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Author Topic: To Be A Republican.....  (Read 12456 times)
T-Town Elder
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« Reply #45 on: December 01, 2007, 08:40:21 am »

Originally posted by Chicken Little

Yeah, whatever.  Dana Perino attacks an old lady with a claw hammer...awe-inspiring.

MS. PERINO: Helen, I find it really unfortunate that you use your front-row position bestowed upon you by your colleagues to make such statements.
Who the f*ck cares about Perino's opinion?  She lies for the President...just like the Tone-ster her...and Scotty...and Ari.  A person with honor would never take that job.  She's merely the latest good-for-nothing to plant a flag on top of Mount Bullsh*t, and apparently, a sanctimonious blowhard to boot.  No wonder you like her.

First, I did not realize you had it so bad for Helen Thomas. Second, by your comment, I guess you agree with her premise that all of our soldiers (who when not at war are our neighbors, fathers, mothers, sons, daughters) are in Iraq not fighting to stabilize the region after disposing of a universally recognized dictator or to bring freedom and liberty to millions that have never known it, but instead they are there killing innocent people intentionally and indiscriminately. If that is the case, you are as big a POS as Thomas.

Someone get Hoss a pacifier.
T-Town Elder
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« Reply #46 on: December 01, 2007, 11:41:00 am »

Oh, and you might be a Republican if you have better mental health than others.

Sure explains a lot about Hometown, Chicken Little, and FOTD

Someone get Hoss a pacifier.
Chicken Little
« Reply #47 on: December 01, 2007, 12:11:32 pm »

Originally posted by guido911

First, I did not realize you had it so bad for Helen Thomas. Second, by your comment, I guess you agree with her premise that all of our soldiers (who when not at war are our neighbors, fathers, mothers, sons, daughters) are in Iraq not fighting to stabilize the region after disposing of a universally recognized dictator or to bring freedom and liberty to millions that have never known it, but instead they are there killing innocent people intentionally and indiscriminately. If that is the case, you are as big a POS as Thomas.

First, yes, I do find myself strangely attracted to Helen Thomas in ways that I can't quite explain...and now you know my secret.  And second, that's not what Thomas said.  Watch the video.  What she said is this, "Do you know how many more people we've killed?" and then, "Do you know how many since the start of the war?".  She didn't, as you have, load her questions up with words like "intentional", "indiscriminate", or "innocent". Perino did that when she was trying to wriggle out of the question; and that's because Perino is sleazy.

So, is Thomas' question a fair one?  Sure it is, why not?  The only thing being shared publicly and regularly are the number of dead US soldiers and marines.  So, how is the average citizen supposed to gauge the progress of the war?  Are we simply supposed to believe, without question, everything that Dana says? Scr*w that.  Why aren't they providing more detail about those killed insurgents, or those killed by friendly fire or collateral damage?  Why aren't they sharing information about people killed by contractors?  How many insurgents are left?  Are their numbers growing or shrinking?    What's the freakin' score in the very, very, very serious game?  There are plenty of questions like this that, we, as good Americans, should be asking of our government.    

Let me be clear.  I have no criticism whatsoever of the job our men and women are doing.  They are doing the very best that they can to complete the impossible task that was handed to them by our President.  He's the thoughtless one.  He owns the failures and terrible choices that have been made since the invasion.  And I won't let you or anybody else try to smear the people of our armed services in order to protect his worthless *ss.  Scr*w his legacy.

I have no doubt that Thomas opposes the war...so do I.  Innocent people do die in wars...it's expected.  But, that wasn't the nature of the question.  The question is simple, "How we doin'?"  And if Thomas, or any other reporter, were to simply take dictation from lying goobs like Perino, then they wouldn't be doing their jobs now, would they?
Chicken Little
« Reply #48 on: December 01, 2007, 12:19:21 pm »

Originally posted by guido911

Oh, and you might be a Republican if you have better mental health than others.

