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Giant Roll of Duct Tape Sighted Downtown

Started by AMP, July 24, 2008, 08:45:28 PM

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Is it just me or does anyone else see the mew BOK Arena appearing to look like a giant roll of Duct Tape lying on its side?  This is from the view from I-244 to the north of the building  

It appears the older the silver covers on the building get the more they resemble the surface of Duct Tape.

Took the 2nd street exit off of I-244 yesterday and drove up close to the new building.  Many of the silver color panels surrounding the building are stained with a black substance that appears to be leaking through what ever those are made from.  

Guess that is why the designer said a building is like a child, He looks at each building as a parent would a child. "They never grow up like you expect," said Pelli.


Originally posted by AMP

Is it just me or does anyone else see the mew BOK Arena appearing to look like a giant roll of Duct Tape lying on its side?  This is from the view from I-244 to the north of the building  

It appears the older the silver covers on the building get the more they resemble the surface of Duct Tape.

Took the 2nd street exit off of I-244 yesterday and drove up close to the new building.  Many of the silver color panels surrounding the building are stained with a black substance that appears to be leaking through what ever those are made from.  

Guess that is why the designer said a building is like a child, He looks at each building as a parent would a child. "They never grow up like you expect," said Pelli.

I'm wondering just how many times this same comment can be made.


I, for one, think it's a pretty damn good looking piece o' ducktape.


We have already been down this street for a while now.
It's hard being a Diamond in a rhinestone world.


Originally posted by joiei

We have already been down this street for a while now.

I agree.

Some people need to learn to let it go.

I expected this though, the closer the grand opening drew close.

I think it's a rather handsome building.

Don't like it?  Don't look.  Don't attend.

Instead, continue to watch your black and white 12 inch TVs and listen to your Victrolas.  Because that's where a lot of you act like you're stuck in.  The past.


I just love how quick some want to tell a poster what to do.


Actually it was the first time I had driven by  the building since they had installed the dull silver covering.  Just looked over at it and I saw a giant roll of Duct Tape.  Maybe because I have used Duct Tape alot in the past that it resembles that to me.  

First I had thought of it while I was driving.  I thought the building looked out of place from the beginning, but the Duct Tape color and texture seems to of topped that.  Majority of folks I know think it looks out of place.

I have no intentions of attending any of the events they have booked thus far, none are on my must see list.  Speaking of 12" TVs and Victrolas and living in the past, aren't The Eagles are quite dated as well?  

Actually many people I know think the past was way better than today.  The food was better, gas was cheaper, taxes were less, crime was lower, streets were smoother, and people were smiling most the time in Tulsa.


Originally posted by MDepr2007

I just love how quick some want to tell a poster what to do.

Can't be any worse than people trotting out the same over-used line about how they see the arena.  One person said it already and it got blown up into a runaway thread.  If you're gonna criticize something, for Pete's sake at least be original about it.


Dude, I never heard anyone else refer to it as a roll of Duct Tape.  Just stating what I thought it looked like, a giant roll of duct tape.


Great Streets? Less Crime?  One of the fascinating things about looking through the Beryl Ford Collection is noting how bad the roads seemed to be "back in the good ol days". Not to mention seeing photos of the inside of peoples houses. Most barely had anything,  hardly anything on the walls, basic furniture at best and not a lot of "stuff" piled all over the furniture either. The past wasnt all it was cracked up to be. If your not happy today, for most its cause they choose not to be.  

Dont get me started on the food. There is far more variety and selection today than there was when I was a kid. Let alone when my parents were growing up. We take for granted stuff that would have been considered a rare treat or luxury.

I think the arena looks fantastic. Looks like a roll of duct tape the same as the eiffel tower looks like a transmission line tower. Guess the arena to some people in this town is like giving pearls to swine.  

"When you only have two pennies left in the world, buy a loaf of bread with one, and a lily with the other."-Chinese proverb. "Arts a staple. Like bread or wine or a warm coat in winter. Those who think it is a luxury have only a fragment of a mind. Mans spirit grows hungry for art in the same way h


Originally posted by TheArtist

Great Streets? Less Crime?  One of the fascinating things about looking through the Beryl Ford Collection is noting how bad the roads seemed to be "back in the good ol days". Not to mention seeing photos of the inside of peoples houses. Most barely had anything,  hardly anything on the walls, basic furniture at best and not a lot of "stuff" piled all over the furniture either. The past wasnt all it was cracked up to be. If your not happy today, for most its cause they choose not to be.  

Dont get me started on the food. There is far more variety and selection today than there was when I was a kid. Let alone when my parents were growing up. We take for granted stuff that would have been considered a rare treat or luxury.

I think the arena looks fantastic. Looks like a roll of duct tape the same as the eiffel tower looks like a transmission line tower. Guess the arena to some people in this town is like giving pearls to swine.  

And really, I guess I let myself get a little 'run up' about it.  To each their own.  I'll be attending events there at least 32 times in the coming 12 months, probably more.

And to see those photos with 29 cent gas.  I'm old enough that the cheapest I can remember it was 40 cents at the Derby station west of Peoria on 15th Street.  I used to live on Elgin just north of 15th until I was 6, until the east leg of the IDL forced us out.




Originally posted by AMP

Dude, I never heard anyone else refer to it as a roll of Duct Tape.  Just stating what I thought it looked like, a giant roll of duct tape.

Hey AMP, maybe you should talk to BOK Arena booking and get this event in for next year.

Or maybe you have and couldn't and that's your reasoning for being so AMP'd about the BOK's appearance!

Being the 4star poster you are, you did miss a few past threads, such as;  
BOK arena looks like a roll of cheap duct tape.

And don't worry MDepr2007, I'm not really trying to tell a poster [i.e AMP] what to do, other than scan previous topics before getting AMP'd!

The BOK Arena, it be okay! ;)


It's a matter of taste, etc. etc.

What would you have finished it with, the same thing everyone else has, etc. etc.

It should have been Art Deco...

Art Devo wasn't the past when we embraced it, we shouldn't live in the past now etc. etc.

It's not smooth and there are streaks in it already...

It has flaws for sure, but it's still an impressive design, etc. etc.

Good architecture is rarely universally loved... blah blah blah.

But no one I know likes this...

Tulsa doesn't even need a big arena...

Downtown sucks, I hate Tulsa...

The world is all roses, I love you!
- - -

I think I covered all the points.  We don't need to go over it again and again and again.
- - - - - - - - -
I crush grooves.
