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Even More Recycling Questions...

Started by PonderInc, July 21, 2008, 03:39:26 PM

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One time I was driving around town and realized that the QT logo was everywhere...on the ground. Once I started paying attention, I realized that QT cups where thrown all over the place, and you could even recognize them while driving down the highway.

QT is such a good corporate citizen...what are they doing for clean-up and recycling efforts in town?

I used to get the dishwasher safe #2 plastic QT cups and would take them back dozens of times for refills. Now, you can still take your cup back for refills...but they seem sort of flimsy, so I'm not sure how many people think to do it.

Also, why is it that you can't recycle #2 plastic if it doesn't have a "screw top?" I used to throw old stadium/QT cups in the recycling, until I was told that they wouldn't actually get recycled! Why isn't a #2 a #2?

And, why can't we recycle #5s in Tulsa? (Like yogurt cups or cottage cheese containers.)


You sure ask a lot of questions.

I'll start with the two problems...first, all plastic numbers melt at different temperatures and different applications of the same plastic can be difficult because of differnces in the melting process.

Problem two is the economic rule of supply and demand. There are so few containers made from number five that there is not enough of a supply to create a demand.

About 94% of all bottle grade plastics in the typical grocery in Tulsa are either number one or number two plastic. Number ones include soda, water, some cooking oils, and most dressings and sauces. They are easily rinsed and collected.  Most of the number one bottles are made into clothing and carpeting. Come by my office and you can see good examples.

Number two plastics include jugs and heavier bottles. Milk, soap, coffee, automotive and pet products come in these. These are made into barrels, benches and other grades bottles. The undied ones are much more valuable. Milk jugs are worth four times as much as the same weight laundry soap bottle.  

Yogurt tubs just don't have the volume around here to be a supply for any recycled manufacturer. Other number plastics have the same sort of problem. Amazingly, many communities in America collect all plastics and then just pay a company to separate out the other numbers. They figure it is easier to just collect all plastic than to educate people on the difference.

As to Quik-Trip and their environmental efforts...They do sell some better refillable cups, look closely and you will find them hidden behind the single use ones next to the machines. They used to prominently display them, but don't anymore. You can take your own cup in QT (or anywhere else) and save a little money and help the environment.

The disposable cups that QT sells are made of an environmentally preffered plastic than the polystyrene (styrofoam) ones. I was amazed to see a FiestaMart on 21st street proudly promoting their styrofoam cups on their billboard today. Plastic cups of all types are now the main source of litter on Tulsa streets and parks this summer. Something has to be done.

Qt has helped with some of our air quality efforts. I meet with their spokesman a few times each summer with our ozone team. They put out pump toppers promoting our ozone alert days.
Power is nothing till you use it.


In my area, 15th and Denver, it appears most of the cups are discarded by the vagrants that QT is nice enough to furnish with drinks... especially on these hot days. I have seen more than one finish his drink, sometimes water but sometimes soda, and then casually toss their cup aside. I pick up the ones around my place but there are more than I can keep up with. This isn't a QT problem....


Originally posted by bokworker

In my area, 15th and Denver, it appears most of the cups are discarded by the vagrants that QT is nice enough to furnish with drinks... especially on these hot days. I have seen more than one finish his drink, sometimes water but sometimes soda, and then casually toss their cup aside. I pick up the ones around my place but there are more than I can keep up with. This isn't a QT problem....

That QT does create a lot of garbage. I wish they would lock the dumpster to discourage people from carting the trash up and down Carthage.
We clean up Carthage, Carson, 14th and the access area around 51 every weekend (maybe I'll have a bokworker sighting!).

It's amazing that people will just throw stuff out of their car or drop it as they are walking. I've seen people drop garbage on the street not five feet from my trash can.


I became this obsessed with trash when I picked up litter at McClure Park on the first Earth Day.

Litters really bugs me.

If anyone wants to organize a litter cleanup for their work, church or social group, I will provide free bags and gloves. Any day of the year. Any where in the Tulsa area.
Power is nothing till you use it.

Double A

Why doesn't Tulsa have a construction waste recycling program? Why is our Recycling Czar asleep at the wheel on this issue?
The clash of ideas is the sound of freedom. Ars Longa, Vita Brevis!


Must you insult me every day doubleA?

Is there a quote from your hate group that requires this?

I have proposed numerous construction recycling ideas, including new demolition permit fees. I have been working with a concrete recycler, a wood recovery company and a local bank to try to bring more construction waste recycling to Tulsa. I even presented a paper at the Green Building conference last year in conjuction with the University of Tulsa taking an academic approach to the problem.

This was a perfectly good thread where people were getting their questions answered. You call me names all the time in the political forum...why do you feel compelled to attack me here as well?
Power is nothing till you use it.


My wife and her friend are trying to find an argument to make to Sonic to stop using styrofoam. I wish I could help but I don't know a lot of details about alternatives and I'm sure Sonic has 1 reason for using it: more money. Throwing away plastic QT cups bothers me too :(

If we can get some more major fast food places making an effort it will make a huge difference, but it can't hurt their bottom line too badly.

Double A

Originally posted by RecycleMichael

Must you insult me every day doubleA?

Is there a quote from your hate group that requires this?

I have proposed numerous construction recycling ideas, including new demolition permit fees. I have been working with a concrete recycler, a wood recovery company and a local bank to try to bring more construction waste recycling to Tulsa. I even presented a paper at the Green Building conference last year in conjuction with the University of Tulsa taking an academic approach to the problem.

This was a perfectly good thread where people were getting their questions answered. You call me names all the time in the political forum...why do you feel compelled to attack me here as well?

Wow, what an ego! Why do you think everything is about you?
The clash of ideas is the sound of freedom. Ars Longa, Vita Brevis!