Sure explains a lot about Hometown, Chicken Little, and FOTD

From your article:

Republicans are significantly more likely than Democrats or independents to rate their mental health as excellent

Emphasis mine.  It's a self-evaluation, buddy.  I used to know a guy who thought he was the reincarnation of Jesus.  That didn't make him right...or sane.
T-Town Elder
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« Reply #49 on: December 01, 2007, 12:24:53 pm »

Originally posted by Chicken Little

Originally posted by guido911

Oh, and you might be a Republican if you have better mental health than others.

Sure explains a lot about Hometown, Chicken Little, and FOTD

From your article:

Republicans are significantly more likely than Democrats or independents to rate their mental health as excellent

Emphasis mine.  It's a self-evaluation, buddy.  I used to know a guy who thought he was the reincarnation of Jesus.  That didn't make him right...or sane.

So the converse of that emphasized part of that article would be that "Democrats and independents would not rate their mental health as excellent." Wow, there's a statement.

Someone get Hoss a pacifier.
T-Town Elder
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Posts: 12171

« Reply #50 on: December 01, 2007, 12:36:21 pm »

Originally posted by Chicken Little

Originally posted by guido911

First, I did not realize you had it so bad for Helen Thomas. Second, by your comment, I guess you agree with her premise that all of our soldiers (who when not at war are our neighbors, fathers, mothers, sons, daughters) are in Iraq not fighting to stabilize the region after disposing of a universally recognized dictator or to bring freedom and liberty to millions that have never known it, but instead they are there killing innocent people intentionally and indiscriminately. If that is the case, you are as big a POS as Thomas.

First, yes, I do find myself strangely attracted to Helen Thomas in ways that I can't quite explain...and now you know my secret.  And second, that's not what Thomas said.  Watch the video.  What she said is this, "Do you know how many more people we've killed?" and then, "Do you know how many since the start of the war?".  She didn't, as you have, load her questions up with words like "intentional", "indiscriminate", or "innocent". Perino did that when she was trying to wriggle out of the question; and that's because Perino is sleazy.

So, is Thomas' question a fair one?  Sure it is, why not?  The only thing being shared publicly and regularly are the number of dead US soldiers and marines.  So, how is the average citizen supposed to gauge the progress of the war?  Are we simply supposed to believe, without question, everything that Dana says? Scr*w that.  Why aren't they providing more detail about those killed insurgents, or those killed by friendly fire or collateral damage?  Why aren't they sharing information about people killed by contractors?  How many insurgents are left?  Are their numbers growing or shrinking?    What's the freakin' score in the very, very, very serious game?  There are plenty of questions like this that, we, as good Americans, should be asking of our government.    

Let me be clear.  I have no criticism whatsoever of the job our men and women are doing.  They are doing the very best that they can to complete the impossible task that was handed to them by our President.  He's the thoughtless one.  He owns the failures and terrible choices that have been made since the invasion.  And I won't let you or anybody else try to smear the people of our armed services in order to protect his worthless *ss.  Scr*w his legacy.

I have no doubt that Thomas opposes the war...so do I.  Innocent people do die in wars...it's expected.  But, that wasn't the nature of the question.  The question is simple, "How we doin'?"  And if Thomas, or any other reporter, were to simply take dictation from lying goobs like Perino, then they wouldn't be doing their jobs now, would they?

Here's a partial trancript

HELEN THOMAS: Does the President want no troops out from Iraq on his watch? I'm talking about all the troops.

DANA PERINO, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: Well, 5,700 troops will be home by the end of the year, so that is some troops coming home. The President said that troop levels are going to be made by commanders on the ground, and that we're going to have to talk about --

THOMAS: Why should it be? Why can't the American people have a say?

PERINO: -- return on success. The American people have had a say. They elected a President who is their Commander-in-Chief and is making decisions based on what his commanders on the ground are telling him.

THOMAS: And you think that was the vote of the American people?

PERINO: They elected a Commander-in-Chief, and the President is bringing home 5,700 troops, based on the recommendations of his commanders on the ground and based on return on success. Hopefully in the future we can bring home more, but it's going to depend on what General Petraeus reports and remember he will come back in March.

THOMAS: Why should we depend on him?

