the scalpers have em, they sell em. Timing is everything.

Just gotta look around before the show to find out. Run the risk of not getting into the Areama.


See FOTD, this is where we differ.  Scalpers are not a reflection of supply and demand, they manipulate supply and demand.  That's how they make most of their money.

If the concert had a supply of 10 tickets, and the scalper bought 5 of them... he can raise the rate on those 5.  Lets say he raises it so much 2 people say screw it, but the remaining 3 are willing to pay the price.  

At the end of the day the venue loses money on concessions, 2 people don't get to see the show, and the scalper is the only one that wins out.  It's the same basic effect on a macro scale.  The bennefit to the venue, city and consumers is nil.  The only beneficiaries are the scalpers and people wealthy enough to be able to pay a premium for seats.

Not an argument to ban scalping (another thread please), just pointing out the winners and losers in the scenario.
- - - - - - - - -
I crush grooves.


Originally posted by cannon_fodder

See FOTD, this is where we differ.  Scalpers are not a reflection of supply and demand, they manipulate supply and demand.  That's how they make most of their money.

If the concert had a supply of 10 tickets, and the scalper bought 5 of them... he can raise the rate on those 5.  Lets say he raises it so much 2 people say screw it, but the remaining 3 are willing to pay the price.  

At the end of the day the venue loses money on concessions, 2 people don't get to see the show, and the scalper is the only one that wins out.  It's the same basic effect on a macro scale.  The bennefit to the venue, city and consumers is nil.  The only beneficiaries are the scalpers and people wealthy enough to be able to pay a premium for seats.

Not an argument to ban scalping (another thread please), just pointing out the winners and losers in the scenario.

So, out of 17,000 seats, 8500 went to scalpers?

Twisted logic.

This is America where free enterprise rules and not where rules free enterprise.

BTW, the bennefit to the venue, city and consumers will be close to nil....not nil.


FOTD, I clearly gave a micro example to illustrate a macro concept.  The same concept applies where any portion of the tickets are consumed by scalpers and the demand is at, or exceeds the number of tickets the public was able to buy.  If the Eagles demand was 18,000 tickets and scalpers bought 100, the concept still applies.

If you fail to see how micro economic principles can be used to help illustrate macro concepts, you are not worth talking to in this regard.  Particularly when you have previously professed to be in the group that can afford to pay a premium to seats and don't mind using scalpers to do so AND admit this practice benefits no one but the scalper and the select few consumers.

Really, start a scalper discussion if you want to go deeper into it, it is a relevant issue as it is before the counsel coming up.
- - - - - - - - -
I crush grooves.


I don't understand why American Express card holders all got to buy tickets a day before anyone else.  I know several people who were buying the maximum number of tickets (and getting other card holders to buy additional ones for them), so they could sell them later.  (ie: scalping).

Seems like if you just start the ticket sales at the same time for everyone (regardless of what credit card you use), we'd have the same opportunity to get tickets as anyone else.

I also think they should reserve some tickets for the people who line up outside the ticket office.  Not fair to wait for 24 hours in the summer heat, only to discover that American Express card holders got all the tickets the day before, while you were roasting on the pavement outside the ticket window...


Big corporations feed each other at the consumers expense.

They are part of those intermediaries.....

"JAH would never give the power to a baldhead
Run come crucify the dread

Time alone, oh! time will tell
Think you're in heaven, but you living in hell
Think you're in heaven, but you living in hell [repeat]
Time alone, oh! time will tell
You think you're in heaven, but you living in hell"
Bob Marley (maybe Chris Robinson will sing this tonight at will be hot.....smokin...and packed)


More tickies issued for Neal Diamond in lodge areas.... wow'd that just "happen"?

What a joke. $2500 Eagle ducats and we need to divert the police to arrest scalpers because the morons running the areama don't want scalpers milling around. I like trading up in front of venues. Sometimes, I get left with an extra and will trade up 2 tickets for one good seat. Screw the council if they reprioritize our police.

I'm getting close to going public with a boycott of this fiasco called an Arena based on capitalism over socialism. TulsaWhirled likes the socialist model....

And Bill're a good example of why our city should go back to a commissioner form of government. Bust em boy.


Why should a select few people be allowed to drive up the price on everyone, when there would be no need to pay more than face value  if these parasites were barred from plying their trade?

It manipulates the market unnecessarily.  Not much different than someone buying up large chunks of oil or some other commodity simply to drive the price up.  

The idea of paying some greaseball with a mullett twice face value of a ticket or more  makes my blood boil.  
"It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first" -Ronald Reagan


Originally posted by Conan71

Why should a select few people be allowed to drive up the price on everyone, when there would be no need to pay more than face value  if these parasites were barred from plying their trade?

It manipulates the market unnecessarily.  Not much different than someone buying up large chunks of oil or some other commodity simply to drive the price up.  

The idea of paying some greaseball with a mullett twice face value of a ticket or more  makes my blood boil.  

Blood boiler:

NEWS! Price elasticity.....there's the possibility the price goes down!

I saw some people outside Cains last night just asking face value. I have attended many events where I bargained for a lower price.

Of course, Tulsa is a third tier city and should be regulated like one.

So Conan, you feel the police should be re prioritized by councilors?