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Author Topic: Why Barack? Why Not?  (Read 8287 times)
« Reply #15 on: December 20, 2007, 12:37:48 pm »

Originally posted by Conan71

Originally posted by FOTD

Basically, David Brooks sez it best predicting Obie-one would be better prepared for this madness....and I love a good crap shoot. Beats the shot of crap we got now. Anyone w/b better....

So you vote based on op-ed stories.  Nice.  You also seem to live by the headlines and first paragraph of a news story.

You should do the thinking voter a favor surrender your voting card.

I vote knowing ahead of time who is not qualified based on their record.
Bush II was  a coke head and even had Tulsa buddies and parties he had attended here in the 70's where he was a stumbling jerk. He had all the right wing religious nuts backing him. Ironic? See Pat Buchanans stupid editorial in this mornings World. I'd post the link if I could find it. Of course, I just read the headlines....right. Also, I knew reporters in Texas that told me Bush was a chronic liar and did not work well with others.

It's unlikely I'd ever vote for another republican because the country has swung so far to the right it will take beyond my lifetime to calibrate it back to credible in the eyes of the world.
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« Reply #16 on: December 20, 2007, 04:54:06 pm »

Dude, you're a Deadhead, the U.S. will always be too far to the right for you.


"It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first” -Ronald Reagan
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« Reply #17 on: December 20, 2007, 05:20:12 pm »

Come on conan...don't make deadheads sound bad.

Many conservatives, including our past Mayor LaFortune was once a deadhead. Even Ann Colter claims she was once a deadhead.

Being a deadhead once doesn't mean you have a political viewpoint...it means you liked good musicians and songs.


Power is nothing till you use it.
« Reply #18 on: December 20, 2007, 06:44:13 pm »

Back on topic....
~"Constantly choosing the lesser of two evils is still choosing evil."
Jerry Garcia
« Reply #19 on: December 20, 2007, 09:34:23 pm »

<RM wrote:

Being a deadhead once doesn't mean you have a political viewpoint...it means you liked good musicians and songs.

<end clip>

That's rashly assuming you think the Grateful Dead are good musicians and good songwriters.

I don't.

I can think of 200 bands off the top of my head that are better than the Dead ever were.
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« Reply #20 on: December 20, 2007, 09:40:00 pm »

I respectfully disagree with you Rwarn and I want you to prove that you can name 200 bands off the top of your head.

Next TulsaNow lunch...you are on.

Power is nothing till you use it.
« Reply #21 on: December 20, 2007, 09:54:28 pm »

I'd love to see the list of 200 bands as well.
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« Reply #22 on: December 20, 2007, 11:37:25 pm »

Originally posted by FOTD

Back on topic....
~"Constantly choosing the lesser of two evils is still choosing evil."
Jerry Garcia

Great quote from a great man.

Thanks Deadhead.

"It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first” -Ronald Reagan
« Reply #23 on: December 22, 2007, 02:28:32 pm »

Illinois Sen. Barack Obama would defeat all five of the top Republicans in prospective general election contests, performing better than either of his two top rivals, a new Zogby telephone poll shows. Obama and Edwards have large advantage with independents over Billary.  
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« Reply #24 on: December 22, 2007, 09:10:12 pm »

Originally posted by FOTD

Illinois Sen. Barack Obama would defeat all five of the top Republicans in prospective general election contests, performing better than either of his two top rivals, a new Zogby telephone poll shows. Obama and Edwards have large advantage with independents over Billary.  

Don't believe anything you read until the Weds. paper after the general election next Nov.  Who gives a **** about a bunch of nebulous polls?  Hell even exit polls are incredibly inaccurate.

"It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first” -Ronald Reagan
« Reply #25 on: December 23, 2007, 11:46:44 pm »

Moe gets it!

Op-Ed Columnist
Savior or Saboteur?
Published: December 23, 2007

Once it was about Hillary, but now, of course, it’s about Bill.

Our ubiquitous ex-president is playing his favorite uxorious game, and it goes like this: Let’s create chaos and then get out of it together. You ride to my rescue or I ride to yours. We come within an inch of dying and then recapture the day by the skin of our teeth. While we’re killing ourselves, we blame everyone else. We’ll be heroes.

It worked for Bill and Hillary in ’92 and ’96. It didn’t work in the health care debacle. Will it work in Iowa and New Hampshire?

Just when I thought I was out, the Clintons pull me back into their conjugal psychodrama.

