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Oklahoma no smoking enforcement

Started by T-Town Now, July 28, 2008, 11:15:18 AM

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Originally posted by MichaelWayne_71

Don't judge unless you've been in their shoes.  It is a hard habit to break.

Many of the posters HAVE been in their shoes.

Also, what is the hard habit to break?  Being a smoker or being a jerk?  The two are not mutually INCLUSIVE.  Many people smoke and make a point to be considerate of others.
- - - - - - - - -
I crush grooves.


He was a pack-a-day smoker. I smoked 4/5th of a pack.


Originally posted by MichaelWayne_71

I have yet to see someone "highly allergic" to cigarette smoke...they just don't like the smell.

If you were highly allergic, you would walk everywhere very conscious of your surroundings.

Don't judge unless you've been in their shoes.  It is a hard habit to break.


I will tell a story though.

I have season tickets to hockey; I sit down near the glass.  Last year during me quitting, I remember a group of kids coming in and sitting behind us..maybe about six of them.  They reeked of cig smoke.  I thought to myself 'Damn, is that what I smell like'.  That was a big turning point in my decision to really quit.  It's nice now to know that when I wash my clothes at the house, they're going to no longer smell like smoke and detergent, but just detergent.

Be compassionate towards them, but encourage them if they want to quit.  You can't make them quit.  And usually, if you don't seem like you're acting empowered because 'well, I don't smoke and you do, you're nasty' and ask someone politely to move, most of the time you'll find that smokers are accomodating.  What we didn't/don't like were people like the OP complaining without actually addressing the problem first-hand with the offenders.

Smokers aren't evil.  Keep this in mind.


Originally posted by Hoss

Originally posted by Conan71

Tales of Chantix are mixed.  The vulture attorneys are circling due to "evidence" of suicides of people who took it.  Last I looked, back around March, something like 44 people in 2.5 million who had taken it had killed themselves.  I'd think that would be about the average for suicides, period.

It may have had more to do with how long I was on nicotine and how much I consumed every day.  Then again, psychotropics affect everyone different.  I would not tell someone else not to take Chantix as it does work.

Just glad it's in my past.  I applaud anyone who has quit, and encourage anyone who wants to.


And, just curious, how many packs a day were you smoking at your peak?  I never got to more than a little over a pack a day and I was smoking either lights or ultralights (not that it makes much difference).  I know people that smoked three and four packs a day and wondered how they could do it, even when I was still smoking.

I was proud of myself quitting before I turned 40.  That was a goal I made the previous year and to actually say I did it was very gratifying.  I did gain about 15 pounds, but I have a thyroid condition and my weight fluctuates anyway.  Damn heredity.


Pack to a little over a pack.  I went back and forth from smoking to dipping over the years (sometimes I was doing both).  Collectively, I used for about 28 to 30 years, the last 17 years straight without ever quitting.  After I quit smoking for good, I was going through a can of Red Seal tobacco about every 2.5 to 3 days.  Not a heavy user, but my pattern was to take a dip after breakfast, add to it till lunch, spit it out, eat, put a dip in, add till dinner, etc.

When I was using smokeless, I basically had a main-line all my waking hours other than eating.  If I was in a situation where I could not dip, I'd chew nicotine gum.

After the Chantix removed any pleasure center stimulation, the smokeless tobacco made me sick to my stomach.  It made me realize how much crap and poison is in tobacco.  Great reinforcement, IMO.  I continued to dip for about 11 or 12 days after starting the Chantix.

"It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first" -Ronald Reagan

T-Town Now

Originally posted by TeeDub

Do you whine about smokers when you go to a bar as well?  

Here is the law, maybe you can call the police.   I am sure they would gladly write tickets to keep you from having to endure that brief split second of smelling smoke when you are going in and out of work.

Some people are allergic to cigarette smoke, and it makes them sick. People with attitudes like yours are responsible for much of the rudeness and ignorance in the world today.

Inhale deep.


Originally posted by cannon_fodder

Originally posted by MichaelWayne_71

Don't judge unless you've been in their shoes.  It is a hard habit to break.

Also, what is the hard habit to break?  Being a smoker or being a jerk?  The two are not mutually INCLUSIVE.  Many people smoke and make a point to be considerate of others.

Obviously, quitting smoking is the habit that is hard to break.  It seems, however...that some people DO think that they're "mutually INCLUSIVE".  My point is that their intent(with exceptions) is not to be rude to anyone else.

CarltonPlace seems to have gotten it right.  See his first post.
"Why be part of the 'brain drain' that gets sucked out of Tulsa...The opportunity IS there, you just gotta make it!!"--Eric Marshall


Originally posted by T-Town Now

Some people are allergic to cigarette smoke, and it makes them sick. People with attitudes like yours are responsible for much of the rudeness and ignorance in the world today.

