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Downtown Tulsa Building HELP!

Started by Rex, July 12, 2008, 01:12:48 AM

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That's it exactly.  So, it's an enlargement for the elevator gear? It really looks odd.

What was the configuration of the penthouse?


Originally posted by CazzoRex

What was the configuration of the penthouse?

I haven't been in there since 1994, but as I remember it, the penthouse "apartment" was on what would have been about the 16th floor below the octagonal cupola.  There is no elevator stop on the penthouse "apartment" level.  Unless it has been altered since 1994, it is roughly "U" shaped with the "apartment" space wrapping around the elevator shafts, which are on the south side of the penthouse, as I recall.



Adding upper floors to the Thompson Building in September 1929:

Source:  Beryl Ford Collection / Rotary Club of Tulsa, Tulsa City-County Library, Tulsa Historical Society

The Thompson Building after the addition:

Source:  Beryl Ford Collection / Rotary Club of Tulsa, Tulsa City-County Library, Tulsa Historical Society


There's quite the historic story of debachery in that Penthouse of the Thompson Building when it was occupied by Charles Seger ( aka the model for Michael Doonsbury) back in the doo dah daze. Seger occupied the top floor.

Actually, Larry Flynts magazine ran a story on it back in 78 or 79.....


Thanks for the pics boo.  You have a way with the archives!
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I crush grooves.


Tulsa really has some nice buildings downtown, many are real classic, others are old historic structures. From the west bank of the River Tulsa has (IMO) one of the nicest skylines around. BTW, DownTown Fort Worth has a skyscraper that was to be torn down after a tornado hit it in March, 2000, the twister did alot of damage to it after a direct hit. It was a nice looking glass tower building and I was happy to learn that they decided to keep the building  and rebuild it into apartments. The SkyScraper was built in 1974 and took a direct tornado hit. It was once known as the "PlyWood Skyscraper" because all the tornado blown out windows were replaced with plywood. Anyhow the good news is the building was saved. That building really helps makes the Fort Worth Skyline and tie it together, had they torn it down the Fort Worth skyline would have a big void and not look too good, like someone smiling with a missing tooth.[B)]
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The penthouse is currently part of the Schnake Turnbo lease. Schnake's main floor is 15 and as stated above, you get to the penthouse via stairs on 15.

The penthouse is completely gutted at the moment and Schnake has intentions to redo it and use it simply as space that will be impressive to their clients.