Inside the Bill gang and the Hillary gang, there is panic and perplexity. Is Bill a loyal spouse or a subconscious saboteur?

Should Hillaryland muzzle him? Give him a minder? Is he rusty? Or is he freelancing because he relishes his role as head of the party his wife is trying to take over?

“For the first time since the Marc Rich pardon,” said a friend of the Clintons, “Bill is seriously diminishing his personal standing with the people closest to him.”

Certainly Bill wants to repay Hill for those traumatic times when he had to hide behind her skirt. And certainly he feels that his legacy is tied to her. He suggests to Matt Bai in today’s Times Magazine that she can be F.D.R. to his Teddy Roosevelt, getting through the ideas that fell flat the first time.

Is Bill torn between resentment of being second fiddle and gratification that Hillary can be first banana only with his help? Their relationship has always been a co-dependence between his charm and her discipline. But what if, as some of her advisers suggest, she turned out to be a tougher leader, quicker to grasp foreign policy, less skittish about using military power and more inspirational abroad? What if she were to use his mistakes as a reverse blueprint, like W. did with his dad?

When Bill gets slit-eyed, red-faced and finger-wagging in defense of her, is he really defending himself, ego in full bloom, against aspersions that Obama and Edwards cast on Clintonian politics?

Maybe the Boy Who Can’t Help Himself is simply engaging in his usual patterns of humiliating Hillary and lighting an exploding cigar when things are going well.

“They’re not Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald, who had jealousy as the lifeblood of their marriage,” said one writer who has studied the pair. “The lifeblood of their marriage is crisis, coming to each other’s rescue.”

Bill is staying up late strategizing and recasting her message and speeches. But he’s off his game on the trail, making clumsy mistakes like his remark — bound to be shot down by Poppy Bush — that Hillary would send 41 and 42 around the world to restore prestige lost by 43.

Hillary advisers noted that when Bill was asked by a supporter in South Carolina what his wife’s No. 1 priority would be, he replied: C’est moi! “The first thing she intends to do is to send me ...” he began.

He got so agitated with Charlie Rose — ranting that reporters were “stenographers” for Obama — that his aides tried to stop the interview.

He also got in the way of her message with stretchers about opposing the Iraq war from the start, and — in a slap at Obama — deciding not to run in ’88 because he lacked experience. Truth is, he didn’t run for fear of bimbo eruptions.

While making a speech in Iowa, The Associated Press’s Ron Fournier reported, Bill used the word “I” 94 times in 10 minutes, while mentioning “Hillary” just seven times. At a London fund-raiser, one Hillaryite said, it took him nearly half an hour to mention her.

As the Arkansas journalist Max Brantley told the Billary biographer Sally Bedell Smith, “He’s always evangelizing for the church of Bill.”

It’s hard to feel sorry for Hillary because the very logic of her campaign leads right to Bill. When she speaks of her “experience,” she is referring not to the Senate but to the White House, thereby making her campaign a plebiscite on the ’90s.

Running this way, she is essentially asking people to like her if they liked him. Whether she knows it or not, this is a coattails strategy. It’s almost as if she’s offering herself to Clinton supporters as the solution to the problem of the 22nd Amendment.

Bill is a narcissist, but he’s also within his rights to think that she has invited him onstage. If she is his legacy, why should he muzzle himself? After all, you can’t ask Elvis to behave like Colonel Parker.

If voting for Obama is a roll of the dice, as Bill suggests, voting for Billary is a sure bet: an endless soap opera.
« Reply #26 on: December 23, 2007, 11:57:36 pm »

Roll those laughing bones! If Billary is elected, count on Bill playing veep better than Cheney even though Richardson w/b her running mate. Richardson w/b relegated to funerals and fill ins as Bill globe trots. Yes, Americans are at the point where they are going to take a risk and roll them dice....

Op-Ed Columnist
A Résumé Can’t Buy You Love

Published: December 23, 2007
WE can only imagine what is going on inside John McCain’s head when he contemplates Mike Huckabee. It can’t be pretty. No presidential candidate in either party has more experience in matters of war than the Arizona senator, and yet in a wartime election he is being outpaced by a guy who has zero experience and is proud of it.

“I may not be the expert that some people are on foreign policy,” Mr. Huckabee joked to Don Imus, “but I did stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night.” So much for the gravitas points earned during a five-and-a-half year stay at the Hanoi Hilton.

