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Author Topic: 7 Wonders of Tulsa  (Read 26367 times)
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« Reply #60 on: July 11, 2007, 10:10:48 am »

Originally posted by Conan71

Well, let's just say back in the day wisdom was to date ORU girls as they were a much more fun date. [Wink]

As Gomer Pyle would say:

"Shame, shame, shame! Shame on you, Sgt. Carter!"

East coast has catholic girls - Tulsa has ORU girls.
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« Reply #61 on: July 11, 2007, 12:53:01 pm »

CF answered:

The facts on China go back to 5,000 years before Christ.   Their history is available in short form in any Almanac.  Their investment in US securities does not reflect the balance of payments which is measured in the trillion of dollars on deposit in the world bank.  Lets consider apples to apples when they are used as a barter of exchange.  There is an article in the archives of the Tulsa World about the exchange and how it could effect our economy if they ask for it.

Seem your dream is taking a wheelbarrow of hundred dollar bills to the store to buy a weeks supply of food is the perfect economy.   I am from an economy where I worked as a welder for Flint for the yearly salary of $884 fabricating the bomber plant.   China average salary is $7,700 which is a poor income in our deflated dollars?
The dream of building of the City of Faith, where the strawberry patch once stood, was completed by the outsider, who says he had a vision and a demand to do so.  The knowledge of the struggle to fulfill it happened long before you were ready for dippers.   Roberts, was from a simple family and the acquisition of the information was obtained over years printed in the news papers of the buildings.  We have done contract work for his brother and sister also.

There was rumors that TU was to get his library and I did notice that at one time there seem to be an increase in the Reporters added.

I love the discussions with new economist who know only of the golden age of this country.   The world is struggling to move in on us to take advantage of the float of the dollar by threat.  Watch out for sharp points as they are very dangerous around inflated economy balloons

Your thread was to list the 7 wonders of Tulsa which I have answered too.  Thus have I not cited one?

Today we stand in ecstasy and view that we build today’
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« Reply #62 on: July 11, 2007, 01:12:35 pm »

Originally posted by shadows
The dream of building of the City of Faith, where the strawberry patch once stood, was completed by the outsider, who says he had a vision and a demand to do so.

If 900-foot-Jesus spoke to me, I would probably do crazy things too. [Tongue]

« Reply #63 on: July 11, 2007, 01:20:42 pm »

Originally posted by restored2x

Originally posted by TURobY

Originally posted by restored2x

I guess they should have chosen another school to go to. I have no respect for someone who would choose to go to that school, pay good money to get the education afforded them, and then be disloyal to what will be their alma mater.

If true, your comment speaks more of the character of those specific students, and not Oral or the University.

If they are trying to separate the education from the founder - that will be hard to do - considering the fact that their diploma will say ORAL ROBERTS UNIVERSITY right across the top.

They need to stop trying to apologize for being in a school founded by an evangelist. Go the **** elsewhere for your education if you can't be proud of your school and its heritage! I am ashamed of those people.

What is your attitude about TU students who constantly complain about TU? THAT would never happen!

BTW - this series of posts are not drifting - we are debating whether or not ORU should be considered one of Tulsa's wonders. [Wink]

No - I didn't go there - but would have if afforded the opportunity years ago.

Nearly 75% of the people I've met who've gone to ORU (or 13 out of 17)  went there only because their parents sent them there. They didn't have another personal, economically feasible alternative at the time. And from 95% of those people (or 16 out of 17), there was recognition that the student body, as a collective whole, rolled their eyes at Oral's rhetoric.

Additonally, I've heard several complaints from current and previous students on the mandatory chapel services, curfew, and so forth. When I was an undergrad at TU, we would have ORU students trying to hit up the fraternity houses to party all the time. Face it, these kids aren't there for their personal beliefs, they are there because that's where mom and dad sent them.

I'm not saying that the education is bad, and I'm not trying to bring down your view of the school. In fact, I love to walk around and look at the architecture when I'm in the area. I'm just stating that now-a-days, very few kids who attend ORU respect Oral or his mission. They are just trying to get a piece of paper and have an enjoyable time.

I would agree that the architecture of ORU is interesting (though maybe cheaply built, seeing as the dorms are falling apart). A "wonder" though... probably not. I would be willing to give the prayer tower (on its own) consideration, though.

