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Kenneth Gumm: scapegoat.

Started by cs6000, July 16, 2008, 07:29:43 AM

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How do you feel about the Kenneth Gumm road rage conviction? (21 and Riverside)

To me, it is a terrible injustice. Hopefully, you're familiar with the facts. Gumm, 68, is assaulted by a meth-enraged thug, backed around his car twice warning the guy away before he shoots him, while fearing for his life. The police department investigates the  situation, releases Gumm, and recommends no charges be filed.

Our spineless DA, however, bends to the will of the accoster's family and charges Gumm with manslaughter.
Rather than endure the strain of a jury trial, Gumm pleads guilty and receives 5 years probation.
What a crock. This is all on the DA, who does not have the toughness to hold such a job. Hopefully, this issue will resurface at election time.


I agree with everything you said.


It was his choice to plead...I think he should have went to trial myself....


Originally posted by Breadburner

It was his choice to plead...I think he should have went to trial myself....

The judge at sentencing even said, after reading over details of the case, that if he had went to trial, he "probably would have been found not guilty."

I know the cost or trials are expensive, and burden is extremely tough on the family and everything, but I think I would have taken my chances.

"You cant solve Stupid." 
"I don't do sorry, sorry is for criminals and screw ups."


My guttural reaction is to agree. But I am apperently not familiar enough with the details.

meth-enraged thug

I did not know he had meth in his system.  Is that a fact or speculation?

Also, can someone link to the final verdict?  I don't recall what the Judge decided was appropriate.
- - - - - - - - -
I crush grooves.


Originally posted by cannon_fodder

My guttural reaction is to agree. But I am apperently not familiar enough with the details.

meth-enraged thug

I did not know he had meth in his system.  Is that a fact or speculation?

Also, can someone link to the final verdict?  I don't recall what the Judge decided was appropriate.

Gumm got ****ed like a tied goat, pure and simple.

I do believe Turney's toxicology results were published at one point and he did have crank in his system as well as alcohol.  A sane, sober person wouldn't back some guy holding a pistol around his car twice.

I think Harris was afraid to have another "Deadtown" incident on his hands and that's why he filed charges on Gumm.  

Having to plead guilty to a felony for defending himself was a gross injustice.  I would assume he pled guilty to cut his legal costs.  The only consolation is he didn't have to do any time.

I, for one, would be happy to donate money to a legal fund to get his conviction over-turned.  I'm not sure what all else being a convicted felon will keep him from aside from owning or possessing a firearm (oh, the irony) and voting.

I'd also be happy to donate money to the campaign of a qualified challenger to Tim Harris next election.  I just didn't feel Swab was the right person or I would have supported him.

"It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first" -Ronald Reagan


Originally posted by cannon_fodder

My guttural reaction is to agree. But I am apperently not familiar enough with the details.

meth-enraged thug

I did not know he had meth in his system.  Is that a fact or speculation?

Also, can someone link to the final verdict?  I don't recall what the Judge decided was appropriate.

there is the link to the Tulsa World article.

here is a quote from the judge taken from the article.

"Kellough told Gumm that a "strong possibility" existed that he would have been acquitted if the case had gone to trial. "
"You cant solve Stupid." 
"I don't do sorry, sorry is for criminals and screw ups."


I followed this, the poor guy got screwed. His conviction was for a felony, now he can't own a gun.[:(!]
He did everything right according to what I've read. What kind of message does this send to the rest of us CCW holders?


Originally posted by Jeepguy

I followed this, the poor guy got screwed. His conviction was for a felony, now he can't own a gun.[:(!]
He did everything right according to what I've read. What kind of message does this send to the rest of us CCW holders?


not to vote for Timothy Harris for reelection was the first message that came to my mind!

"You cant solve Stupid." 
"I don't do sorry, sorry is for criminals and screw ups."


Originally posted by Jeepguy

I followed this, the poor guy got screwed. His conviction was for a felony, now he can't own a gun.[:(!]
He did everything right according to what I've read. What kind of message does this send to the rest of us CCW holders?

Actually depending on how it was structured, there might be a chance he could have the felony expunged at the end of a successful stint on probation.   That would just mean he couldn't own a gun for a little while.


Reports from the World and tv stations have said that Turney (dead guy) did have meth and alcohol in his system.
I believe that since Gumm plead guilty and was sentenced to 5 years probation, he will have the felony conviction for life. He would have had to receive a deferred sentence for it to go away at some point.


Originally posted by cs6000

Reports from the World and tv stations have said that Turney (dead guy) did have meth and alcohol in his system.
I believe that since Gumm plead guilty and was sentenced to 5 years probation, he will have the felony conviction for life. He would have had to receive a deferred sentence for it to go away at some point.

Deferred Sentence

When a defendant receives a deferred sentence it means that the defendant enters a plea, the judge excepts the plea but does not find the defendant guilty. Instead the judge defers the sentencing for a period of time upon certain conditions that the defendant must satisfy. If the defendant complies with the terms of deferment on the review date the defendant will be allowed to withdraw his or her plea and any record of a plea will be expunged. A defendant who successfully completes a deferred sentence will not be a convicted felon.


Over in Midwest city, someone just shot a guy and killed him while he was in the getaway car.  It will be interesting to see how this one plays out.
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-one one Friday and one on Saturday.