Inhale deep.

Oh high and mighty one, please let me bow down before you.  

And if you tell me which building you are in, I will gladly come smoke outside of it.


I'll gladly tell you off and call the cops or security if you do that at my building.[8D]


It's an addiction!

It's your addiction not mine!

Blow your "I have the right to smoke where ever I want" smoke up your own donkey!


Originally posted by MichaelWayne_71

I have yet to see someone "highly allergic" to cigarette smoke...they just don't like the smell.

If you were highly allergic, you would walk everywhere very conscious of your surroundings.

Don't judge unless you've been in their shoes.  It is a hard habit to break.

I used to be in their shoes - I smoked for a long time. I quit when I had kids. Just put them down and walked away. Sure, I had cravings but there were other things more important.

After having the kids I became allergic to not only cigarette smoke but most strong perfumes and fragrances. THEY STEAL MY BREATH.

I can't go into stores that use the funky air fresheners, candle isles etc... Women who refuse to take a bath and wear a bottle of perfume at a time are just as bad as smokers.

I can't be close to someone who smells like smoke - again, the odor steals my breath.

The solution would be to paint no smoking parameters by doors. Then the building security can enforce it.


Originally posted by Sangria

Originally posted by MichaelWayne_71

I have yet to see someone "highly allergic" to cigarette smoke...they just don't like the smell.

If you were highly allergic, you would walk everywhere very conscious of your surroundings.

Don't judge unless you've been in their shoes.  It is a hard habit to break.

I used to be in their shoes - I smoked for a long time. I quit when I had kids. Just put them down and walked away. Sure, I had cravings but there were other things more important.

After having the kids I became allergic to not only cigarette smoke but most strong perfumes and fragrances. THEY STEAL MY BREATH.

I can't go into stores that use the funky air fresheners, candle isles etc... Women who refuse to take a bath and wear a bottle of perfume at a time are just as bad as smokers.

I can't be close to someone who smells like smoke - again, the odor steals my breath.

The solution would be to paint no smoking parameters by doors. Then the building security can enforce it.

Interesting you mention that.  Whenever I walk into Wal-Mart Market at 21st & Yale, the deli section is right inside the entrance.  There is always an odor of burned fried food, and I can't breathe properly until I get further away from it into the produce section.

"It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first" -Ronald Reagan


Originally posted by Sangria

Originally posted by MichaelWayne_71

I have yet to see someone "highly allergic" to cigarette smoke...they just don't like the smell.

I used to be in their shoes - I smoked for a long time. I quit when I had kids, etc...

After having the kids I became allergic to not only cigarette smoke but most strong perfumes and fragrances. THEY STEAL MY BREATH.

I can't go into stores that use the funky air fresheners, candle isles etc... Women who refuse to take a bath and wear a bottle of perfume at a time are just as bad as smokers.

Emphysema...or allergy?
"Why be part of the 'brain drain' that gets sucked out of Tulsa...The opportunity IS there, you just gotta make it!!"--Eric Marshall

T-Town Now

Originally posted by TeeDub

Originally posted by T-Town Now

Some people are allergic to cigarette smoke, and it makes them sick. People with attitudes like yours are responsible for much of the rudeness and ignorance in the world today.

Inhale deep.

Oh high and mighty one, please let me bow down before you.  

And if you tell me which building you are in, I will gladly come smoke outside of it.

I think I'll pass on your offer.

I do hope you can kick the habit someday, though. I've seen a few people close to me suffer from the aftermath of cigarette smoking. And it isn't pretty. Good luck to you.


Originally posted by Gold

I have the same problem.  I'm highly allergic to smoke and beyond that I can't stand sharing an elevator with someone who smells of cancer sticks.

Not so long ago, I got on an elevator with a smoker -- I was eating a granola bar for breakfast and she was making fun of my "healthy breakfast."  I had some words for her.

My guess is that TPD has bigger fish to fry than criminal smokers, though it seems like they'd be easy to nab from their office at 6th and Main.  Maybe it will give the horsey cops, who show up on the Main Mall area a couple of times a year for no reason, something to do.

The easiest things you can do are complain to the building manager or just confront the offenders.

Nobody wants to see you gnawing on a granola bar either.  We all have to put up with each other on this tiny little planet.  Learn to get along and play nice with others, life's too short.


You can find Oklahoma's secondhand smoke law information at:

You can also report incidents to an automated line at 1-866-ONLY-AIR.

You can also find information on frequently asked questions, etc.