OK - I guess I understand where you're coming from. Many religious schools suffer the same malady - parents send their kids to the school to "fix" them, or hope the school will somehow "convert" them. You can take the kid out of the party, but you can't take the party out of the kid.

Then again, to complain about the rules is a little stupid. After all - they know they are going to a certain kind of school - the rules are there up-front. Curfews and mandatory chapel services ain't gonna change anytime soon there.

I had an opportunity to write for OREA a few years back (wonderful job) - but turned it down because I couldn't sign the agreement about smoking and drinking. I could've signed the papers, taken the job and complained about the rules - but I don't roll like that. Maybe an 18-year-old who depends on their parents for tuition has no other choice... except maybe to grow up and pay their own way through the college of their choice.

Many of our nation's most liberal universities were started by evangelists and theologians. Over time, the schools have changed. Perhaps ORU is beginning to change. We (and you) are witnessing this change first-hand. I'll not say whether this is good or bad; It is the nature of the beast. Maybe in ten years time, we'll see students protesting the praying hands and the ACLU will take ORU to court to rename the Prayer Tower the "Diversity Peak" or something.

Ya never know. In 10 years or so, maybe ORU will be named one of the TOP TEN party schools in the nation!
Disgraced - AGAIN!
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Marble steps - Charm City

« Reply #64 on: July 11, 2007, 01:40:51 pm »

Originally posted by TURobY

Originally posted by shadows
The dream of building of the City of Faith, where the strawberry patch once stood, was completed by the outsider, who says he had a vision and a demand to do so.

If 900-foot-Jesus spoke to me, I would probably do crazy things too. [Tongue]

I guess that whole "tolerance" thing doesn't include people I differ with on matters of faith - especially if they are easy targets.
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« Reply #65 on: July 11, 2007, 01:58:35 pm »

Originally posted by shadows

CF answered:

The facts on China go back to 5,000 years before Christ.   Their history is available in short form in any Almanac.


Their investment in US securities does not reflect the balance of payments which is measured in the trillion of dollars on deposit in the world bank.  Lets consider apples to apples when they are used as a barter of exchange.

The United States does not issue debt through the world bank.  We issue securities on our own accord.  They are not affected by world bank deposits nor securities.  All US debt is issued in US dollars at face value plus state interest - that's about as clear a debt load as one can have.  I will need to see something pretty convincing to sway my opinion away from the US Treasury to your side of the argument.


There is an article in the archives of the Tulsa World about the exchange and how it could effect our economy if they ask for it.

US Securities are issued with a maturity date.  China, nor anyone else, has the right to call the debt in.  Just like your bank can not call in your mortgage.


Seem your dream is taking a wheelbarrow of hundred dollar bills to the store to buy a weeks supply of food is the perfect economy.   I am from an economy where I worked as a welder for Flint for the yearly salary of $884 fabricating the bomber plant.

Please go get some level of education in economics.  Your father was from an economy where he worked for 17 cents a day.  You're son earns $35,000 a year.  The inflation rate in the US for the last 2 decades has averaged less than 3% - far lower than any other country and far better than any historic average.  Managed inflation is not the enemy.

Plus, no economy is safe from the forces of economics.  The gold standard has been busted plenty of time throughout history buy inflationary forces (and worse - deflation.  There not being enough gold to run the economy).

Come up with a better idea and surely you will be as famous as Marx or Smith.

Not to mention, a high inflation economy that is manged correctly will correct itself.  The exports of such a country become relatively cheaper over seas as imports become more expensive.  Thus, domestic producers benefit from the double whamy of higher demand at home and a greater export market.  Economics 101 for the love of god.


China average salary is $7,700 which is a poor income in our deflated dollars?  

China pegs their monetary unit to the US Dollar.    So yes, $7,700 is a poor income.  I even stated in WORLD terms for you.  China is 84th in the world for average income.  EIGHTY FOURTH.

Someday, perhaps when we go back to the gold standard, we can drop 80 places and compete with China on income levels.

If you indeed worked at a bomber plant during WWII as you insinuated, then it is you who lived through the golden age.  The greatest period of economic growth in the history of the world was the United States from 1949 - 1958.

- - - - - - - - -
I crush grooves.
« Reply #66 on: July 11, 2007, 02:03:03 pm »

Originally posted by TURobY

Originally posted by shadows
The dream of building of the City of Faith, where the strawberry patch once stood, was completed by the outsider, who says he had a vision and a demand to do so.

