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City Hall Consolidation (purchase of One Technolog

Started by rbryant, June 12, 2007, 06:59:07 PM

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Or it could be a disincentive to move in there.  I guess being close to say the permits office for a construction company would be handy, but if most of their construction work is out south, I don't see the benefit.

Not trying to poo poo on your parade, just curious what types of businesses would benefit from being co-located in a city hall?  I'm not coming up with any ideas of my own.
"It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first" -Ronald Reagan

Double A

Originally posted by recyclemichael

The parking argument is bogus. The current parking is shared with events at the Civic Center and the other government offices. Did you ever try to find a parking spot when a big convention was in town?

The parking will be better at the new place.

The other bogus argument is about having the city in the real estate business. The city is already in the real estate business. They rent out facilities to Subway in the current building, the county lease out expo square to the Drillers and Big Splash, even the RiverParks leases to a restaurant.

Lots of businesses will want to be in the same building as city hall. I am more worried about having contractors, consultants, chambers, etc. be too close.

I also think that they could work out an arrangement with a property company to minimize the risk. That would allow the city to have a middle man take any risk and the city could have a guarantee of income.

I am convinced that this move will re-energize downtown. I am in favor.

Don't believe this spin. This problem was discussed at length in the UED. Costs were estimated at $500,000 dollars just to accommodate parking for employees. The public will have to fend for themselves at the mercy of private surface lot owners or to search for on street metered parking, which there is very little of. It seems to me like this would provide more incentives for teardowns by property owners to create more private pay to park surface lots downtown. Make no mistake, that leasing space in city hall will mean a city government of, by, and for the special interests; complete with their convenient access to public officials and their own convenient private parking that the public won't enjoy. All they have to do is become tenants and threaten to leave the space if their agendas aren't adopted leaving our elected officials with the dilema of doing their will or risk being able to pay the bill. The fact that the metro chamber has already expressed interest shows the writing is on the wall.
The clash of ideas is the sound of freedom. Ars Longa, Vita Brevis!


This discussion seems to be solely focused on OTC.  It should also be focused on the current state of our city hall.  Yes, there are a lot of unknowns about the move to OTC, but look at current city hall:  $16 million in maintenance issues, mold and asbestos, horribly energy inefficient, and it isn't large enough to accommodate all city offices--instead, they're spread out among a dozen buildings.

Let's not compare OTC to OTC... Let's compare what we currently have with the prospect of something better.

I feel that a move to OTC would benefit the City of Tulsa regardless of what the old city hall building could be used for.

Yes, there are unknowns... but if we don't step out there and do something, they'll always remain unknowns, while the sorry state of our current city hall is well-known.

If this issue fails, what, if ANYTHING, would be done to our current city hall?  Would it just sit in disrepair until it completely falls apart?  I doubt the councilors want that for the City.


"All they have to do is become tenants and threaten to leave the space if their agendas aren't adopted leaving our elected officials with the dilema of doing their will or risk being able to pay the bill.

In your Government this would be what you would expect to happen.....

Billy LaFortuna, for the most part, did away with the EDC....

The TMC was given their way.... and it got us nothing.

This is mot a Metro Chamber idea... That they are seeking to ride it's coat-tails shouldn't surprise anyone....

They have to show that they can still appreciate a good idea....

Even if they can't come up with one.

Double A

Originally posted by DScott28604

This discussion seems to be solely focused on OTC.  It should also be focused on the current state of our city hall.  Yes, there are a lot of unknowns about the move to OTC, but look at current city hall:  $16 million in maintenance issues, mold and asbestos, horribly energy inefficient, and it isn't large enough to accommodate all city offices--instead, they're spread out among a dozen buildings.

Let's not compare OTC to OTC... Let's compare what we currently have with the prospect of something better.

I feel that a move to OTC would benefit the City of Tulsa regardless of what the old city hall building could be used for.

Yes, there are unknowns... but if we don't step out there and do something, they'll always remain unknowns, while the sorry state of our current city hall is well-known.

