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Talk About Tulsa => Other Tulsa Discussion => Topic started by: RecycleMichael on July 14, 2008, 06:37:37 PM

Title: South Carolina is so gay
Post by: RecycleMichael on July 14, 2008, 06:37:37 PM
Interesting ad campaign idea...

I don't think this kind of campaign would work in Oklahoma, but an effort to target European world travelers seems like a smart idea.
Title: South Carolina is so gay
Post by: unknown on July 14, 2008, 09:53:34 PM
Might not work in Oklahoma, but it would here.
Title: South Carolina is so gay
Post by: PonderInc on July 14, 2008, 11:01:39 PM
That's funny.  I was just thinking tonight that two simple things Tulsa could do to maximize economic development would be: 1) leagalize pot within the city limits, and 2) become a gay friendly tourist destination....
Title: South Carolina is so gay
Post by: TheArtist on July 14, 2008, 11:22:50 PM
Absolutely not on both accounts.

Lets just improve our city and make it attractive to all kinds of people. As in... A great river with beautiful river parks, trails, lakes, etc. A bustling downtown, with great urban living options. Beautiful old neighborhoods and great suburban living options. Places for young and old, skate parks to museums. Good and abundant college options. Good schools, low crime, good health, forward thinking economy, good infill and redevelopment/improvement strategies, etc.

Being able to show off a beautiful, quality, little city that has a bit of everything for anyone, thats full of opportunity... Now THAT would make for a great ad campaign.

Title: South Carolina is so gay
Post by: sgrizzle on July 15, 2008, 06:27:39 AM
Originally posted by PonderInc

That's funny.  I was just thinking tonight that two simple things Tulsa could do to maximize economic development would be: 1) leagalize pot within the city limits, and 2) become a gay friendly tourist destination....

Davaz, is that you?
Title: South Carolina is so gay
Post by: unknown on July 15, 2008, 08:36:17 AM
Apparently there is a market for this and there is money to be made and since we are appealing to the gay community, why not play off on that strength and promote the city as so. Gay tourists probably have more money to spend when they travel too.
Title: South Carolina is so gay
Post by: cannon_fodder on July 15, 2008, 09:05:54 AM
My sarcasm meter is simply not working in this thread...

I'd rather be gay friendly and friendly to everyone than promote ourselves as anything.  Gay, straight, black, white, even Hispanic (gasp!), American, European... who cares?  If we got the reputation of accepting people that would do more than any add campaign.

Unfortunately, that isn't likely.  While Tulsa is somewhat of a gay Mecca for the entire bible belt, that still isn't saying too much.  Same with race relations and our attitude towards foreigners.  At least in my humble opinion.  The only bright spot is those Westboro people hating Oklahoma for being too socially liberal.  I wear that as a mighty big feather on my cap.

And the pot issue... not sure how that would help us economically.  I'm not sure pot tourists are really what we would want.  BUT, I would be a big fan of officially taking pot off the schedule 1 drug list in Tulsa and hence removing it as a priority for our officers. I'd rather see a kid presented to his parents for smoking pot (like they used to do with alcohol) than arrested.

I'd rather see a cop take a stash and write a fine than arrest an adult for possession.  Actually, I wouldn't care if they just stopped enforcing marijuana laws all together (exception driving under the influence, which applies to all drugs), but since that isn't likely to happen de-prioritizing it would work well for me.   We waste too much time, energy, and money on recreational drug use.  

For tourism, lets keep it simple.  Make Tulsa a clean, safe, and vibrant community.  Bring in attractions, festivals, and events at the BOk, the new ballpark, and Expo.  Brag about our museums, our aquarium, our zoo, and our outdoor recreation (lakes, lakes and more lakes!).  We have a wonderful public garden at Woodward Park, more at Gilcrease, and the Philbrook Gardens will only be overshadowed by the new Botanical Gardens.  Even the nightlife is starting to pick up.

If I could add one thing to the mix it would be a downtown science/children's museum.  Nearly every city over 100,000 people has something like this.  My son just took a field trip to OKC to go to one.  Hands on experiments and demonstrations as well as more advanced stuff.  Basically, things that are just cool.  I'd think OSU Tulsa (which has an engineering school) along with TU could help set it up and/or run it (work study suckers!).