PERINO: Because he is the commander on the ground, Helen. He's the one who is making sure that the situation is moving --

THOMAS: You mean how many more people we kill?

MS. PERINO: Helen, I find it really unfortunate that you use your front row position, bestowed upon you by your colleagues, to make such statements. This is a -- it is an honor and a privilege to be in the briefing room, and to suggest that we, at the United States, are killing innocent people is just absurd and very offensive.

THOMAS: Do you know how many we have since the start of this war?

MS. PERINO: How many -- we are going after the enemy, Helen. To the extent that any innocent Iraqis have been killed, we have expressed regret for it.

THOMAS: Oh, regret. It doesn't bring back a life.

MS. PERINO: Helen, we are in a war zone, and our military works extremely hard to make sure that everyone has the opportunity for liberty and freedom and democracy, and that is exactly what they are doing.
I'm going to move on.

Where's the fair question from this exchange? It  reads and sounds like the POS Thomas is using her seat at a press conference to spout off her anti-war message.  

You wrote:

I have no criticism whatsoever of the job our men and women are doing.  They are doing the very best that they can to complete the [/i] impossible[/i] task that was handed to them by our President."

Bull crap. President Bush, VP Cheney, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Al Gore, or any other past or present government official who supported taking out Saddam are not shooting or bombing innocent Iraqi people--the U.S./coalition forces are from the commanding general to the E-1 on the front lines. When people argue innocent people are dying, they are absolutely stating that it is our soldier's fault. So stop the "I support the troops but not the war" crap.  The truth is you support neither.

Someone get Hoss a pacifier.
truth teller
T-Town Elder
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« Reply #51 on: December 01, 2007, 01:02:34 pm »

I could be diagnosed as manic-depressive bipolar.

I have mixed feelings about it.

Power is nothing till you use it.
T-Town Elder
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« Reply #52 on: December 01, 2007, 03:42:23 pm »

Originally posted by recyclemichael

I could be diagnosed as manic-depressive bipolar.

I have mixed feelings about it.

Now that's funny. Unfortunately I am going to have to tell Medlock, which of course means you will be mentioned on his blog again. Sorry.

Someone get Hoss a pacifier.
Chicken Little
« Reply #53 on: December 01, 2007, 03:51:01 pm »

Originally posted by guido911
CL wrote:

I have no criticism whatsoever of the job our men and women are doing.  They are doing the very best that they can to complete the impossible task that was handed to them by our President."

Bull crap. President Bush, VP Cheney, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Al Gore, or any other past or present government official who supported taking out Saddam are not shooting or bombing innocent Iraqi people--the U.S./coalition forces are from the commanding general to the E-1 on the front lines. When people argue innocent people are dying, they are absolutely stating that it is our soldier's fault. So stop the "I support the troops but not the war" crap.  The truth is you support neither.

What did I just say to you?  I said that I'm not going to let you smear our troops in an effort to stick up for a failed President.  And less than an hour later, you turn around and blame the troops anyway.  Shameful.

In war, when troops are doing their jobs, innocent people sometimes die.  Everybody knows this, even that dumb*ss Bush.  Yet, he made the choice to go to war anyway.  Let me say that again.  It wasn't a war of necessity, Iraq was a war of choice...Bush's choice, and his alone.  If innocent people are dying because of this war, it's the fault of the guy who started it, not the troops who are following orders.

Are you the kind of guy that bangs his thumb with a hammer and then throws it away because you think it malfunctions?  I'm not going to let you do that to our men and women in uniform.  They have excelled.  They have done ten times what was expected of them, and done so in spite of the fact that their idiot commander-in-chief sent them there with no strategic plan, insufficient numbers, and inadequate protection.  The failures are Bush's responsibility and his alone.  Could Bush also choose to end this war?  Absolutely.  And so, why isn't it appropriate for Thomas to remind the world about the consequences of Bush's choices?
T-Town Elder
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« Reply #54 on: December 01, 2007, 04:11:01 pm »

Originally posted by Chicken Little

Originally posted by guido911
CL wrote:

I have no criticism whatsoever of the job our men and women are doing.  They are doing the very best that they can to complete the impossible task that was handed to them by our President."