But if Mr. McCain has so far resisted slapping down the upstart in his party, Bill Clinton has shown no such self-restraint about Barack Obama. Early this month the former president criticized the press for not sufficiently covering the candidates’ “record in public life” and thereby making “people think experience is irrelevant.” His pique boiled over on Charlie Rose’s show on Dec. 14, when he made his now-famous claim that the 2008 election will be a referendum on whether “no experience matters.” He insinuated that Mr. Obama was tantamount to “a gifted television commentator” and likened a potential Obama presidency to a roll of the dice.

Attention Bill Clinton: If that’s what this election is about, it’s already over. No matter how much Hillary Clinton, Mr. McCain or Rudy Giuliani brag about being tested and vetted, it’s not experience that will be decisive in determining the next president.

For many, Mr. McCain’s long record of experience may be a liability even greater than his party-bucking moderation on immigration and his bear hug of President Bush on Iraq. What his résumé mainly does is remind a youth-obsessed culture of his age. When Gallup asked voters in August to rate traits as desirable or not in the next president, the “undesirable” percentages for being a member of a racial or ethnic minority group (13), a woman (14), a Mormon (22) or having “strained relationships” with one’s children (45) all paled next to being age 70 or older (52). It’s not morning in America for Reaganesque elders in the political arena anymore.

For Mrs. Clinton, the failure of “experience” as a selling point was becoming apparent even as her husband continued to push it on Charlie Rose. Last week’s ABC News-Washington Post poll in Iowa found that she clobbers Mr. Obama on the question of who has the most experience — 49 percent to 8 percent. But to little end. That same survey had Mr. Obama ahead by 4 points over all because, as this year’s pervasive polling matchup has it, the electorate values change over experience.

The rabid hunger for change, it turns out, has made the very idea of experience as toxic as every other attribute of the Bush White House. The once-heralded notion of a C.E.O. presidency, overstocked with “tested” Washington and Fortune 500 executives like Cheney and Rumsfeld, is now in the toilet with Larry Craig. You couldn’t push the pendulum further in the other direction than by supporting a candidate like Mr. Huckabee, who is blatantly unprepared to be president and whose most impressive battle has been with his weight. In a Rasmussen poll in Florida, Mr. Huckabee even did well among foreign-policy-minded Republicans whose most important issue is Iraq.

But for Mrs. Clinton, the problem isn’t just that the Bush years have tarnished the notion that experience is a positive indicator of future performance. She has further devalued that sales pitch with her own inflated claims of what her experience has been. Ted Sorensen, the J.F.K. speechwriter now in the Obama camp, saw the backlash coming in a recent conversation I had with him after Mrs. Clinton had mocked Mr. Obama for counting his elementary-school years in Indonesia as an asset.

“Hillary should be careful about scoffing at other people’s experience,” Mr. Sorensen said. “It’s not as if the process of osmosis gives her presidential qualities by physical proximity.”

Whatever Mrs. Clinton’s experience as first lady or senator, what matters most in any case is not its sheer volume, that 35 years she keeps citing. It’s what she did or did not learn along the way that counts. That’s why one of the most revealing debate passages so far came in an exchange that earned much laughter but scant scrutiny this month in Des Moines.

This was the moment when Mr. Obama was asked how he could deliver a clean break from the past while relying on “so many Clinton advisers.” Mrs. Clinton jokingly called out, “I want to hear that,” prompting Mr. Obama to one-up her by responding, “Well, Hillary, I’m looking forward to you advising me, as well.”

Well, touché. But what was left unexamined beneath the levity was a revealing distinction between these two candidates. The questioner was right: Mr. Obama, like Mrs. Clinton, has indeed turned to former Clintonites for foreign-policy advice. But the Clinton players were not homogeneous, and who ended up with which ’08 candidate is instructive.

The principal foreign-policy Clinton alumni in Mr. Obama’s campaign include Susan Rice, a former assistant secretary of state, and Tony Lake, the former national security adviser and a prewar skeptic who said publicly in February 2003 that the Bush administration had not made the case that Saddam was an “imminent threat.” Ms. Rice, in an eloquent speech in November 2002, said that the Bush administration was “trying to change the subject to Iraq” from the war against Al Qaeda and warned that if it tried to fight both wars at once, “one, if not both, will suffer.” Her text now reads as a bookend to Mr. Obama’s senatorial campaign speech challenging the wisdom of the war only weeks earlier that same fall.

