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Goddess of Oil Statue

Started by TheArtist, November 23, 2005, 07:02:32 PM

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A few years ago my family got quite a suprise from my grandmother.  Apparently when she was a young woman she had modeled for a nude statue.  We also learned that this statue was supposed to be 40' tall and reside where the Golden Driller now stands.  The well known, Tulsa artist, Clarence Allen was the sculptor of the the prototype.  He chose my grandmother in part, saying that she had the same measurements as Betty Grable the number one pinup girl of the time.  

  Due to the war effort the plans for the statue were put on the shelf and forgotten.  I have recently come to posess this statue and think that at least a 1/3 larger than life size version would be nice to have built.  I have inquired as to the cost of such bronze this size and have been quoted that it would be in the 15,000 dollar range.  

 I dont know how to start a foundation or something like that to raise  money for it so may just try to do it myself and ask for money from friends and family as well.  I have also wondered where it would be nice to place such a statue.  I think this statue would be a wonderful addition to the other artwork in Tulsa and its history. Any comments or suggestions?
"When you only have two pennies left in the world, buy a loaf of bread with one, and a lily with the other."-Chinese proverb. "Arts a staple. Like bread or wine or a warm coat in winter. Those who think it is a luxury have only a fragment of a mind. Mans spirit grows hungry for art in the same way h


Well its been a while but I have begun to try and get the ball rolling again on having the "Goddess of Oil" statue built.  Sgrizzle and I have been working on a website.  Its almost done, just needs a few typos, tweaks and corrections made before it goes "live" and the begging for money begins lol.

Take a peek at this and if anyone has any suggestions let me know.

Once the website is done and I start hitting people up for funds I will also start trying to figure out a spot where the statue could be placed.

"When you only have two pennies left in the world, buy a loaf of bread with one, and a lily with the other."-Chinese proverb. "Arts a staple. Like bread or wine or a warm coat in winter. Those who think it is a luxury have only a fragment of a mind. Mans spirit grows hungry for art in the same way h


I think she'd look great standing directly in front of the Golden Driller! [8D]


This statue needs a grand venue, not in the middle of a fair ground.  Somewhere downtown instantly pops to mind:  1) Over the entrance to the BOk arena or in the new plaza around in, 2) in the civic plaza area as the first step of a remodel, 3) perhaps as part of whatever development goes in where tower view was, 4) or outside the Mayo.  5) Or perhaps like the Indian in Woodward park or the Arrow Shooter at Gilcrease - as a center piece in a large public space.  6) Along the river?  Some of those sites could have matching funding to go along with it.

Personally, I think it would look fantastic in in front of the main entrance of the BOk arena, closer to the road. Much like the statue of MJ at the Untied Center (or common at many venues)... paying homage to the oil fields that built Tulsa.

I am only good for a nominal amount of money, but I can help with any legal matters and I'm confident I can get you a couple thousand dollars worth of services in the installation process, or at least a very steep discount.  My company helped install the Firemen bronze downtown free of charge recently.

best of luck.

Ps. your grandmother's hot. [;)]
- - - - - - - - -
I crush grooves.


I would love to see this statue some place downtown.  If anything just for the photo-op lol. Would make a great shot to be able to snap a pic of this statue and have the downtown skyline in the background.

There are actually plans for a park and fountain to go in right off of Boston Ave as part of the Centennial Walk. Gusher Park I believe.    Can't think of a more appropriate park and place. That would be my first choice if I can convince the powers that be. The fountain is right on the corner of 6th and Boston Ave. However it may be a tough sell getting a nude statue in a public place like that. May have to delicately work behind the scenes then spring it on the public as a donation lol.

Another possibility could be the QT guy and the park he wants to build on the river at 41st. But there it is supposed to be more of a family oriented park and this statue may cause too much of a ruckus in this town for an area like that.  It wouldn't have had any problem being built in the 1930s or 40s as intended. But now...

I would have liked for it to have been in front of the BOK arena. I made a presentation for it when they were taking requests for artists proposals. You could tell the people were uncomfortable even taking the photos and renderings from me. Definitely far to prominent and far to public a space. The local Taliban would not allow it at all. Its just so odd to me. Perhaps I have been around art so much all my life that I don't give it a second thought. But its often the first thing some people comment on around here. Usually in "hushed tones" and with a fearful, concerned look on their  But, I am going to have this statue made, one way or another, and people will have to figure out a way to somehow survive with it. [8D]

As for legal advice. I could certainly use some on this.  It was given to my grandmother by the artist. I dont even think the artist is alive anymore and my aunt is the legal guardian over my grandmother now. How do I go about figuring out who has the legal rights to the statue and documenting or securing those rights. Its one of the first things that sculptors I have spoken to have asked. Do the family members of the deceased artist have the rights to it? My grandmother, my Aunt? How do I go about getting the legal authority to make descisions and collect any funds in relation to this work or sell copies of it?

Had a sculptor mention that he could make small copies of this statue and that they could be sold to raise money to pay for the work to be done. But he would want to be sure who has the legal rights to the statue.  Any help on this matter would be muuuch appreciated.  
"When you only have two pennies left in the world, buy a loaf of bread with one, and a lily with the other."-Chinese proverb. "Arts a staple. Like bread or wine or a warm coat in winter. Those who think it is a luxury have only a fragment of a mind. Mans spirit grows hungry for art in the same way h

Double A

I think she would look sweet on top of the jazz hall of fame, but the name is so passe it's lame. She should be renamed the goddess of arts and energy, IMHO. It would broaden the appeal to a wealthy support base of art patrons, and energy sector businesses outside the realm of oil only. DMI, that is hiring 450 people right now to manufacture wind farm turbines in East Tulsa, is one example right off the top of my head.
The clash of ideas is the sound of freedom. Ars Longa, Vita Brevis!

