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What's your walk score?

Started by izmophonik, July 23, 2008, 08:59:45 AM

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Originally posted by cannon_fodder

I live near 31st and Harvard:

67/100 - Somewhat Walkable.

I agree with their assessment and they seemed to get most of the businesses/attractions that make it so.  It did neglect to find the park next to the TPS Admin building.  Per their blog, it looks like a park within .25 miles is +5 (net change of +3). Raising my score to a respectable 70, or "very walkable."  

I got no bonus points for being within walking distance of a liquor store, my doctors office, dentist, my boys Tae Kwon Do, or several other little things that rule.  But I'm sure many neighborhoods have those.

Someone run the new subdivisions on 121st or Owasso.

Also, just for Tay:

Did you know?

   * Congress spends about $60 billion a year on transportation.
   * Nearly 85% of that goes to expanding or maintaining highways.
   * Only 1.5%—about $3 per American per year—goes to support walking and biking. About 15% goes to support public transit.
   * 83% percent of Americans live in metropolitan areas, yet only 5% live within walking distance of decent public transit.

Also, also... I ran the Tribune lofts just to see what the score is:

Hey, I've got you beat by 2 (69).  While I am slightly closer to our neighborhood amenities, can't see why it would be different really.
Vote for the two party system!
-one one Friday and one on Saturday.


+10 for the liquor store and another +10 for each bar and it looks like Cannon and I are in the running.
Vote for the two party system!
-one one Friday and one on Saturday.


77 in North Swan Lake!  IZ, you must live in North, north Swan Lake.

Just for giggles, I checked my old address 461 W. 46th in the City, and of course, I used to live in a 'Walker's Paradise': 100/100.


Originally posted by izmophonik

Any other takers?

A number of us posted our walk scores here last summer:

Red Arrow

45 for the area south east of 111th & Memorial. I thought it would be lower out here in sprawling suburbia. Still labeled car-dependent.



I got a 63, "somewhat walkable". I live behind the Promenade Mall at 41st and Yale.

"When you only have two pennies left in the world, buy a loaf of bread with one, and a lily with the other."-Chinese proverb. "Arts a staple. Like bread or wine or a warm coat in winter. Those who think it is a luxury have only a fragment of a mind. Mans spirit grows hungry for art in the same way h


You would be correct.  I'm on 17th and St. Louis Ave. So, the only one to beat me was the downtown lofts...I bet someone living closer to Cherry could score higher...maybe 15th and Quincy or something.


49/100 in Florence Park "Car Dependent".  Pretty bad.  There are lots of junk stores within walking distance, but what good are they?  I'd love love LOVE to see some more restaurants on this end of 15th.....I'd walk all the time...


Originally posted by izmophonik

I found a neat site while reading the news today.  The article was about the 10 least walkable cities.  OKC was #5.  You can type in your address and get a 'walk score' to see how cool and urban you are.  My address in Swan Lake scores a 78.  I challenge thee to a duel.

Out here in the burbs (Owasso) got a score of 48.  [:D]
Trust but verify




I scored a 77 and posted about it over here - - the other day.
It's hard being a Diamond in a rhinestone world.


Originally posted by izmophonik

You would be correct.  I'm on 17th and St. Louis Ave. So, the only one to beat me was the downtown lofts...I bet someone living closer to Cherry could score higher...maybe 15th and Quincy or something.

I'm closer to Cherry Street than you on Rockford, what gives?  Maybe you're a little closer to the grocery stores east.