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"The Hive" shooting Downtown.

Started by Rico, February 17, 2008, 08:26:48 PM

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The Hive club owners have myspace pages.  Here's a recent blog post by "Jess J" aka "Jesse J Jones Jr." who I'm guessing is related to Jermaine Jones.  The Jones brothers are apparently also affiliated with DBBS Entertainment.  They have a website:

Monday, February 04, 2008

Big Ups to All My Haters
Current mood:  strong
Category: Life

Whats good myspace,

    You know every now & then I feel the need to express myself with whatever's going on in my life at the time.  So I thought I'd give you the opportunity to do the same.  A wiseman once said that "If people hatin on you, you must be doing something right".  I must be doing alot of things right, cause there is alot of hatin goin on these days.  

This blog is for all my haters.  I welcome all negative comments to this blog.  Don't shake my hand and smile in my face for an hour.  Then I hear some bull**** about you the next day.  I'm a grown man.  I take being real extremely serious.  You'll never hear me say nothing about anybody, unless I already said it to that person's face, or that person is present.  Let me know what it is.  

It might be a problem wit our club.  Maybe the 800 people we had saturday wasn't enough.  Guess we have to get 1000 this week....  Maybe the prices too high at the liquor store.  We don't really own it anyway, we just be there alot.....  I know what it is, my music is wac.  I don't make enough booty poppin music.  Or my beats aint tight enough......  It could be that I charge to much for studio time.....  I almost forgot, my watch is fake.  I don't own my cars.  I just been borrowing em for a year now.....  I finally figured it out.  Somebody else writes my raps.  Damn you caught me.....  Its not true, your baby mama really doesn't like me.  She just wants to make you jealous......  Thats what I'm sayin, we be stealing those limos.  How could I possibly afford a stretch Escalade or Hummer every week for six months straight......  I know, that money I'm holding in that pic is fake.  I got it out of a monopoly game.......  We don't wait in lines at clubs cause we big and the bouncers scared of us........  That really isn't Don Rose & Cristal we drinking.  We just fill the same bottles up every week with Boone's Farm.........  Dog, you've never been more right.  My music isn't good at all.  The crowd just cheers louder for me because we own the club........I know we broke, we can't fight, and *****es really don't like us, we just tricks.....  Which one is it?  Or is it all of the above?  Haters please speak out!!!

There isn't anything wrong with having a problem.  There is something wrong when your sack isn't big enough to express yourself.  I'm making it easy on you.  Insert hate here......  I promise I won't delete it.  Let everybody know.  If your nuts aint big enough to say it to me, keep your mouth shut when speaking on real niggas.  -Jess J

The Hive's myspace is located at:

The various Jones brothers' pages are listed at the top of the Hive's "friends" box. If you don't have a myspace ID, you'll need to sign up for a free account to view photos. [EDIT 4:20 1/20/08 -- The Hive's MySpace Friend list has now been modified to remove the Jones family boys from the friend list. "Jess J" and "Tug Jones" have also removed each other from their friends list.  What are they trying to hide?]

Based on new information, Jermaine Jones is known as "Buc Vet" in local boxing circles.  Here's a couple of snaps of him from his myspace page:

Another Jones brother, who could possibly be David Jones, has a myspace site under "Tug Jones" at

Nice looking group of brothers.  Looks like the type of folks genuinely concerned about the safety of others, don't they?


I've never understood the attraction of people wanting to hang with the gangsta crowd.
"It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first" -Ronald Reagan


Originally posted by Conan71

I've never understood the attraction of people wanting to hang with the gangsta crowd.

i agree with you.

that being said, i think that picture of the dude holding a stack of bills might have something to do w/ it.