Ed W

Would the style of this sculpture be considered neo-classical?  I certainly agree that the fairgrounds isn't the best site, and that our local Taliban would have a snit.  Maybe one of the museums would be a good site choice.

May you live in interesting times.


I don't think the nudity would cause as much of a stir as you might think.

The real problems are finding a suitably monumental location and the right architectural context.

You mentioned outside of the arena as a possibility. Had the arena been the art deco building many of us wanted, had it been designed to be attractive and interesting without attempting to be "iconic," that might have worked. As it is, the Goddess of Oil and the arena would be jostling for attention.

Union Depot is the right architectural context, but with the viaduct there and the BOk Tower blocking the view, I'm not sure where the right location would be.


Originally posted by Ed W

Would the style of this sculpture be considered neo-classical?  I certainly agree that the fairgrounds isn't the best site, and that our local Taliban would have a snit.  Maybe one of the museums would be a good site choice.

I would say she is neo-classical, but you do get a sense of the time period she was sculpted in. There does seem to be an art-decoish feel to her and thats to be expected. If I were to design a fountain to go around her I would give it a soft neo-classical/art-deco mix to help notch up the deco feel of the statue while not contrasting with it too much. Something that would gently accentuate the art-deco feel while not making it look like two distinctly different styles were mixed together.

As for the name, that was what it was originally supposed to be called so I just kept with it. I can understand wanting to broaden the appeal and make it current. But I think its fine to "sell" her as something from our history. However the arts angle is definitely something I wish to emphasize. I dont want it to be just another sculpture. I want it to be of high artistic quality. Every detail artistically flawless. There arent too many sculptors nationally who can pull off what I am hoping to achieve for Tulsa. The model you see is only an irregular, rough draft. There remains a looot of thought and work involved to make it into a lifesize or larger, quality sculpture that will stay true to the style, the time period and the artists intent. And of course a good setting would only benefit that.
"When you only have two pennies left in the world, buy a loaf of bread with one, and a lily with the other."-Chinese proverb. "Arts a staple. Like bread or wine or a warm coat in winter. Those who think it is a luxury have only a fragment of a mind. Mans spirit grows hungry for art in the same way h


I'm almost sure you've already thought of this, but if not ...

Make sure that statue is on a tall and narrow pedestal so that drunks and smart-alecks don't ... ahem ... molest it.


Originally posted by Porky

I think she'd look great standing directly in front of the Golden Driller! [8D]

QT could find it offensive in front of the driller where they own advertising rights.  Could be they don't have such merchandise in their stores.

Better to put it under glass at the new city hall.

It is a beautiful piece of art and it will receive comments from many people.  
Today we stand in ecstasy and view that we build today'
Tomorrow we will enter into the plea to have it torn away.


This statue simply must go in the middle of the intersection of 5th and Main.

I know there is a fountain at that location, but last week I noticed some tire marks on it.  Come on, Tulsa.  That fountain is looking scuffed up and shabby.  It's time we demolished it and replaced it with something glistening and new for at least a year or two.  This glowing statue would be perfect at that spot, so there's no need for further discussion.

Let's put it to a vote.  Is the City sales tax rate maxed out?  I think a temporary city or county sales tax would be the best way to fund this glorious project.

P.S.  The figure should be facing directly toward the middle of Owasso.


Reluctantly, I'm going to take a more pragmatic, mainstream view. From my experience Tulsa will not allow this statue to be in a publicly funded venue. You all have overestimated the cultural sophistication of 3/4 of our city population. Bates, do you think UT could carry all that seamy advertising if public dollars published their vehicle?

Where is there similar art showing the human form unadorned on display in a public area in Tulsa? Especially such a lovely form as hers? There will be a firestorm of protest, which admittedly I will enjoy, but will eclipse her significance. Consider Philbrook or the Philtower otherwise be ready for attacks from the gallery.


Tulsans need wake up and embrace the future.  We absolutely must have this statue in order to keep up with Oklahoma City, Wichita, and Joplin.

Pull your heads out, you pragmatic prudes!

"Build it, and they will come" -- that's exactly what 75% of Tulsans fear, isn't it?  All of the naysayers -- it's just disgusting.  The more I look at this, the closer I get to busting.  Really, I don't know how much more I can take before my head explodes.

Pubic funding is hands-down the best method of financing the erection of this transformative monument for the greater Tulsa region.  

Those streets and sewers can wait.  Now is the time to grab on to this golden opportunity before it slips from our grasp.  

We need this statue.  We need it badly, and we need it NOW !!  There is more to life than the bare necessities.


Thanks boo for the support. Not to worry though I think I can have this statue funded privately so there will be no need for any public funding or worry that the city won't fund it. However I would like it to be in a public space like the Centennial Gusher Park.  There is an approval process for any donations of art to the city so will have to do a lot of chatting with different groups and get a feel for how this will go over.  I do think Bates underestimates the problems this sculpture will have being put out in a public space. But I think if I am careful and build the right relationships and quietly tip toe around some others lol. I may have a chance.

Have any of you seen the modern sculpture by the new parking garage near the arena?  I have heard that some people working for the city were offended by the nudity and think it should be removed. The figures are so abstract that you cant even tell whether or not they are wearing clothes.  I know some people who will not take their children to Philbrook because of the nude statues there. This isnt the 1920s- 1940s, there is a much more prudish environment concerning art and nudity these days in Tulsa.  morNeedless to say, I will have to be very very careful and persuasive.
"When you only have two pennies left in the world, buy a loaf of bread with one, and a lily with the other."-Chinese proverb. "Arts a staple. Like bread or wine or a warm coat in winter. Those who think it is a luxury have only a fragment of a mind. Mans spirit grows hungry for art in the same way h