Bull crap. President Bush, VP Cheney, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Al Gore, or any other past or present government official who supported taking out Saddam are not shooting or bombing innocent Iraqi people--the U.S./coalition forces are from the commanding general to the E-1 on the front lines. When people argue innocent people are dying, they are absolutely stating that it is our soldier's fault. So stop the "I support the troops but not the war" crap.  The truth is you support neither.

What did I just say to you?  I said that I'm not going to let you smear our troops in an effort to stick up for a failed President.  And less than an hour later, you turn around and blame the troops anyway.  Shameful.

In war, when troops are doing their jobs, innocent people sometimes die.  Everybody knows this, even that dumb*ss Bush.  Yet, he made the choice to go to war anyway.  Let me say that again.  It wasn't a war of necessity, Iraq was a war of choice...Bush's choice, and his alone.  If innocent people are dying because of this war, it's the fault of the guy who started it, not the troops who are following orders.

Are you the kind of guy that bangs his thumb with a hammer and then throws it away because you think it malfunctions?  I'm not going to let you do that to our men and women in uniform.  They have excelled.  They have done ten times what was expected of them, and done so in spite of the fact that their idiot commander-in-chief sent them there with no strategic plan, insufficient numbers, and inadequate protection.  The failures are Bush's responsibility and his alone.  Could Bush also choose to end this war?  Absolutely.  And so, why isn't it appropriate for Thomas to remind the world about the consequences of Bush's choices?

You completely missed the point I was making.

Someone get Hoss a pacifier.
Chicken Little
« Reply #55 on: December 02, 2007, 12:37:50 pm »

Originally posted by guido911

You completely missed the point I was making.

If I did, it's because your premise is weak.  You somehow think that people can't be proud of and concerned about our military unless they also support this misguided war in Iraq.  That's simply not the case.  Hundreds of millions of Americans, in fact the majority of them, believe that the troops should come home.  That's in spite of the recent lower levels of violence.

Even the Commandant of the Marines wants to pull out of Iraq and go to Afghanistan.  I support that.  

This notion that you have to support Bush's war or you are a traitor is a threadbare idea that was pretty stale in 2004...three years down the road it just seems like a joke.  That's why so many people on this board think that you must be some sort of parody of a conservative.

People on this board and all over America have wide-ranging, nuanced, opinions, and they don't exactly track the way that Rush and Bill-O tell you they do.  Careful who you try to bully or scare with those tired old wingnut cliches, it just might be a conservative you are baring your *ss to.
Double A
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« Reply #56 on: December 02, 2007, 01:06:38 pm »

Originally posted by guido911

Originally posted by Chicken Little

Originally posted by guido911

Oh, and you might be a Republican if you have better mental health than others.

Sure explains a lot about Hometown, Chicken Little, and FOTD

From your article:

Republicans are significantly more likely than Democrats or independents to rate their mental health as excellent

Emphasis mine.  It's a self-evaluation, buddy.  I used to know a guy who thought he was the reincarnation of Jesus.  That didn't make him right...or sane.

So the converse of that emphasized part of that article would be that "Democrats and independents would not rate their mental health as excellent." Wow, there's a statement.

Sounds to me like Democrats and Independents are more likely to give an honest answer, and less likely to be living in a state of denial. The credibility gap of the GOP grows ever larger as they continue on their delusional path of deep denial and dysfunction in their conservative culture of corruption.

The clash of ideas is the sound of freedom. Ars Longa, Vita Brevis!
truth teller
T-Town Elder
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« Reply #57 on: December 02, 2007, 01:19:19 pm »

Originally posted by Chicken Little
I used to know a guy who thought he was the reincarnation of Jesus.  That didn't make him right...or sane.

This joke is for Chicken Little...

Sister: My brother thinks he is a chicken.

Therapist: How long has he thought this?

Sister: About six months.

Therapist: What took you so long to bring him to me?

Sister: We needed the eggs.

Power is nothing till you use it.
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