There is some mildly interesting drabble on Jermaine Jones a.k.a. Buc Vet at the following link:

It's also interesting to note that "Jess J" (the guy pictured with the money) has since deleted his blog titled "Big Ups to All My Haters" posted above from his myspace site.  One of his friends also recently commented about the switch of his "top friend" list to random people.  Why did he change his top friends?  "Buc Vet" a.k.a "Jermaine Jones" hasn't checked his myspace page for over a week, while the other Jones brothers check it daily.  Why did Jess J remove the blog about haters (and his liquor store)? Why did he change the Hive myspace "top friends"? Is Jess J trying to cover something up? Is Buc Vet on the run?


He probably doesn't want to have anything to do with it anymore.


Those guys don't care about anyone's safety. Same guys who were yelling for someone "go get my gun" in the ring after a small skirmish broke out in the ring after one of Allan Green's fights. Showtime dropped him because of it. They are cowards and wannabe "gangstas" who were looking for a reason to shoot someone and they found one. Any word on if they will be arrested?


The Hive was open for business Saturday night.  Looks like ABLE paid them a little visit. I'm sure that there are additional violations are Jess J Jones' liquor store that he mentions in the blog that he deleted from myspace.  Anyone know know the name of this liquor store is so I can be sure never to step near it?

Citations Issued At Nightclub Where Fatal Shooting Took Place
posted 11:15 am Sun February 24, 2008 - Tulsa
The Alcoholic Beverages Laws Enforcement Commission has issued citations at a downtown Tulsa nightclub where a fatal shooting took place. More than $6,500 in fines have been given to representatives of The Hive.

The fines were for violations of state liquor laws.

Police are investigating whether the nightclub was legally open in the early morning hours of Feb. 16 when 23-year-old Phillip Greer was shot to death.

Officers said club owner Jermaine Jones and his brother Larry Jones shot Greer as he was inside his sport utility vehicle and driving toward a crowd of people outside the bar.

The brothers were questioned and released as the investigation continues.

Another update from the Tulsa World was published Sunday:

Another update from the Tulsa World published Wednesday:


Somehow none of the new information in that article is a surprise.  Probably amazing nothing has happened there prior to now.  My stepson had played in a battle of the bands early last summer there, I believe that must have been before the Jones brothers bought it.  Definitely a different clientele back then.
"It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first" -Ronald Reagan


I went to a couple of EDM parties there about 3-4 years ago (I think it was still Curly's back then).


Pardon my relative ignorance, but what exactly does "OG" mean?  Original Gangsta?  

"It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first" -Ronald Reagan


Originally posted by Conan71

Pardon my relative ignorance, but what exactly does "OG" mean?  Original Gangsta?  

either that or Old Geezer.



Originally posted by Conan71

Pardon my relative ignorance, but what exactly does "OG" mean?  Original Gangsta?

OG  1014 up, 331 down  

Original Gangsta; the real-life definition of a street-level mentality; no remorse or concessions for a person's (or group's )behavior associated with violence, sex and crime. A way of life, of sorts, that doesn't provide explanations or apologies because this is the "reality" of aforementioned subjects. The rapper Ice-T coined this term globally with one of the defining albums of gangsta rap, O.G. Original Gangsta. O.G. can also apply to a first generation item or family name, i.e. George H.W. Bush = "O.G. Bush"

"That motherfxxxxx is straight O.G---look at the way he took that bxxxx axx out." "

"Straight muthaXXXXX O to the muthaXXXXX G, *****."

"Stright O.G. out of Compton with a loose cannon, smoke big green call it Bruce Banner"


Well thanks for setting my mutha****in' punk a$$ straight.  Youz just OG yoself fo' givin' me the 411 homeboy.  Here have a OE fohty on me:

"It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first" -Ronald Reagan


Phillip Greer's nickname was "Grimmy".  I can't seem to find his myspace page, although his family identified him as an "entertainer" in his obituary.  Has anyone else located it?  I'm wondering if there was a connection between the Jones and Greer.


Originally posted by Conan71

Well thanks for setting my mutha****in' punk a$$ straight.  Youz just OG yoself fo' givin' me the 411 homeboy.  Here have a OE fohty on me:

Yo yo yo