I believe Councilors requested a detailed account of these deferred maintenance costs in order to determine how this 16 million dollar number was compiled. To my knowledge this has detailed list has never materialized so I am apt to question the reliability of those numbers, especially since it has grown since this deal was first pushed. The sorry state and poor design of One Tech is well known, lest we forget that the curtain wall and roof of this new state of the art building have already failed. If we want to get into a high risk gamble with taxpayer dollars we might as well go play the Casinos.
The clash of ideas is the sound of freedom. Ars Longa, Vita Brevis!


Originally posted by Double A

The sorry state and poor design of One Tech is well known, lest we forget that the curtain wall and roof of this new state of the art building have already failed.

I don't know what "poor design" you're talking about, and if you think the building's in a sorry state, you're sadly mistaken.  One of the glass panels had been installed backwards.  It fell off.  That's it.


Originally posted by DScott28604

Originally posted by Double A

The sorry state and poor design of One Tech is well known, lest we forget that the curtain wall and roof of this new state of the art building have already failed.

I don't know what "poor design" you're talking about, and if you think the building's in a sorry state, you're sadly mistaken.  One of the glass panels had been installed backwards.  It fell off.  That's it.

This is the building which was heavily damaged in the big wind storm back in May of '04.
"It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first" -Ronald Reagan


The glass and roof have been fixed and come with the warranty intact to the new owners, I've heard that mentioned on several occasions.

It's cleaned up mostly now, but if you had been to City Hall earlier today you'd get to see one of the rainy day occurrences....a leak down by the cashier windows, not to mention behind them.  There are so many drip pans in the ceiling of that place, mold couldn't help BUT to grow.


Originally posted by TulsaSooner

So are the online comments following a article ALWAYS left by idiots?


"Hopefully the counsil will use common sense..."

Read no further.
"It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first" -Ronald Reagan


That's ok.  A sign on my child's daycare center read:
"Are class will be going on a field-trip."


or better yet.  Fox News reported that Saddam Hussein was hung.  Might be true, I dont know.  I was more interested in the fact that he was hanged to death the day before.
- - - - - - - - -
I crush grooves.

Double A

Originally posted by TulsaSooner

The glass and roof have been fixed and come with the warranty intact to the new owners, I've heard that mentioned on several occasions.

It's cleaned up mostly now, but if you had been to City Hall earlier today you'd get to see one of the rainy day occurrences....a leak down by the cashier windows, not to mention behind them.  There are so many drip pans in the ceiling of that place, mold couldn't help BUT to grow.

A warranty and stop gap measures do not make up for a poor design. If you have a recipe for making chicken salad out of chicken s*#t, I'd love to see it. Besides, warranties expire, then what? Let's see that detailed list of all this deferred maintenance and corresponding costs. I'm waiting.
The clash of ideas is the sound of freedom. Ars Longa, Vita Brevis!


Originally posted by Double A

A warranty and stop gap measures do not make up for a poor design. If you have a recipe for making chicken salad out of chicken s*#t, I'd love to see it. Besides, warranties expire, then what? Let's see that detailed list of all this deferred maintenance and corresponding costs. I'm waiting.

Poor design?  Maybe you should speak with the maintenance folks at City Hall.  Because the plaza level is basically the ceiling to street level of CH, it leaks like a sieve anytime there is rain or ice/snow melting.  The ceiling tiles behind the cashier area are a disgrace as are the rusted out "supports" between them.  In that ceiling is a series of drip pans and drainage pipes that any labyrinth would be jealous of.

Double A

I'd prefer a detailed list as opposed to your anecdotal unsubstantiated claims.
The clash of ideas is the sound of freedom. Ars Longa, Vita Brevis!


Gee doubleA...

Funny you should ask someone else to document their statements...

you made these on this thread...

The convention biz is dead. I bet it winds up as a casino/hotel.

Even if everything worked out perfectly on this deal it will be many years before we would see a hotel development on the civic center site.

The public will have to fend for themselves at the mercy of private surface lot owners or to search for on street metered parking, which there is very little of.

It seems to me like this would provide more incentives for teardowns by property owners to create more private pay to park surface lots downtown.

All they have to do is become tenants and threaten to leave the space if their agendas aren't adopted leaving our elected officials with the dilema of doing their will or risk being able to pay the bill.

The sorry state and poor design of One Tech is well known,

All you do is throw out unsubstantiated innuendo...

Power is nothing till you use it.