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Heads up, part deux: Panhandler Blues and Beer

Started by mr.jaynes, April 24, 2008, 12:29:07 PM

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Liberal as I thought I was, I am becoming of the opinion that the govenment could throw all kinds of money at these people, and they still wouldn't try to get out of the particular way of life they've obviously so defiantly chosen for themselves.

Happens every time I've been hit up by panhandlers in Tulsa, and chaps my rear every time. Some panhandler does the old shuck and jive routine on me ("Yo man, give me a dolla!" or "Yo, man, give me $5" or "Say, man, I need $10 to get some gas," or "I need $5 to take my son to McDonalds") to try to set me back a couple of bucks. Or it could be "Yo man, I need a ride up to wherever," or whatever. And I'm hesitatnt, and try to politely decline, and they still won't back off. And when I finally just say no, I'm not going to do this, some of them-not all of them, and certainly not all of them who happen to be of African American ancestry, but some of them-go off and accuse me of being a racist. I'm supposed to feel guilty now, because I'm not going to let them scam me? Is it a matter of race because I'm probably as street savvy as they are and know when i'm being hustled? Can somebody show me where I'm wrong about this?  

Incidentally, I am using the Quik Trips at the locations suggested here. Nobody has yet given me any grief.


Judge to Cops: Leave 'em ALONE.

Judge to Panhandlers: ENJOY!