Bah.  I know I took a random subject/tanget too seriously and probably too far.  Deal with it. [:P]
Title: South Carolina is so gay
Post by: patric on July 15, 2008, 12:05:18 PM
Originally posted by cannon_fodder

My sarcasm meter is simply not working in this thread...

I'd rather be gay friendly and friendly to everyone than promote ourselves as anything.  Gay, straight, black, white, even Hispanic (gasp!), American, European... who cares?  If we got the reputation of accepting people that would do more than any add campaign.

We have things like HB1804 that stand in the way of us even remotely appearing socially progressive.  Id like to blame that on rural Okies but we have too many in Tulsa that are afraid of immigrants taking away the jobs we dont want to do in the first place.


I'd rather see a cop take a stash and write a fine than arrest an adult for possession.  Actually, I wouldn't care if they just stopped enforcing marijuana laws all together (exception driving under the influence, which applies to all drugs), but since that isn't likely to happen de-prioritizing it would work well for me.   We waste too much time, energy, and money on recreational drug use.

Drug interdiction is too big an industry to allow that to happen without a fight.
The strategy of "make drugs unprofitable for criminals" could also be turn around to "make drugs unprofitable for law enforcement" and we could better utilize our police resources and tax money.  This "drug task force" nonsense is just funding photo-ops anyway.  

I might be paraphraising someone's sig here, but what keeps Tulsa in a socially backward light wont be fixed with an arena here and a river stripmall there... not until we take a better attitude towards our overall quality of life, and do our best to include everyone.
Title: South Carolina is so gay
Post by: Gaspar on July 15, 2008, 02:07:57 PM
I must have this bill confused.

Active portion of HB1804:

The people of the State of Oklahoma declare that it is a compelling public interest of this state to discourage illegal immigration by requiring all agencies within this state to fully cooperate with federal immigration authorities in the enforcement of federal immigration laws.

Amendatory inserts for the bill:

1. Knowingly harboring a criminal becomes a felony.
2. Knowing hiring people engaged in defrauding the United States becomes a felony.
3. Manufacturing fake ids becomes a felony.

So in patric's eyes it is socially progressive to do the opposite?

Social Progressives: Ignore federal laws, reward those who commit crime, hire cheap illegal labor, work them like slaves and pay them pennies. Ignore any form of identification law.

Always wondered what Social Progressive meant.


Title: South Carolina is so gay
Post by: cannon_fodder on July 15, 2008, 02:48:31 PM
Gas, I think it is the perception of HB1804 as advertised by our State that gets the bad reputation.  It was publicized proudly as a xenophobic measure to "cure the immigration problem."  Which is code for uninvited Hispanics.

If you remember correctly it was discussed along with "English only" amendments and some legislatures argued in favor of profiling Hispanics.  The total package came off entirely xenophobic and it had the desired result of reversing Hispanic immigration to Oklahoma.  Legal or otherwise.

I understand that the text of the bill was really meaningless.  The procedures to comply were already on the books at the Federal level.  The purpose of the bill was to make sure a group of people understood they were not welcome.

Same with the push for banning gay marriage in the State Constitution.  Gay marriage was not legal, so banning it is a bit unneeded.  The sole purpose was again to remind a group of people that they are not wanted here.

Agree with the policies or the underlying issues or not, the purpose of those laws in both instances was to take a stance proclaiming "NOT WELCOME."  And we can't figure out why people view Oklahoma as a closed minded bigoted state. Take some fundamentalists rhetoric on the capital, a few "the gays are coming for us remarks," sprinkle on some Creation "Science" demands, a few 10 Commandments on the lawn of courthouses, and then shout "dey teek er jobs" at the State house and you end up with the public perception of Oklahoma.

Clearly I generalize and exaggerate, but only a little.  When Mississippi looks at your social policies and goes "right on, lets copy Oklahoma" it should give you pause.
Title: South Carolina is so gay
Post by: Gaspar on July 15, 2008, 02:53:19 PM
Oh, I agree.  I'm just making an interesting comment on how it is being altered to be a symbol of something other than what it is.

It's entertaining.