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Oil is Cheaper then ......

Started by Wilbur, June 19, 2008, 09:39:02 AM

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USAToday had an interesting graphic on their front page today (sorry, couldn't find a link).

A barrel (42 gallons) of oil costs $125.

A barrel of ________ costs _________

Milk = $147
Tropicana Orange Juice = $226
Bud Light = $302
Louisiana Hot Sauce = $520
Jack Daniels = $3,568
Chanel No.5 Perfume = $102,144

And we b!tch about oil.


yeah, but I don't need to buy 42 gallons of milk every two weeks.

***** on.


Originally posted by unknown

yeah, but I don't need to buy 42 gallons of milk every two weeks.

***** on.

Onward through the fog.


It's Like what others have posted. We don't buy 15 gallons of milk (or whatever) and use it up in a single trip. 15 gallons of milk would last for weeks.. The perfume in that amount would last a lifetime and beyond. Gallons of gasoline are used up just driving up & back to work, BTW I was listening to Gwen Freeman's radio show on 99.7 Nashville, radio streaming on the web and she said on today's radio show that polls now show   75% of Americans now favor drilling for our own oil, up from 65% just last month. I think we need to drill any place that has oil.
Proud Global  Warming Deiner! Earth Is Getting Colder NOT Warmer!


People with young children buy a lot of milk. The more people the household, the milk consumption skyrockets. They also recycle more milk jugs. My east Tulsa recycling center at 21st and 129th gets the highest percentage of HDPE plastic per recycler.

Gasoline price impact us more. I am leaving on a family trip up north next week and the 120 gallons of gas I will buy that week adds up.

We also are obsessed with the price of gasoline. Everybody knows the price. It is on big signs all over town. Some stations put it in their brightest lights.

My solution is to just advertise the price in quarts. Today's price is 89 cents per quart. Last summer on this day it was 71 cents a quart. I would feel pretty cheap whining about 18 cents.
Power is nothing till you use it.

buzz words

The price of Gas has caused almost every purchasable item to increase in price.  Do these other items that you have listed cause the same effects?  Does anyone use ?


42 Gallons City of Tulsa Water: $0.09114

unless purchased by suburban entities, then it's $0.08316.


Such a ridiculous comparison. Who owns that rag?

I drink some oj. The rest those items I don't consume or use.

Now fuel and energy? Another matter.

The cost of oil is directly related to the futures markets which were written by Repiglican congressman adding loopholes in a bill originally intended to help protect consumers and companies alike. What we got was unregulated abuses and an open door to oil and gas company abuse. Enron in spades is why a gallon is over $4.00.

Abuses after abuses by the neo cons during the past 10 years is finally coming home to roost. A sea change is occuring.

Stop the repiglicans from harming our beautiful sea to shining sea coastlines. Vote em all out. Let's see what could happen with a new direction.


"When you only have two pennies left in the world, buy a loaf of bread with one, and a lily with the other."-Chinese proverb. "Arts a staple. Like bread or wine or a warm coat in winter. Those who think it is a luxury have only a fragment of a mind. Mans spirit grows hungry for art in the same way h


A much better perspective than USA Todaze....

Anatomy of a Price Surge
"But the Administration's greatest contribution to the rising oil prices is its steady stream of threats to attack Iran if it does not back down on the nuclear issue. The Iranians have made it plain that they would retaliate by attempting to block the flow of Gulf oil and otherwise cause turmoil in the energy market. Most analysts assume, therefore, that an encounter will produce a global oil shortage and prices well over $200 per barrel. It is not surprising, then, that every threat by Bush/Cheney (or their counterparts in Israel) has triggered a sharp rise in prices. This is where speculators enter the picture. Believing that a US-Iranian clash is at least 50 percent likely, some investors are buying futures in oil at $140, $150 or more per barrel, thinking they'll make a killing if there's an attack and prices zoom over $200. "