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Challenge for you...

Started by mrhaskellok, March 10, 2008, 11:40:51 PM

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PM me for a great contact for a arts person.  She has painted a couple murals and they turned out awesome!   Not a ton of detail but very nice.  

As for the paint, once you find out what you want to paint and what colors you need, grab your phone book and look in the paint supply section.  Then Look for the smallest ads in there (they are very likely locally owned businesses).  Call and ask them 1) if they would donate a few gallons of what you need and 2) do they have any mis-tints close enough to what you are looking for.  The only problem with mis-tints is they are usually not the kind of paint you need for exterior mural work, but it is always worth asking.  Another idea I had for getting paint is to talk to a company that paints buildings.  They may have some or be willing to donate some too.

Some of your tech schools have an arts program too btw.

Best of luck and let me know when I need to come up and bring my brush!


Send complaints about illegal signs directly to the person in charge and bypass the mayor's inaction center.
Give her the business name, phone number and locations of signs. I take them down myself and have even been known to call the business to let them know their signs are illegal. Most, of course, have no idea, and even more could care less.


Originally posted by cannon_fodder

Yes, hell yes on the murals.

That one particular area has bothered me for years (28th St. and Pittsburgh) and I would love to help get the ball rolling.  I just need a point int he right direction as far as who to contact.  Correct my to do list and fill in the blanks!

1) Contact ? at Eisenhower Elementary
2) Contact ? at the City
3) Contact someone with art skills
4) Contact someone with paint

I've got the general idea, but have never done anything like this.  Hand holder, I need a hand holder!

I talked to the art teacher today. He is stoked. He will measure the wall adjoining the school and make sure the Principal and the grounds committee are on board. I sent an e-mail to the school board President tonight.

The art teacher is going to have some of the kids conceptualize some art for us.

We need to make a task list that includes any prep work, undercoat, cleanup, etc. We could use some photos of "before" pictures.

I will run this past Ken Busby of the Arts and Humanities council and get a timeframe for approval by the school board, the arts commission, etc.

I don't know how much involvement we need right now from the neighborhood, but I think we need to do the actual painting all together.

PM me for more and I invite anybody who wants to give advice or help to jump right in.
Power is nothing till you use it.


 Send complaints about illegal signs directly to the person in charge and bypass the mayor's inaction center.

Maybe we can have a yard sign graveyard! Does one exist anywhere?!?  We could set them up in a field.  Jeez, people would come from all around to see it!  People coming from all around = TONS AND TONS of tax dollars.



Count me in on the Mural project!

Now this is Progress as Promised!



I talked to the art teacher today. He is stoked. He will measure the wall adjoining the school and make sure the Principal and the grounds committee are on board. I sent an e-mail to the school board President tonight. The art teacher is going to have some of the kids conceptualize some art for us.

We need to make a task list that includes any prep work, undercoat, cleanup, etc. We could use some photos of "before" pictures.

I will run this past Ken Busby of the Arts and Humanities council and get a timeframe for approval by the school board, the arts commission, etc.

I don't know how much involvement we need right now from the neighborhood, but I think we need to do the actual painting all together.

PM me for more and I invite anybody who wants to give advice or help to jump right in.

Where are we at?  Do you want to have a meeting soon to see what we have going so far?

Double A

Originally posted by cks511

I'm definitely going to help oust taylor and miller out of office!

Count me in.
The clash of ideas is the sound of freedom. Ars Longa, Vita Brevis!


Originally posted by RecycleMichael

We need to make a task list that includes any prep work, undercoat, cleanup, etc. We could use some photos of "before" pictures.

Steps I see that would be needed:
1) Power wash/scrape the surface clean
2) Prime the concrete
3) Whatever steps are involved with painting a mural (or outlining it so the kids can paint, or whatever).
4) Seal the finish product

5) STOP RUST STAINS from running over it.  The fence above it is old and rusty.  The current wall has rust stains over it and it has only been painted for 1.5 years or so.  Not sure if clear coating them or what will help stop that issue... but worth thinking about.  (or maybe it just won't be visible on a non-tan wall)
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I crush grooves.