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Giant Roll of Duct Tape Sighted Downtown

Started by AMP, July 24, 2008, 08:45:28 PM

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I can see the duct tape thing... but... if they had made it more os a golden brown color on the lower part and white on the top it would look like a cinnamin roll.

I am not crazy about the design and a lot of other things... BUT....

It's already a done deal. Now we need to be positive instead of negative and get people to go there. We need it to bring in as much money as possible.

Don't you realize if it is a failure WE still pick up the tab? Ecept the tab will be much bigger.

So, whether your heart is in it or not, watch out for lightning and start pitching the positives to anyone who will listen.

We need people to think our arena is the best darn arena in the world and that everyone who is anyone wants to be there.

That is the only way we are going to win.


Originally posted by AMP

Wonder if they could use multi color Duct Tape on the exterior of the building to celebrate Pride Week?

Only if the different color lines are PERFECTLY placed so they look continuous...(e.g.--see above)
"Why be part of the 'brain drain' that gets sucked out of Tulsa...The opportunity IS there, you just gotta make it!!"--Eric Marshall


Hey, the duct tape and "art ducto" thing are purely for fun. We had a building on OU's campus we called the "the blender" because it looked like a Waring blender. Lots of cities have slang for their buildings. No harm will come from speaking the truth about it. It will in fact do more to endear it to us.

It was brave to follow through with the design and although most of us would have been happy with something akin to a Lego block we will still go see entertainment there.


Originally posted by Hoss

Originally posted by breitee

Seriously, is this the best that they can do?

Three more shows announced for BOK Center

7/29/2008  12:26 PM
Last Modified: 7/29/2008  1:43 PM

As if the sold-out Eagles as an opening act wasn't enough, the BOK Center arena has announced three more shows and a partnership with Tahlequah-based Reasor's to sell tickets to upcoming events.

On Tuesday, three more upcoming shows were announced:

Dec. 10-14: Cirque du Soleil: Tickets on sale Aug. 18. Cirque du Soleil weaves its magic in Tulsa for the first time with Saltimbanco, the very first "classic" Cirque du Soleil touring show to be presented in arena. The Saltimbanco arena tour will perform 8 shows at the BOK Center.

Tickets range from $40 to $95 for adult and $32 to $76 for children (12 years old and under); 7:30 p.m. Dec. 10-11 at 7:30pm; 3:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Dec. 12-13; and 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. Dec. 13-14. Tickets will go on sale for Cirque Club members only on Aug.11. To become a Cirque Club member, simply connect (free of charge) to General public ticket sales will start Aug. 18.

Jan. 3-4: Harlem Globetrotters, on sale date to be announced. The Globetrotters is touring for its 83rd consecutive season. Since their founding in 1926, the Globetrotters have played in 119 countries on 6 continents, entertaining over 128 million fans. Tickets will be available with a limited number of $102 courtside tickets, in addition to tickets at $51 and $25.

May 14-16: Joyce Meyer Ministries, on sale date to be announced. Joyce Meyer is one of the world's leading practical Bible teachers. A New York Times bestselling author, her books have helped millions of people find hope and restoration through Jesus Christ. For further information, please call (800) 727-9673 or log on to No registration is required.

Reasor's and, the BOK Center's ticketing service recently entered into the partnership, a press release from the BOK Center stated.

Reasor's ticket sales are located in all video departments. Locations without video departments offer tickets at the customer service desk.

"Reasor's wants to maintain its reputation as an innovator in providing convenience for our customers – both existing and prospective," said Jeff Reasor, company president and CEO.

Today marks the first day that customers will be able to buy BOK Center tickets at any of the 15 designated Reasor's locations across the area.

You're just PO'd that it appears this arena is going to be successful.

Stay in Sand Springs if you hate it so much.

With "quality" acts like these, it is destined for failure. It's too bad that the Ford Center will always kick our donkey with better shows and attractions. Joyce Meyer just doesn't cut it.


Originally posted by breitee

Seriously, is this the best that they can do?

Three more shows announced for BOK Center

7/29/2008  12:26 PM
Last Modified: 7/29/2008  1:43 PM

As if the sold-out Eagles as an opening act wasn't enough, the BOK Center arena has announced three more shows and a partnership with Tahlequah-based Reasor's to sell tickets to upcoming events.