Mrs. Clinton’s current team was less prescient. Though it includes one of the earlier military critics of Bush policy, Gen. Wesley Clark, he is balanced by Gen. Jack Keane, an author of the Bush “surge.” The Clinton campaign’s foreign policy and national security director is a former Madeleine Albright aide, Lee Feinstein, who in November 2002 was gullible enough to say on CNBC that “we should take the president at his word, which is that he sees war as a last resort” — an argument anticipating the one Mrs. Clinton still uses to defend her vote on the Iraq war authorization.

In late April 2003, a week before “Mission Accomplished,” Mr. Feinstein could be found on CNN saying that he was “fairly confident” that W.M.D. would turn up in Iraq. Asked if the war would be a failure if no weapons were found, he said, “I don’t think that that’s a situation we’ll confront.” Forced to confront exactly that situation over the next year, he dug in deeper, co-writing an essay for Foreign Affairs (available on its Web site) arguing that “the biggest problem with the Bush pre-emption strategy may be that it does not go far enough.”

In a two-page handwritten letter in response to a recent column of mine criticizing Mrs. Clinton’s Senate votes on Iraq and Iran, Bill Clinton made a serious and impassioned defense of her foreign-policy record. On the subject of her support for the so-called Kyl-Lieberman amendment on Iran this fall, Mr. Clinton wrote: “If Senator Obama, for example, had really believed it was an indirect authorization to attack Iran, he would not have stayed away on the campaign trail, but would have come back to vote against it.” That’s a fair point — and a fair criticism of Mr. Obama as he continues to vilify this particular Hillary Clinton vote. If voting for Kyl-Lieberman was as grave a step toward war as Mr. Obama claims, there’s no excuse for his absence.

Mr. Clinton’s narrow defense of his wife’s Iraq vote in 2002 — it was not “a blanket authorization to go to war,” he wrote — doesn’t persuade me. But even if it did, her choice for foreign-policy director in 2008 makes me question her ability to profit from experience and make a clean break with the establishment thinking in both parties that enabled the Iraq fiasco. Judgment calls like this rather than failures of the press may answer her husband’s question as to why the public finds her experience “irrelevant.”

What Mrs. Clinton clearly has learned from her White House experience, as she reminds us, is to strike back at her critics. Unfortunately, she has assimilated those critics’ methods as well. Attacks on Mr. Obama’s record and views are fair game. But the steady personal attacks — the invocations of “cocaine” and “Hussein” and “madrassa” by surrogates — smell like the dirty tricks of the old Clinton haters. The Clinton-camp denials that these tactics have been “authorized” sound like Karl Rove’s denials of similar smear campaigns against John McCain in 2000.

If Mrs. Clinton is to win, she won’t do so by running on that kind of experience but by rising above it. Bill Clinton wouldn’t have shifted gears to refer to his wife constantly as a “change agent,” however implausibly, if his acute political sensors didn’t tell him that Americans are not just willing but eager to roll the dice.
« Reply #27 on: January 04, 2008, 01:59:15 am »


Hillary must be madder than when Monica's blue stained dress stained her power.

It's about momentum. Will he carry on?


"This is a huge moment. It’s one of those times when a movement that seemed ethereal and idealistic became a reality and took on political substance."
« Reply #28 on: January 04, 2008, 08:00:21 am »

Originally posted by FOTD


Hillary must be madder than when Monica's blue stained dress stained her power.

It's about momentum. Will he carry on?


"This is a huge moment. It’s one of those times when a movement that seemed ethereal and idealistic became a reality and took on political substance."

sorry dude...Barack is crooked.  You can see it in his face.  You can see it in his hands.  He symbolizes all of the slackers out there who have essentially done nothing but ride a wave of entitlement.  His stance on illegal immigration is atrocious.  You watch, if this SOB gets elected he will drop a bomb on the American public when his extreme left wing views raise their ugly head.

Fortunately this guy is just a flash in the pan.
tim huntzinger
« Reply #29 on: January 04, 2008, 08:52:28 am »

And now when Hillary starts winning she becomes the Comeback Kid.  Sorry to see Dodd go down.

After his victory speech Obama and Michelle were kind of walking around basking in the applause, but initially as individuals.  That is, they were not together pointing to individuals or private-talking looking over the crowd.  That struck me as odd. And Obama needs to stop affecting his MLK cadence and southern drawl as he delivers his Mussolini-esque Utopian speeches.

I think it is funny that the record turnout is still a fraction of the total eligible population.  The whole process has turned off more people than engaged, and the silliness of portraying the caucuses as some kind of important barometer is self-serving partisan crap.
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