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A Video Portrait Of Barack Hussein Obama

Started by buzz words, June 17, 2008, 06:15:34 PM

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It's not just a thinly veiled plug for his site, it's a very thinly veiled post that is doomed to be Barack-bashing. Only Fox News-watching neocon drones use his middle name to some how try and relate him to Saddam and therefore make him evil and scare off voters. Gimme a friggin break.


Funny, so many of you are standing up for Obama - a man who hasn't even completely one term as a U.S. senator.  A man who has broken his promise on public financing. What else will he lie about and not bat an eye?

A man who claimed in a speech that he will set up internet shops in the Middle East to spread the word about America.  Think I'm kidding?  

This is a man who wants to take away your guns, disarm America and was soundly criticized by his Democratic contemporaries in the race for this nomination on a whole host of issues.

Barack Obama believes in a type of Christianity that has at its base blacks are victims of white supremacy.  If you don't know this - you haven't studied Black Liberation Theology.

If you can get past his beautifully spoken words and his good looks and pay attention you will see the most liberal man in Congress.  

All this at a critical time in our history?

PS:  I'm not a republican.


Go back to the political arena on the forum please.


Originally posted by Derailed
If you can get past his beautifully spoken words and his good looks and pay attention you will see the most liberal man in Congress.  

Sweet, that's why I'll vote for him then. At least what he does is coming from somewhere good instead of just being an all-around two-faced monster like McCain. Anybody critizing Obama over McCain is the pot calling the kettle black if they are trying to mention any flip flops.


One thing that never comes up in these kinds of discussions is that both Obama's father and stepfather were oil men!  

And when he attended PUBLIC school in Jakarta (before he attended two years of Catholic school there, then attended and graduated from a private Christian school in Hawaii), many oil families (from Oklahoma!) lived in Indonesia and sent their kids to school there!

The video is right . . . we do need to do research and find out more about him. The more I find out, the more I like him. That guy comes from SMART people!


Barak Hussein Obama does has a diverse history which includes a touch of Black Liberation Theology, some exposure to Islam and some Liberal ideology. Being Black, Muslim or Liberal is neither illegal nor bad.

Granted I am happy he claims to be a Christian and I hope he is because I do have some reservations about Muslims due to the tragedy of 9/11 and our current conflicts in the Middle East.

However, exaggerated and dishonest propaganda from videos, news and websites regarding a person's race, religion and ideology is bad. Probably should be illegal too.
Liberty Blessed America