If 900-foot-Jesus spoke to me, I would probably do crazy things too. [Tongue]

Why 900? I thought the big number for Oral was 7 or 77 or 777 or 7777 or whatever. If he'd said a 777ft Jesus, that would be more consistent. And the notion of Jesus being as tall as Godzilla or King Kong is preposterous anyway.

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« Reply #67 on: July 11, 2007, 02:15:29 pm »

Here are my seven wonders of Tulsa.

Quik-Trip...I shop there for all my Christmas gifts. Most of my friends like beer and I can get the kids candy and the wife lottery tickets. It is the finest store of its kind in the country

The Golden Driller...I think we should these all over town. A baseball player over by the Drillers, A cowboy next to OSU-Tulsa, A CSI detective staring through a magnifying glass at the new glass city hall...

The Center of the Universe... amazingly weird and funny. I have taken many a tourist friend there after some beers from a downtown drinking spot and they all giggle.

Bill's Jumbo Burgers...the place seats six, yet serves up hundreds of hamburgers every day during lunch. The Big Red burger inspires song.

Up with Trees...no group like it exists anywhere in the country. Volunteers who raise money just to make our freeways into treeways. They also teach young misdemeanants how to properly plant a tree.

George Kaiser...probably the most conservative banker in the state jumps out and gives money to hire neighborhood inspectors and build new jogging paths. This town will now be more beautiful because of one man.

Tulsa Now...this forum allows full discussion and disclosure like no media before it. Everything that matters and plenty that doesn't gets discussed here. We are a better community for it.

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« Reply #68 on: July 11, 2007, 03:24:26 pm »

I can honestly say that I'd never heard of the "Center Of The Universe" in Tulsa until this thread.


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« Reply #69 on: July 11, 2007, 03:37:07 pm »

Whoa!  Serious Conan?

The center of the universe rules.  You MUST go there.  Well, it really isnt THAT cool.  That's why it has to be coupled with something else.  It would make a pretty poor destination unto itself because after about 5 minutes of "cool" that's about it.

Still, way cool.  

And now we can add the Jazz Hall of Fame coupled with some drinks in Brady/Blue Dome AND the Center of the Universe.

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I crush grooves.
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« Reply #70 on: July 11, 2007, 04:31:11 pm »

Originally posted by restored2x
I guess that whole "tolerance" thing doesn't include people I differ with on matters of faith - especially if they are easy targets.

I can tolerate many things, but hijacking religion for personal gain is something I just can't accept.

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« Reply #71 on: July 11, 2007, 05:11:36 pm »

I remember reading a few months ago an article in the news that said either OU or OSU were teaming up to offer medical classes on the ORU campus.  If a gay student wants to take one of these OU or OSU medical classes on the ORU campus will they be allowed to?  Can those classes at ORU then continue to legally descriminate if part of the funding comes from OU or ORU?

"When you only have two pennies left in the world, buy a loaf of bread with one, and a lily with the other."-Chinese proverb. "Arts a staple. Like bread or wine or a warm coat in winter. Those who think it is a luxury have only a fragment of a mind. Mans spirit grows hungry for art in the same way h
« Reply #72 on: July 11, 2007, 05:16:00 pm »

Originally posted by recyclemichael

Here are my seven wonders of Tulsa.
Up with Trees...no group like it exists anywhere in the country. Volunteers who raise money just to make our freeways into treeways. They also teach young misdemeanants how to properly plant a tree.

Is Up With Trees really just a Tulsa thing?? I always thought it was national... I guess I just never noticed that other cities didn't have those signs.  I like it!
« Reply #73 on: July 11, 2007, 05:34:42 pm »

I saw it in Sand Springs today.

So, no. Tulsa isn't the only one.
« Reply #74 on: July 11, 2007, 06:23:21 pm »

I may be wrong, but I think the OU agreement was with TU, not ORU.  ORU did sign an agreement to accept full/seamless transfers from TCC.

On another note, the Up With Trees program is outstanding and I have not seen another program of it's type outside the Tulsa area, but I have heard rumors of other cities copying it.  Nevertheless, I am always amazed when I return to Tulsa how nice the trees look now that they are starting to mature.
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