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Author Topic: Palin charges the state per diem while at home  (Read 8700 times)
Crash Daily
« Reply #45 on: September 10, 2008, 12:21:10 pm »

Originally posted by pmcalk

Originally posted by iplaw

I am not pissing & moaning about her not being vetted. Not vetting her is like an early Christmas present for Democrats. Every day we have a new scandal turn up. Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings.
And with every penny-ante issue your party brings up McCain widens his lead.  As I said before, keep up the good work!  Nothing better than a democrat showing us all how to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory...

Little advice, IP--don't try to prove your points with daily polls.  Check realclearpolitics today--Obama's winning by one in two polls.  You think Palin might be dragging McCain down now?

And NC, different poll, same day, has McCain ahead by only 4%.

Either McCain is in a tailspin, losing 16% in less than 24 hours, or we can all agree that polls are not too reliable.

Let them think Obama has a lead or that it's statistaclly tied. It's just those rose colored glasses again. There's a big difference between simple national polls and oh, here it comes.., this is gonna whack your sensitive little eys..., polls of LIKELY voters. Keep on counting the non-factors. It'll help you poor little fellas keep pretending that B.O. didn't just get his @ss kicked. Is the race over? not by a long shot. I just want to get B.O. away from his teleprompter long eneough for him to open that empty suited mouth of his enough times to eventually be seen for the extreme left wing parrot he really is. I can't wait to see Sarah debate Biden as well. She'll stomp him a new @ss hole.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2008, 12:27:06 pm by Crash Daily » Logged
« Reply #46 on: September 10, 2008, 12:26:05 pm »

Originally posted by pmcalk

Originally posted by iplaw

I am not pissing & moaning about her not being vetted. Not vetting her is like an early Christmas present for Democrats. Every day we have a new scandal turn up. Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings.
And with every penny-ante issue your party brings up McCain widens his lead.  As I said before, keep up the good work!  Nothing better than a democrat showing us all how to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory...

Little advice, IP--don't try to prove your points with daily polls.  Check realclearpolitics today--Obama's winning by one in two polls.  You think Palin might be dragging McCain down now?

And NC, different poll, same day, has McCain ahead by only 4%.

Either McCain is in a tailspin, losing 16% in less than 24 hours, or we can all agree that polls are not too reliable.

It's amazing how polls become "unreliable" when your candidate is losing in virtually all of them...
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« Reply #47 on: September 10, 2008, 12:27:14 pm »

Originally posted by pmcalk

Originally posted by iplaw

I am not pissing & moaning about her not being vetted. Not vetting her is like an early Christmas present for Democrats. Every day we have a new scandal turn up. Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings.
And with every penny-ante issue your party brings up McCain widens his lead.  As I said before, keep up the good work!  Nothing better than a democrat showing us all how to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory...

Little advice, IP--don't try to prove your points with daily polls.  Check realclearpolitics today--Obama's winning by one in two polls.  You think Palin might be dragging McCain down now?

And NC, different poll, same day, has McCain ahead by only 4%.

Either McCain is in a tailspin, losing 16% in less than 24 hours, or we can all agree that polls are not too reliable.

The ONLY poll result which counts is the one released the morning of Nov. 5th.  Can I get an AMEN! here?


"It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first” -Ronald Reagan
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« Reply #48 on: September 10, 2008, 12:27:49 pm »

Originally posted by Conan71

Originally posted by pmcalk

Originally posted by iplaw

I am not pissing & moaning about her not being vetted. Not vetting her is like an early Christmas present for Democrats. Every day we have a new scandal turn up. Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings.
And with every penny-ante issue your party brings up McCain widens his lead.  As I said before, keep up the good work!  Nothing better than a democrat showing us all how to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory...

Little advice, IP--don't try to prove your points with daily polls.  Check realclearpolitics today--Obama's winning by one in two polls.  You think Palin might be dragging McCain down now?

And NC, different poll, same day, has McCain ahead by only 4%.

Either McCain is in a tailspin, losing 16% in less than 24 hours, or we can all agree that polls are not too reliable.

The ONLY poll result which counts is the one released the morning of Nov. 5th.  Can I get an AMEN! here?

No argument here, believe it or not.  [}:)]

Libertarianism is a system of beliefs for people who think adolescence is the epitome of human achievement.

Global warming isn't real because it was cold today.  Also great news: world famine is over because I just ate - Stephen Colbert.

