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Tulsa Photos

Started by AMP, July 13, 2007, 08:03:14 PM

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Originally posted by AMP

Thanks for sharing.  Looking at the photos (and reading about the Tulsa Race Riot), it made me wonder where Standpipe Hill is (or was?).  I'm assuming it's a couple miles north of downtown, but I have no idea where to find the actual location...


Not positive where it is today, could be north of the Highway 412 where there are some empty lots raised up above a concrete wall. I found this photo taken from Standpipe Hill taken in 1893.



Standpipe Hill on September 23, 1910.. The standpipe, that Mrs. E.G. Fike and Miss Mattie Lou Disher are sitting before, served as Tulsa's water tower.


Is this inside the old Borden's Cafeteria over by 1st and Utica. or perhaps the one up stairs that was at Admiral and Sherican for many years?  I will have to share this with Phil Borden and see if he remembers.  


i am looking for a place to display and sell my photos.have any ideas?

Originally posted by AMP

Not positive where it is today, could be north of the Highway 412 where there are some empty lots raised up above a concrete wall. I found this photo taken from Standpipe Hill taken in 1893.



Standpipe Hill on September 23, 1910.. The standpipe, that Mrs. E.G. Fike and Miss Mattie Lou Disher are sitting before, served as Tulsa's water tower.


Is this inside the old Borden's Cafeteria over by 1st and Utica. or perhaps the one up stairs that was at Admiral and Sherican for many years?  I will have to share this with Phil Borden and see if he remembers.  

Liberalism is a mental disorder


Originally posted by AMP

Not positive where [Standpipe Hill]is today, could be north of the Highway 412 where there are some empty lots raised up above a concrete wall.

That's correct, AMP.  Standpipe Hill is to the north of the north leg of the IDL (Highway 412), between Boston and Detroit.  Some of the trees on the hill have been removed recently, revealing the old stone retaining walls.


WoW that Stand Pipe Hill is real nifty. What a great historic picture. It's sad it's still not there. The view from the hill was super. That photo was taken on my Birthday Sept. 23rd, but not my birth year, I was born in the 1950's... It'll be nice if they could re-build it back the way it was. I also like that famous Blue Whale tourist attraction in Catoosa. That's one famous whale. The tourist place on I-44 near The truck stop has booklets about that whale and it tells how it came about the number boards used to build it and the tons of cement used and how much paint it too. It also gives the size. I forgot all the details but it took alot of work. I believe the orgional owners and builders of the blue whale have died.
Proud Global  Warming Deiner! Earth Is Getting Colder NOT Warmer!


Originally posted by sauerkraut

WoW that Stand Pipe Hill is real nifty. What a great historic picture. It's sad it's still not there. The view from the hill was super.... It'll be nice if they could re-build it back the way it was.

A portion of Standpipe Hill remains.  Crews have been cutting dozens if not hundreds of trees on the hill recently, so the remnants of retaining walls and stairs are much more visible than they've been for many years.  You can see the vestiges of streets, sidewalks, walls, and foundations in the area between Boston and Detroit and Easton and Fairview.

Cincinnati Avenue cuts through Standpipe Hill now, so there is almost no chance that the terrain could or would ever be re-built to the way it was.  I've heard of some long-range plans for OSU Tulsa to construct buildings on what remains of Standpipe Hill, but I don't know why the existing trees are being removed.


I heard they are wanting to clean up that area to make it more park like. Kind of an entrance feature to OSU Tulsa. Not sure but I thought someone mentioned that they will place some sort of statue, large sign or something of that effect on the hill nearest the new research center, eventually as well.
"When you only have two pennies left in the world, buy a loaf of bread with one, and a lily with the other."-Chinese proverb. "Arts a staple. Like bread or wine or a warm coat in winter. Those who think it is a luxury have only a fragment of a mind. Mans spirit grows hungry for art in the same way h


I'd like to see them incorporate some of the existing ruins and large trees into their landscape plans.




Tulsa World article about landscape design for Standpipe Hill.


Here is a postcard showing the school that was near the west foot of Standpipe Hill.  This view is looking east-southeast from the corner of North Boston and Fairview.  It is called "North Side School" on this postcard, but I've seen it on Sanborn maps as Sequoyah School or simply as ward school.

Source: Retro Tulsa Museum, provided online by the Feldman Franden Woodard & Farris law firm


Originally posted by sauerkraut

WoW that Stand Pipe Hill is real nifty. What a great historic picture. It's sad it's still not there. The view from the hill was super. That photo was taken on my Birthday Sept. 23rd, but not my birth year, I was born in the 1950's... It'll be nice if they could re-build it back the way it was. I also like that famous Blue Whale tourist attraction in Catoosa. That's one famous whale. The tourist place on I-44 near The truck stop has booklets about that whale and it tells how it came about the number boards used to build it and the tons of cement used and how much paint it too. It also gives the size. I forgot all the details but it took alot of work. I believe the orgional owners and builders of the blue whale have died.

Uh Einstein the Blue Whale in not in Tulsa, this thread was about old Tulsa pictures.  

And it is no where near a Truck Stop on I-44 it is on Hwy 66 just outside Catoosa heading towards Claremore.    [|)]
Trust but verify

T Badd

Originally posted by unreliablesource

Originally posted by sauerkraut

WoW that Stand Pipe Hill is real nifty. What a great historic picture. It's sad it's still not there. The view from the hill was super. That photo was taken on my Birthday Sept. 23rd, but not my birth year, I was born in the 1950's... It'll be nice if they could re-build it back the way it was. I also like that famous Blue Whale tourist attraction in Catoosa. That's one famous whale. The tourist place on I-44 near The truck stop has booklets about that whale and it tells how it came about the number boards used to build it and the tons of cement used and how much paint it too. It also gives the size. I forgot all the details but it took alot of work. I believe the orgional owners and builders of the blue whale have died.

Uh Einstein the Blue Whale in not in Tulsa, this thread was about old Tulsa pictures.  

And it is no where near a Truck Stop on I-44 it is on Hwy 66 just outside Catoosa heading towards Claremore.    [|)]

Wow...I understand correcting someone's mistake, but SK was making a comment about Stand Pipe Hill and clearly mentioned that the Blue Whale was in Catoosa and that the Tourist center was on I-44 near the truck stop. If you're going to correct people with that kind of attitude (Einstein), make sure you read the original posters message. They weren't as off topic as you. Whatever happened to all the friendly people here?...oh wait!...nevermind.