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Big Splash has not paid 2007 rent

Started by Hoss, June 28, 2008, 09:39:32 AM

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Originally posted by sgrizzle

Can we fire Ms Miller this quick too?

July 29th.


Originally posted by MichaelBates

Originally posted by sgrizzle

Can we fire Ms Miller this quick too?

July 29th.

Thats my birthday, how fitting!


"Murphy ready to pay rent," 07/02/2008, Tulsa World, available at

Basically says:

- We never received the invoice
- It was a miscommunication about compensation on the pavement
- we'll pay but hope to get some sort of compensation for redoing our parking lot
- we couldn't pay until our coke deal went through

First of all, I don't care.  We are 6 months PAST DUE and you are saying we have to wait LONGER for rent money because your revenue stream isn't good enough?  And you represent this as a going concern better than Bell's?  As George Thorogood  said "that doesn't concern me as long as I get my rent money by next Friday."

Then with what has to be THE major expense for the park one would think something would be done on it.  Even if an invoice was not sent, you'd think they'd contact the County and inquire lest they get evicted.

Third, "miscommunication" is a two way street.  If the lessee miscommunicates for 6 months it's as much their fault as anyone else's.  "We didn't pay because of a miscommunication."  You thought maybe you didn't owe rent this year?  Better yet:
Murphy reiterated that she had never discussed delaying her lease payment with the fair board or with former Expo Square President and CEO Rick Bjorklund.

So where the hell does the miscommunication come in if you NEVER COMMUNICATED?


Although Murphy said Big Splash lost up to $250,000 in 2007 primarily because of the parking lot work, fair board records show that the park's revenues last year were higher than those of the year before.

She pulled the "we lost $250,000" out of her donkey.  Totally made up, their revenues were UP, not down.  

While we're at it, why was their a partial rent check last year?  The ~ $70K uncashed check doesn't seem to fit in with the one year of rent at the end of the year scheme.  Not too mention the amazing generosity of having rent due in it's entirety AT THE END of the year.
- - -
Assuming clean hands b y the county on this, here's what they should do:

#1 - don't "mail the invoice tomorrow" as indicated, you send someone from your office over there with the damn invoice.  That's common sense when a customer uses BS excuses for not paying.

#2 - Do NOT reduce the rent or compensate in any way for the parking lot.  Parking lots get redone at all businesses.  Most would be happy to have their done for free.  Furthermore, the evidence suggests it did not hinder their business at all.  Then, contrary to insinuation about miscommunication - by her own admission it was never brought up.  And even if it did hinder business (which it didn't) and they had talked about it (which they did not) - at this point your 6 months late... too damn bad.

#3 - Late fee.  $130,000 at a standard late fee rate of 12% for 6 months is about $8,000.  Enough money to put in a dog park at Expo Square.  When I pay late, I pay fines.

#4 - when the contract is renegotiated rent is due monthly or at the end of the summer for the entire year (their prime revenue period).  Paying yearly rent at the end of a period is essentially floating the Murphy's a zero interest loan for a year.

I remained skepitical of people telling me the Murphy's were shady dealers, but I am entirely convinced after reading that article.  The excuses were BS.  The "miscommunication" admittedly never happened.   Either the Murphy's are shady or the county is grossly incompetent in this matter, or both.

[edit]fixed quotes[/edit]
- - - - - - - - -
I crush grooves.

Friendly Bear

Originally posted by cannon_fodder

"Murphy ready to pay rent," 07/02/2008, Tulsa World, available at

Basically says:

- We never received the invoice
- It was a miscommunication about compensation on the pavement
- we'll pay but hope to get some sort of compensation for redoing our parking lot
- we couldn't pay until our coke deal went through

First of all, I don't care.  We are 6 months PAST DUE and you are saying we have to wait LONGER for rent money because your revenue stream isn't good enough?  And you represent this as a going concern better than Bell's?  As George Thorogood  said "that doesn't concern me as long as I get my rent money by next Friday."

Then with what has to be THE major expense for the park one would think something would be done on it.  Even if an invoice was not sent, you'd think they'd contact the County and inquire lest they get evicted.

Third, "miscommunication" is a two way street.  If the lessee miscommunicates for 6 months it's as much their fault as anyone else's.  "We didn't pay because of a miscommunication."  You thought maybe you didn't owe rent this year?  Better yet:
Murphy reiterated that she had never discussed delaying her lease payment with the fair board or with former Expo Square President and CEO Rick Bjorklund.

So where the hell does the miscommunication come in if you NEVER COMMUNICATED?


Although Murphy said Big Splash lost up to $250,000 in 2007 primarily because of the parking lot work, fair board records show that the park's revenues last year were higher than those of the year before.

She pulled the "we lost $250,000" out of her donkey.  Totally made up, their revenues were UP, not down.  

While we're at it, why was their a partial rent check last year?  The ~ $70K uncashed check doesn't seem to fit in with the one year of rent at the end of the year scheme.  Not too mention the amazing generosity of having rent due in it's entirety AT THE END of the year.
- - -
Assuming clean hands b y the county on this, here's what they should do:

#1 - don't "mail the invoice tomorrow" as indicated, you send someone from your office over there with the damn invoice.  That's common sense when a customer uses BS excuses for not paying.