Somebody find Guido an ambulance to chase...
« Reply #49 on: September 10, 2008, 12:30:27 pm »

I should be plenty drunk or hungover by then no matter which way the election goes. Amen to that.
All around good guy.
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« Reply #50 on: September 10, 2008, 01:03:46 pm »


The Electoral Vote map you linked to uses poll data as old as September of 2007 (1 year old) to make its prediction.  Notably in "weak democratic" states Pennsylvania, Colorado, Washington, and neutral Florida.  Wisconsin is apparently from 2005.  

I would hazard to guess the relevance of that data is negligible.  The map is a good effort, but the source data needs significant work.

Real Clear Politics has a map using a conglomeration of the latest polls.  If there is a violent sudden swing in one poll, the state is shown as a toss up until confirmed by other polls.  In short, it seems to be an honest attempt to be unbiased:

It has Obama in the lead, McCain closing, and MANY as toss ups.  All the usual suspects.
- - -

Palin is an interesting pick.  Thus far the criticisms I have heard are:
1) Over selling her resume (bridge, plane, etc.)
2) She has a retarded child and should stay home
3) Pregnant daughter + abstinence only = hypocrite
and 4) She's conservative (criticizing positions/actions along those lines).

Pretty much everything else is just noise.  Per diem pay, religion, etc are all irrelevant this far.  Just not much substance and to me it appears to be a shotgun approach... maybe something will stick.  The issues that are there may persuade people NOT to vote for her, but certainly someone who likes he isn't going to care that she followed state law on travel allowances etc.

The religious issues are a bit concerning to me, but in context they put me at ease.  At first report I thought she was a "god said so" teach creationism type person...  it appears SHE is, but is a step back from that (and Bush) on governing with that philosophy.

- - -

For the record, I don't think I have a horse in this race.  If I could, I'd be voting 3rd party.  As it stands, since Oklahoma will be comfortable McCain territory and my vote doesn't matter... I might vote Obama just to rock the boat a tad bit.  Who knows, not I.

- - - - - - - - -
I crush grooves.
« Reply #51 on: September 10, 2008, 01:17:03 pm »

Originally posted by cannon_fodder


The Electoral Vote map you linked to uses poll data as old as September of 2007 (1 year old) to make its prediction.  Notably in "weak democratic" states Pennsylvania, Colorado, Washington, and neutral Florida.  Wisconsin is apparently from 2005.  

I would hazard to guess the relevance of that data is negligible.  The map is a good effort, but the source data needs significant work.

Real Clear Politics has a map using a conglomeration of the latest polls.  If there is a violent sudden swing in one poll, the state is shown as a toss up until confirmed by other polls.  In short, it seems to be an honest attempt to be unbiased:

It has Obama in the lead, McCain closing, and MANY as toss ups.  All the usual suspects.
- - -

Palin is an interesting pick.  Thus far the criticisms I have heard are:
1) Over selling her resume (bridge, plane, etc.)
2) She has a retarded child and should stay home
3) Pregnant daughter + abstinence only = hypocrite
and 4) She's conservative (criticizing positions/actions along those lines).

Pretty much everything else is just noise.  Per diem pay, religion, etc are all irrelevant this far.  Just not much substance and to me it appears to be a shotgun approach... maybe something will stick.  The issues that are there may persuade people NOT to vote for her, but certainly someone who likes he isn't going to care that she followed state law on travel allowances etc.

The religious issues are a bit concerning to me, but in context they put me at ease.  At first report I thought she was a "god said so" teach creationism type person...  it appears SHE is, but is a step back from that (and Bush) on governing with that philosophy.

- - -

For the record, I don't think I have a horse in this race.  If I could, I'd be voting 3rd party.  As it stands, since Oklahoma will be comfortable McCain territory and my vote doesn't matter... I might vote Obama just to rock the boat a tad bit.  Who knows, not I.

What a lying liar...welcome back.  [Wink]
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« Reply #52 on: September 10, 2008, 01:24:05 pm »

Note to CF:

In your absence, some members have resorted to channeling MichaelC/Neptune of late.  We are all liars now.


"It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first” -Ronald Reagan
« Reply #53 on: September 10, 2008, 01:26:27 pm »

Originally posted by Conan71

Note to CF:

In your absence, some members have resorted to channeling MichaelC/Neptune of late.  We are all liars now.

Why don't you stop lying you republijerk bushevik koolaid drinker.
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« Reply #54 on: September 10, 2008, 01:48:29 pm »

Originally posted by iplaw

Originally posted by Conan71

Note to CF:

In your absence, some members have resorted to channeling MichaelC/Neptune of late.  We are all liars now.

Why don't you stop lying you republijerk bushevik koolaid drinker.


