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(PROJECT) A Gathering Place For Tulsa

Started by sgrizzle, February 21, 2012, 10:36:58 AM

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A recent TW article had two short blurbs about the future phases, but no actual timeline or additional information.  I thought with the One Year Anniversary happening they would have had some more updates and renderings.
QuotePhase two of Gathering Place will center on the children's museum. Officials initially announced it would be completed by March or April 2020, but the timeline has been extended.

QuoteGathering Place officials have not yet decided what phase three of the park, to be constructed south of the children's museum, will include.


This article says they hope to start construction by the end of the year.

They were supposed to have a groundbreaking ceremony this past spring, but it got pushed back. Not sure what the hold up could be. Probably some concerns over traffic/parking.


Quote from: shavethewhales on September 26, 2019, 05:18:02 PM
This article says they hope to start construction by the end of the year.

They were supposed to have a groundbreaking ceremony this past spring, but it got pushed back. Not sure what the hold up could be. Probably some concerns over traffic/parking.

I just care about when they're going to start/finish the riverside part! That is the most critical/important part of the next phases. It's crazy to have been open a year but no announcement about finishing the park.


Quote from: TulsaGoldenHurriCAN on September 27, 2019, 03:34:05 PM
I just care about when they're going to start/finish the riverside part! That is the most critical/important part of the next phases. It's crazy to have been open a year but no announcement about finishing the park.

Agree I would've thought they would be making periodic announcements to keep people engaged/interested.  What is the hold up with the pedestrian bridge and whitewater flume?


Quote from: TulsaGoldenHurriCAN on September 27, 2019, 03:34:05 PM
I just care about when they're going to start/finish the riverside part! That is the most critical/important part of the next phases. It's crazy to have been open a year but no announcement about finishing the park.

Agreed. For all the magnificence of the park and trail upgrades, it's really unseemly to have a giant chain link fence blocking people from the river. And the old renderings seemed like there were some neat plans for the riverside part of the park. My guess, however, is that they won't do it until the new pedestrian bridge is in place, so 5-10 years from now (at least it will feel that long).


Quote from: DowntownDan on October 08, 2019, 10:48:57 AM
Agreed. For all the magnificence of the park and trail upgrades, it's really unseemly to have a giant chain link fence blocking people from the river. And the old renderings seemed like there were some neat plans for the riverside part of the park. My guess, however, is that they won't do it until the new pedestrian bridge is in place, so 5-10 years from now (at least it will feel that long).

That is correct, they are waiting on the city to complete the Zink Dam/whitewater flume upgrades and Pedestrian Bridge projects.  Then it will feel "complete" along the river, but it may be another 4-5 years before that happens they don't seem to be in any hurry to get those projects started.  In the meantime they should be working on Phase 2 starting next year which will "complete" the southern end of the park. 

The new children's museum will be a fantastic addition.  Right now while the park is a destination for families there isn't a lot to do that is indoors if it's too hot or cold.  This will provide another option in addition to all of the outdoors activities.


Quote from: SXSW on October 08, 2019, 11:41:07 AM
That is correct, they are waiting on the city to complete the Zink Dam/whitewater flume upgrades and Pedestrian Bridge projects.  Then it will feel "complete" along the river, but it may be another 4-5 years before that happens they don't seem to be in any hurry to get those projects started.  In the meantime they should be working on Phase 2 starting next year which will "complete" the southern end of the park. 

The new children's museum will be a fantastic addition.  Right now while the park is a destination for families there isn't a lot to do that is indoors if it's too hot or cold.  This will provide another option in addition to all of the outdoors activities.

Pedestrian bridge would be a perfect place to continue in the BHAG tradition established by the Gathering Place in general.  There is a great example of what can be done beyond the walking deck that the old bridge provided - The High Line in west Manhattan NY.  The place is amazing.  It would be an exceptional expansion of the look/feel of the Gathering Place.    Then sometime in the future, do another grand thing on the west end of the bridge to continue on....

"So he brandished a gun, never shot anyone or anything right?"  --TeeDub, 17 Feb 2018.

I don't share my thoughts because I think it will change the minds of people who think differently.  I share my thoughts to show the people who already think like me that they are not alone.


That reminds of, what I believe was the third proposed bridge option, back when that was in discussion. That option was a place to go for the bridge alone, but it didn't get voted for.


Nice! Is the river access part of the park still dependent on the new bridge?


Quote from: ComeOnBenjals on February 18, 2020, 09:25:09 AM
Nice! Is the river access part of the park still dependent on the new bridge?

The riverfront along the Gathering Place will be completed with the river bank improvements as part of the Zink Dam project that starts later this year.  The bridge will be built at the same time as well.

The new island will be roughly where the pavilion and water intake tower are currently located on the old bridge with the dam to the left and the whitewater flume to the right between the island and the east bank.  The new bridge will connect to the Midland Valley trail where it currently crosses Riverside and dead ends at the river trail.



Zink Dam construction starts in August and will be complete in December 2022.  Work on the new pedestrian bridge is scheduled to start in November and will be complete in May 2022.

QuoteThe key elements of the Zink Dam reconstruction project include replacing and increasing the number of gates, from three to 15. The gates will range in height from 3 feet to 10 feet. The tallest gates in the existing dam are 7 feet high. A 1,000-foot-long flume for kayaking and other water activities will be built along the east bank of the Arkansas River south of the pedestrian bridge. And Tulsans will finally get a true Zink Lake, with water backing up to well north of the 21st Street Bridge.

Looking forward to river always looking like this next to the Gathering Place up past the 244 bridge..




Quote from: SXSW on July 28, 2020, 12:13:12 PM

Looking forward to river always looking like this next to the Gathering Place up past the 244 bridge..

Haha...I really hope you aren't serious about that. It will be full more than it is now. I imagine this will cut down on the daily up/down that currently happens. But its not like you are going to fix the problem of Keystone not releasing during the winter.


Quote from: buffalodan on July 29, 2020, 11:06:04 AM
Haha...I really hope you aren't serious about that. It will be full more than it is now. I imagine this will cut down on the daily up/down that currently happens. But its not like you are going to fix the problem of Keystone not releasing during the winter.

The new dam will create a more constant level lake more like Lady Bird Lake in Austin.  As of right now with the broken gates unless Keystone is releasing water there isn't a "lake".