On Tuesday, three more upcoming shows were announced:

Dec. 10-14: Cirque du Soleil: Tickets on sale Aug. 18. Cirque du Soleil weaves its magic in Tulsa for the first time with Saltimbanco, the very first "classic" Cirque du Soleil touring show to be presented in arena. The Saltimbanco arena tour will perform 8 shows at the BOK Center.

Tickets range from $40 to $95 for adult and $32 to $76 for children (12 years old and under); 7:30 p.m. Dec. 10-11 at 7:30pm; 3:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Dec. 12-13; and 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. Dec. 13-14. Tickets will go on sale for Cirque Club members only on Aug.11. To become a Cirque Club member, simply connect (free of charge) to General public ticket sales will start Aug. 18.

Jan. 3-4: Harlem Globetrotters, on sale date to be announced. The Globetrotters is touring for its 83rd consecutive season. Since their founding in 1926, the Globetrotters have played in 119 countries on 6 continents, entertaining over 128 million fans. Tickets will be available with a limited number of $102 courtside tickets, in addition to tickets at $51 and $25.

May 14-16: Joyce Meyer Ministries, on sale date to be announced. Joyce Meyer is one of the world's leading practical Bible teachers. A New York Times bestselling author, her books have helped millions of people find hope and restoration through Jesus Christ. For further information, please call (800) 727-9673 or log on to No registration is required.

Reasor's and, the BOK Center's ticketing service recently entered into the partnership, a press release from the BOK Center stated.

Reasor's ticket sales are located in all video departments. Locations without video departments offer tickets at the customer service desk.

"Reasor's wants to maintain its reputation as an innovator in providing convenience for our customers – both existing and prospective," said Jeff Reasor, company president and CEO.

Today marks the first day that customers will be able to buy BOK Center tickets at any of the 15 designated Reasor's locations across the area.

the wife and i are pretty excited about the Cirque show. As are several friends and my father-in-law. Cirque is a huge draw. The touring Cirque show last came to Oklahoma a few years ago with a stop at the Ford Center. So consider this something that probably would've went there again but is now coming to Tulsa.


Originally posted by breitee

Originally posted by Hoss

QuoteOriginally posted by breitee

Seriously, is this the best that they can do?

With "quality" acts like these, it is destined for failure. It's too bad that the Ford Center will always kick our donkey with better shows and attractions. Joyce Meyer just doesn't cut it.

Just went and checked the Ford Center events calendar.  Looks like there is not much history before Nov 2004, but lets just look at some of the acts they had in four or five months;

Some Blazers games... we will have the oilers
Bette Midler... we have Celine
Women of Faith... we have joyce
Third Day... We have the Eagles (no idea who third day is though)
Rascal Flats... we have, um Rascal Flats
More Blazers games... more oilers games
Mannheim Steamroller... Radio City girls
Hornets game... Okay, got us there... but we will have a preseason game
More Blazers games... more oilers games
Harlem GlobeTrotters... Um ditto
Larry the Cable Guy... Jeff Dunham
WWE RAW... Whoopdeedoo
PBR Classic... Cirque
Steven Curtis Chapman... Carry Underwood, Neil Diamond...

Okay, I am getting bored of doing this, but as you see we are on an equal level from where the Ford center was in 2004... 1-2 years after it opened.  I would imagine as musicians and shows start making their new tour schedules, Tulsa will be on the short list of venues to add.  

Yes we will not get an NBA team, but I could care less.

I really think they have done pretty well in getting the first 4 months lined out.  I am more than willing to say that 90% of these acts would not have come to Tulsa if the arena was not here.  

And in response to the ampitheatre, I am assuming this was to be an outside venue?  Like the Dallas center?  So you want the eagles (or any act for that matter to perform outside in august??  Sweet jesus man, that is plum nuts[:D]


It is wrong to compare Tulsa Bok Arena shows to the OKC Ford Center. They are different markets.

Compare Tulsa 2008 to Tulsa 2007.

The arena is changing the Tulsa entertainment scene and it is bringing shows that cause people to come to Tulsa.

That's why the arena is worth building.
Power is nothing till you use it.


Third Day is Christian, Tulsa has Casting Crowns as the equivalent.