"It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first” -Ronald Reagan
« Reply #55 on: September 10, 2008, 02:11:32 pm »

CF, did you get cleansed? Sure sounds like you are more a voice of reason since your return. Or, maybe it's the contrast with Crash, Ip, Con, etc. Anyway, it's nice seeing reasonableness return to the TNF board. The devil has been dragged down to their hellashish level but can take the heat better than they can.

But please, don't go displaying your master debating techniques until the real debates commence. OK?[Wink]
« Last Edit: September 10, 2008, 02:13:30 pm by FOTD » Logged
Crash Daily
« Reply #56 on: September 11, 2008, 03:06:01 pm »

I like the post about all the current polling being meaningless and it's really about the last man standing. Both sides are flawed and there are plenty of chances for major screw ups to go around. Everybody rah, rahs for their candidates though. Especially in a forum like this.

For me, it comes down to overriding philosophy/doctrine.I know what the Republican Party base stands for and I know what the Democratic Party base stands for. There may be times that I wouldn't vote Republican, but there is never a time I will vote for a Democrat. Even a Conservative Democrat will tow the Party line, when push comes to shove. I can't vote for that. Their Party line is Liberal and Socialist, even if they are not. This is anathema to me and destructive to all that I believe has made this country great.

Many will argue the successful and needed Social and Liberal reforms of the past are proof that they are right, regarding current attempts at Liberal and Social reform. What I see in current attempts are attacks on our constitution and the eventual downfall of the United States. Certain Liberal and Socialist reforms have most definitely been needed, but they've all been achieved, many years past and for years now, have gone well beyond what is needed and responsible. The pendulum has swung way to far to the left.

I think most Democrats, from 50 years ago and earlier, would be Republicans today. Take a look, even at JFK's speeches and what he stood for. Do you think FDR would support the extreme left wing views of modern Liberalism? Come on now..., above all, to thine own self be true. Even if you come out disagreeing in a posted response, you know your Party is so far off the reservation, nobody from the past would recognize it as their Democratic Party today. You are TOOOOOOO EXTREEEEEME. I know, opinions are like @ss holes, everybody has one, but I've studied the past and anyone willing to admit the truth knows I'm not off the mark.

We'll argue until we are blue in the face and defend candidates that many times, don't deserve our defense. Common guys, both sides man up here. From my perspective, it's not so much about the candidate, as it is the candidate defending the Party platform and what we stand for. If the candidate goes against the Party platform, even a Republican, I won't vote for them. McCain was almost there, but he saved face with Palin. Any sliver of hope to save this nation is worth fighting for, no matter which Party you stand for and what you see as destructive. That's why we post on these crazy forums and that's why we vote. [Wink]
« Reply #57 on: September 11, 2008, 04:22:51 pm »

Originally posted by Conan71

Note to CF:

In your absence, some members have resorted to channeling MichaelC/Neptune of late.  We are all liars now.

Maybe you should get a real job like at McDonald's... if you worked for minumum wage 40 hours per week, maybe you'd be too tired to post Republican blather ad infinitum... [Shocked)]

And yes, Conan.... you've done the job of LYING for the Republican spin machine the past few weeks/months...

I'd rather not vote for/against Mayor Taylor based on some weird scandal that involves voting in two states?.... I'd rather not vote for/against the River Tax based on whether one Kaiser-favored aspect of the plan is not to my liking... I'd rather not vote for/against McCain or Obama based on which one is better on earmarks when the GOP has historically run up deficits far more damaging to this country than anything FDR or LBJ ever did....

I will vote for anyone who can deliver a system that is closer to universal health care.  I will vote for anyone who can make the current healthcare system more fair and equitable.  I was lucky.  I paid my healthcare bills this year.... but if my cancer had been diagnosed two years ago, I woulda lost EVERYTHING.  

Why does the McCain campaign continue to focus on bizarre sound bite polarizing politics???  What ever happened to the John McCain of 2000???  

« Last Edit: September 11, 2008, 04:37:07 pm by USRufnex » Logged
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« Reply #58 on: September 11, 2008, 04:37:09 pm »

What a joke. This kind of BS just rolls off people's backs and makes Sarah even stronger in the polls.

McCain has won, save the others while you can.
« Reply #59 on: September 11, 2008, 04:42:16 pm »

Originally posted by HazMatCFO

What a joke. This kind of BS just rolls off people's backs and makes Sarah even stronger in the polls.

McCain has won, save the others while you can.

No.  McCain has made a purely politically calculated move to solidify the Huckabee vote... McCain has won Oklahoma and the same assortment of red states that LOVE focusing on god, guns and gays.

This election will not be decided until election day...  when people focus on real issues... it's better that way.

Here, have some God, Guns and Gays...

« Last Edit: September 11, 2008, 04:51:30 pm by USRufnex » Logged
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