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Vanguard Moving Out of Tulsa....

Started by zstyles, February 29, 2008, 03:22:06 PM

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Vanguard transfers 30 employees to St. Louis..

I know quite a few people and have been told by MANY sources that 2/3 of the people are out of jobs come July...only two departments will be left..these are high paying jobs..its also said Capitol one is wanting to move into the area's they are vacating at the Verizon complex near owasso...surprised this hasn't made the news as Kathy Taylors husband and former investor still has big ties...anyone hear if the mayor is talking or trying to keep these jobs here like we tried to with Citgo?


I believe Kathy Taylor's husband (Bill Lobeck) sold (as he typically does with his rental car companies) a while back.  Not sure he is still involved, is he?


Power is nothing till you use it.


no surprise here.  enterprise bought them.  their HQ is in St louis.  no need to keep duplicate HQs.


- - - - - - - - -
I crush grooves.


Loebeck probably knew he was selling out soon so he got to move Vangard to tulsa to give krazy kathy good PR.


Yes actually, Lobeck knew he was selling the day he bought it, that was the plan. While working there over 2 years the entire goal was to bring the company to a status that it could be sold. All directors and above got a HUGE bonus and were out the door to retire including Lobeck and his Bentley parked out front everyday, well ever other day considering his 3 other 100k+ cars. ...nice deal...I wonder why Kathy Taylor isn't commenting on this one...someone should call her on it...


Originally posted by zstyles

Yes actually, Lobeck knew he was selling the day he bought it, that was the plan. While working there over 2 years the entire goal was to bring the company to a status that it could be sold. All directors and above got a HUGE bonus and were out the door to retire including Lobeck and his Bentley parked out front everyday, well ever other day considering his 3 other 100k+ cars. ...nice deal...I wonder why Kathy Taylor isn't commenting on this one...someone should call her on it...

election time is only two short years away.


Someone should ask her.  It doesn't have to be an inquisition, but if it is "business decision" as I'm sure she would indicate are we not in a unique position to understand what about Tulsa dictated the decision?
- - - - - - - - -
I crush grooves.

Friendly Bear

Originally posted by cannon_fodder

Someone should ask her.  It doesn't have to be an inquisition, but if it is "business decision" as I'm sure she would indicate are we not in a unique position to understand what about Tulsa dictated the decision?

Won't Mayor Chatty Kathy just blame the local VOTERS for Vanguard's move, for our lack of enlightenment in dis-approving the Kaiser River Tax, which she so heavily promoted??

See, it's really all OUR fault.



Despite all the bear poop on this thread, the Mayor has nothing to do with her husband's business.

There is consolidation in many industies. This company went from bankruptcy to buyout and Tulsa gained lots of jobs from the process.
Power is nothing till you use it.

Friendly Bear

Originally posted by RecycleMichael

Despite all the bear poop on this thread, the Mayor has nothing to do with her husband's business.

There is consolidation in many industies. This company went from bankruptcy to buyout and Tulsa gained lots of jobs from the process.

Nope, it's definitely our fault for not buying into the KAISER RIVER TAX mantra as necessary "infrastructure" Economic Development.

We're to blame.....



Originally posted by RecycleMichael

Despite all the bear poop on this thread, the Mayor has nothing to do with her husband's business.

There is consolidation in many industies. This company went from bankruptcy to buyout and Tulsa gained lots of jobs from the process.

I understand RM.  Far be it for me to interfere with the free market... but it IS a really good opportunity to find out WHY companies move out of Tulsa.  Is it just that the established HQ in St. Louis has more pull, or is it a better market for business than Tulsa?

Seeing that she is married to the man heading a company leaving Tulsa, I'd kind of think a comment would at least be in order.
- - - - - - - - -
I crush grooves.


I don't think he is involved any more. He sold the company.

I disagree that an elected official should be made to comment on their spouse's business. Where do you draw the line? Should County Commissioner Randi Miller be made to discuss her divorce? Should any city councilor discuss their spouse's employment ( what the spouse of any city councilor does for a living)?

Bill LaFortune's wife has a very successful career. Did anyone ever ask him to comment on it when he was Mayor?
Power is nothing till you use it.


RM, I only seek comment because it is a major Tulsa company that has(had) as close of ties as possible to the head of our city.  If the CEO or husband of the CEO of BOKF, OneOK or any other major Tulsa business was elected mayor and then said company announced a move - I would want to get a statement on why the move took place.

I don't hold it against her, obviously she is not the decision maker in this move.  But like I said, it is an opportunity to get inside information on why a company is leaving Tulsa.  I just think that would be valuable.

be made to

No, no one should be made to discuss their personal life for politics.  I would appreciate it, but certainly it should not be required by law.  Unless, of course, said personal life directly relates to their job (Insurance Com. having massive stock holdings in XYA insurance company, or if the Mayor gave massive incentives to Vanguard but not Dollar - etc.).
- - - - - - - - -
I crush grooves.