#2 - Do NOT reduce the rent or compensate in any way for the parking lot.  Parking lots get redone at all businesses.  Most would be happy to have their done for free.  Furthermore, the evidence suggests it did not hinder their business at all.  Then, contrary to insinuation about miscommunication - by her own admission it was never brought up.  And even if it did hinder business (which it didn't) and they had talked about it (which they did not) - at this point your 6 months late... too damn bad.

#3 - Late fee.  $130,000 at a standard late fee rate of 12% for 6 months is about $8,000.  Enough money to put in a dog park at Expo Square.  When I pay late, I pay fines.

#4 - when the contract is renegotiated rent is due monthly or at the end of the summer for the entire year (their prime revenue period).  Paying yearly rent at the end of a period is essentially floating the Murphy's a zero interest loan for a year.

I remained skepitical of people telling me the Murphy's were shady dealers, but I am entirely convinced after reading that article.  The excuses were BS.  The "miscommunication" admittedly never happened.   Either the Murphy's are shady or the county is grossly incompetent in this matter, or both.

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What do you expect from a family of Fair carnies?

And, we trusted the COUNTY Goobermint with a new 6/10th sales tax for Vision 2025, which will give them about $800 million in our tax money to play with for 13 years??

The Murphy's EIGHT month arrearage in their $130K in 2007 is peanuts compared to the oodles of money the county is handling for Vision 2025.

As Mr. Medlock says:

"Look at the pretty penny", while mean old Randi Miller takes the children's candy.



Who gets an invoice for rent anyway? Your lease contract states how much it is and when it's due. You don't need an invoice...


dbacks fan

If I remember correctly, this isn't the first time that Big Splash has been late/behind in rent payments. Didn't this same situation come up in the 80's or early 90's?


The Murphys are in breach of contract if they are late on rent for Big Splash, correct?

Why don't we just breach their 10 year sweetheart no-bid contract for the fair?

**** the Murphys, buncha slimy carnies and gypsies.  Can't say our county commissioners are much better at this point.

FWIW to Bjorklund applogists, Bjorklund was essentially the property manager of the fairgrounds.  Managers of 300 unit apartment complexes seem to figure out who hasn't paid their rent when it's five days past-due.

"It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first" -Ronald Reagan


Originally posted by Conan71

The Murphys are in breach of contract if they are late on rent for Big Splash, correct?

Why don't we just breach their 10 year sweetheart no-bid contract for the fair?

**** the Murphys, buncha slimy carnies and gypsies.  Can't say our county commissioners are much better at this point.

FWIW to Bjorklund applogists, Bjorklund was essentially the property manager of the fairgrounds.  Managers of 300 unit apartment complexes seem to figure out who hasn't paid their rent when it's five days past-due.

Well said! Screw those slimy carny gypsies! Let's get somebody in there to provide quality and SAFE entertainment for everyone. They have had a free ride for far too long!


As a point of order... the gypsies are a culture (if not a race) of people known as the Roma.  Calling carnies a bunch of gypsies is akin to saying "I got Jewed" or that you fixed something by "****** rigging it."  Many people use the term in a derogatory sense and don't realize it is "racist."  (Gypsies are a "race" like the Jews are, more of a cultural identity than a race.)

I'm not overly sensitive to such things, but as with my examples... some will view the gypsy comments as overt racism.  Just a heads up.

But by all means, I agree with the sentiment as applied here.

[edit]I edited this and PM'd people so as not to distract from the thread, but now unedited as the thing comment s keep getting quoted![/edit]
- - - - - - - - -
I crush grooves.


Originally posted by breitee

Originally posted by Conan71

The Murphys are in breach of contract if they are late on rent for Big Splash, correct?

Why don't we just breach their 10 year sweetheart no-bid contract for the fair?

**** the Murphys, buncha slimy carnies and gypsies.  Can't say our county commissioners are much better at this point.

FWIW to Bjorklund applogists, Bjorklund was essentially the property manager of the fairgrounds.  Managers of 300 unit apartment complexes seem to figure out who hasn't paid their rent when it's five days past-due.

Well said! Screw those slimy carny gypsies! Let's get somebody in there to provide quality and SAFE entertainment for everyone. They have had a free ride for far too long!



Originally posted by Conan71

The Murphys are in breach of contract if they are late on rent for Big Splash, correct?

This is not neccesarily so.....CF? Don't you have the answer?


Wasn't it Hitler who also went after the gypsy's?


Originally posted by cannon_fodder

As a point of order... the gypsies are a culture (if not a race) of people known as the Roma.  Calling carnies a bunch of gypsies is akin to saying "I got Jewed" or that you fixed something by "****** rigging it."  Many people use the term in a derogatory sense and don't realize it is "racist."  (Gypsies are a "race" like the Jews are, more of a cultural identity than a race.)

I'm not overly sensitive to such things, but as with my examples... some will view the gypsy comments as overt racism.  Just a heads up.

But by all means, I agree with the sentiment as applied here.

[edit]I edited this and PM'd people so as not to distract from the thread, but now unedited as the thing comment s keep getting quoted![/edit]

How odd....I like "christianing" down the price. Different strokes for different folks.....


Robby Bell is going to be on 1170 KFAQ this afternoon..should be an interesting listen...I wonder if Chris could post the audio link on here after its on the air as I will be stepping into a meeting soon...


Oh sweet Jesus.....not another stupid ad for CM.[:(!]