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Girls Gone Wild Bus in Tulsa!

Started by deinstein, July 08, 2008, 10:02:37 PM

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Keep it classy T-Town!

...currently wrecking town at the Gray Snail.


I went and raised my top.

There goes my political career.
Power is nothing till you use it.


It was here earlier this year on Brookside...


It was here last year at the downtown bar at 2nd and Greenwood, whatever its name was at that time.


I heard from a good source that GGW was the opening act at the BOK arena.



Originally posted by Curmudgeon

I heard from a good source that GGW was the opening act at the BOK arena.


I might actually pay $185 to see that. Especially if they allow audience interaction.


New Rule: Never EVER kiss a girl who just got off the GGW Bus.[xx(]



where is the Grey Snail?  Is it next to the Empire Bar?[}:)]


Originally posted by tulsarufflebutt

New Rule: Never EVER kiss a girl who just got off the GGW Bus.[xx(]

I doubt thats anything you will have to be worried about....


Yeah it was at Gray Snail on Tuesday night which is across the street from Empire (it used to be the Slow Duck). I bet bouncers cringe when they see that bus pull up...topless girls coupled with massive amounts of alcohol equals plenty of fightin'.


"Is that you Ethel? Ethel get your clothes on."

From Ray Stevens classic hit "The Streak."
Liberty Blessed America


Originally posted by danno

Yeah it was at Gray Snail on Tuesday night which is across the street from Empire (it used to be the Slow Duck). I bet bouncers cringe when they see that bus pull up...topless girls coupled with massive amounts of alcohol equals plenty of fightin'.

so were there any 'snail trails' leading from the Empire to the Grey Snail?  I bet Empire had a slow night....what with all of its usual customers out gawking [}:)]