Is The Occupy Wall Street Movement an Answer to The Tea Party Movement?

Started by Gaspar, October 03, 2011, 09:20:46 AM

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Someone get Hoss a pacifier.



Someone get Hoss a pacifier.


dbacks fan

OWS organizer Harrison Schultz says "NYPD sent druggies, alcoholics and rapists to infiltrate OWS" ( not a fan of Hannity but found this interesting)


Quote from: dbacks fan on May 05, 2012, 01:38:57 AM
OWS organizer Harrison Schultz says "NYPD sent druggies, alcoholics and rapists to infiltrate OWS" ( not a fan of Hannity but found this interesting)

"You don't need to have some special skill to be able to infiltrate these groups," Oakland Police Chief Howard Jordan said. "You know, two of our officers were elected leaders within an hour... of being with that group. So if you put people in there from the beginning, I think we'd be able to gather the information and maybe even direct them to do something that we want them to do."
"Tulsa will lay off police and firemen before we will cut back on unnecessarily wasteful streetlights."  -- March 18, 2009 TulsaNow Forum


"Tulsa will lay off police and firemen before we will cut back on unnecessarily wasteful streetlights."  -- March 18, 2009 TulsaNow Forum


Someone get Hoss a pacifier.


"Labor is prior to and independent of capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first existed. Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much the higher consideration" --Abraham Lincoln

dbacks fan

Quote from: patric on May 06, 2012, 02:40:45 PM
Police get teens stoned, then drop them off at Occupy:

A lot of this is what is called "Wet Testing" it's a way for LEO's to see the actual effects on people under the influence of drugs and alcohol. I actually took part of a test by the police dept that was in the city I worked for for DUI testing and prep for officers going into the DUI Task Force. So, yes, I was given alcohol to drink by the police, and then tested by them to see my reactions so officers could use the situation as a learning tool. And I'm guessing that, the guidelines for testing people under the influence varies by states, and that the "heavilly edited" videos may be a similar situation.


Quote from: dbacks fan on May 08, 2012, 04:38:46 AM
A lot of this is what is called "Wet Testing" it's a way for LEO's to see the actual effects on people under the influence of drugs and alcohol. I actually took part of a test by the police dept that was in the city I worked for for DUI testing and prep for officers going into the DUI Task Force. So, yes, I was given alcohol to drink by the police, and then tested by them to see my reactions so officers could use the situation as a learning tool. And I'm guessing that, the guidelines for testing people under the influence varies by states, and that the "heavilly edited" videos may be a similar situation.

"Wet testing" using marijuana is also illegal for LEO's.  There is NO provision to allow such a thing anywhere, anytime.

But then, the best dope you could get on certain Tulsa streets in a certain decade and a half that shall remain nameless, but has been over publicized/dramatized in modern pop culture, came straight from the property room of the TPD.  Causing the eventual demotion and removal of the person running that little goat-rope event - after many, many years.

"So he brandished a gun, never shot anyone or anything right?"  --TeeDub, 17 Feb 2018.

I don't share my thoughts because I think it will change the minds of people who think differently.  I share my thoughts to show the people who already think like me that they are not alone.


Quote from: heironymouspasparagus on May 08, 2012, 08:45:03 AM
"Wet testing" using marijuana is also illegal for LEO's.  There is NO provision to allow such a thing anywhere, anytime.
But then, the best dope you could get on certain Tulsa streets in a certain decade and a half that shall remain nameless, but has been over publicized/dramatized in modern pop culture, came straight from the property room of the TPD.  Causing the eventual demotion and removal of the person running that little goat-rope event - after many, many years.

The reaction from a city councilor:

...I also find it deeply troubling that this DRE program seems to have targeted the area of the Occupy protests.  One of the talking points of those who want to shut down the Occupy protests (supporters of the Johnson resolution both on the Council and in the community) is that Occupy has brought more drug use and intoxicated people to Peavey Plaza.  It now seems that law enforcement officers have played a major role in bringing drug use and intoxicated people to the plaza.  Was this site chosen with the intent of undermining Occupy's credibility, or is it just a coincidence?  Or did the officers participating in the DRE program target Occupy because they view the protesters as a collection of drug users?  As I see it, this new information calls into question all of the "evidence" that Occupy has increased crime and livability problems on the plaza, strengthening my opposition to the Johnson resolution.

Two nights ago I had a long conversation with a concerned mother who was very upset because her son had been given free drugs by a police officer when he went out to participate in what he thought would be social action in a public plaza to help improve his community and country.  She was shocked to learn from her son later that police gave him illegal drugs and asked him to use them, indicating that it was okay and that it was part of a police program.  She expressed concern about her young son and his particular mental capacity to make sound judgments under such conditions.  Her trust in the police was broken and she was baffled at how such a thing could ever be condoned by her government.  She felt that it was the police's responsibility to help keep her son safe and protect him from harm and consider that by their action the police had put him in harm's way. She recalled how often those wishing to profit from the sale of drugs often used free samples to help get people "hooked" and almost could not believe that here it was the police giving her son a sample with apparent total disregard for his welfare.

I can appreciate that it is in the interest of the public to have a well-educated police force, able to identify intoxicated people, but there must be better, more ethical, alternative ways to provide them that education. I wonder how health professionals, who also need to be able to make these determinations, learn that information. I wonder if the State Department of Health was consulted and approved of this program before it was implemented. It would be interesting to hear from our own health professionals about this.

-- City Council Member Cam Gordon
"Tulsa will lay off police and firemen before we will cut back on unnecessarily wasteful streetlights."  -- March 18, 2009 TulsaNow Forum


Oh, this was a total surprise...

CHICAGO (AP) — Three activists who traveled to Chicago for a NATO summit were accused Saturday of manufacturing Molotov cocktails in a plot to attack President Barack Obama's campaign headquarters, Mayor Rahm Emanuel's home and other targets.

But defense lawyers shot back that Chicago police had trumped up the charges to frighten peaceful protesters away, telling a judge it was undercover officers known by the activists as "Mo" and "Gloves" who brought the firebombs to a South Side apartment where the men were arrested.

"This is just propaganda to create a climate of fear," Michael Deutsch said. "My clients came to peacefully protest."

On the eve of the summit, the dramatic allegations were reminiscent of previous police actions ahead of major political events, when authorities moved quickly to prevent suspected "plots" but sometimes quietly dropped the charges later.

Read more:
"Tulsa will lay off police and firemen before we will cut back on unnecessarily wasteful streetlights."  -- March 18, 2009 TulsaNow Forum

Vashta Nerada

QuoteOne of those arrested is a photographer who was covering the protests for Getty Images, said Mickey Osterreicher, general counsel for the National Press Photographers Association, who waited outside the station until the photographer was released just before 4 a.m.

Noah Brooks, 27, of New Jersey, said he was arrested around 11:30 p.m. while taking photos of protesters as they marched out of the Loop.

Police "kept rushing up and grabbing people, so I kept going back to take pictures of it," Noah said moments after walking out of the station shirtless. "They just swarmed up and jumped on me."

He said the officers who arrested him told him he had disobeyed an order to disperse, and after he arrived at the station he was told he was suspected of trying to steal a jacket and sunglasses from a police car.

Despite the allegations, he was released without being cited or charged.


Some "terrorists" quietly released:

Questions arise as to police involvement in alleged NATO terror

It's as old as protest itself: Find some useful idiots, cajole them into making weapons, then brand them "terrorists." Authorities must rather enjoy the ease with which they can unfold their little plots.
Is it possible that authorities seek these jackasses out not so much in a valiant fight against "terrorism" but in a cynical effort to paint protest movements as radically violent? It is, ironically, a more benign but no less disgusting form of domestic terrorism.

QuotePerhaps the most interesting tidbit of information fueling the rumor mill is whether the three suspects have been targeted because of a candid video they shot and released the previous week, showing CPD officers searching their car and intimidating them as they entered Chicago. The video, which gleaned considerable online attention, showed one officer recommending that protesters receive "a billy club to the f****** skull."

Longer version:
"Tulsa will lay off police and firemen before we will cut back on unnecessarily wasteful streetlights."  -- March 18, 2009 TulsaNow Forum