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Big Splash has not paid 2007 rent

Started by Hoss, June 28, 2008, 09:39:32 AM

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Also don't forget about this..

The Oklahoma Department of Labor says the Tulsa State Fair's carnival operator has invalid workers compensation coverage for its
employees, the Tulsa World learned Thursday.
But Greg Wallace, Murphy Enterprises vice president, took issue with the department's finding. "If you come by my office tomorrow, I'll show you the policy and the canceled checks" paid on the premiums, Wallace said.
Wallace said Murphy's workers compensation insurance carrier is a New Jersey company called AIG, "one of the largest in the

It seems like they sure have alot of office troubles...

Selph said if Murphy Enterprises is found in default on its contracts, the fair board would consult with its attorney to see if the contracts can be canceled and new operators sought.


Originally posted by Conan71

If Sally Bell can't beat Randi in the primaries after this shenanegan, something is wrong.  Not only would her beating Randi be signficant in change down at the county it would be a symbolic victory for the Bell family.  

No, it means that a lot of GOP voters will vote for an incumbent with name recognition.

Hate to be a pessimist, but I don't think Sally Bell has a prayer in the primary for those two big reasons alone.

Not to mention that Sally Bell doesn't seem to have any sort of discernible platform. Nor has Sally Bell done any campaigning that I can tell. You can't be just the anti-Randi and do nothing else and expect good results.

(A caveat: If Sally Bell does a blitz of campaigning within two weeks of the primary, she may have a chance.)

The general election, however, is another matter. I think Miller's doomed against a Democratic candidate with good name recognition, plus GOP voters who are dissatisfied with Miller.


Originally posted by rwarn17588

Originally posted by Conan71

If Sally Bell can't beat Randi in the primaries after this shenanegan, something is wrong.  Not only would her beating Randi be signficant in change down at the county it would be a symbolic victory for the Bell family.  

No, it means that a lot of GOP voters will vote for an incumbent with name recognition.

Hate to be a pessimist, but I don't think Sally Bell has a prayer in the primary for those two big reasons alone.

Not to mention that Sally Bell doesn't seem to have any sort of discernible platform. Nor has Sally Bell done any campaigning that I can tell. You can't be just the anti-Randi and do nothing else and expect good results.

(A caveat: If Sally Bell does a blitz of campaigning within two weeks of the primary, she may have a chance.)

The general election, however, is another matter. I think Miller's doomed against a Democratic candidate with good name recognition, plus GOP voters who are dissatisfied with Miller.

RW, I think it was the 1986 Mayor's race where an incumbent (Terry Young) was beaten by a total unknown in the primary.

It's happened before here when people were fed up, but you are right, she's got name recognition and still might have some friends [8)]

I'd be surprised if the Bells will dump a lot of money into this campaign.  They will need every penny they've got to get a new Bell's up and running.

I'm curious what everyone will do come November if it's Miller vs. Keith.  Both supported the River Tax, people will have to eat their words and vote for someone who supported V-2025 and the river tax.  I'm curious who Michael Bates would endorse considering his apparent lack of love for Randi.

"It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first" -Ronald Reagan


Originally posted by Conan71

Originally posted by rwarn17588

Originally posted by Conan71

If Sally Bell can't beat Randi in the primaries after this shenanegan, something is wrong.  Not only would her beating Randi be signficant in change down at the county it would be a symbolic victory for the Bell family.  

No, it means that a lot of GOP voters will vote for an incumbent with name recognition.

Hate to be a pessimist, but I don't think Sally Bell has a prayer in the primary for those two big reasons alone.

Not to mention that Sally Bell doesn't seem to have any sort of discernible platform. Nor has Sally Bell done any campaigning that I can tell. You can't be just the anti-Randi and do nothing else and expect good results.

(A caveat: If Sally Bell does a blitz of campaigning within two weeks of the primary, she may have a chance.)

The general election, however, is another matter. I think Miller's doomed against a Democratic candidate with good name recognition, plus GOP voters who are dissatisfied with Miller.

RW, I think it was the 1986 Mayor's race where an incumbent (Terry Young) was beaten by a total unknown in the primary.

It's happened before here when people were fed up, but you are right, she's got name recognition and still might have some friends [8)]

I'd be surprised if the Bells will dump a lot of money into this campaign.  They will need every penny they've got to get a new Bell's up and running.

I'm curious what everyone will do come November if it's Miller vs. Keith.  Both supported the River Tax, people will have to eat their words and vote for someone who supported V-2025 and the river tax.  I'm curious who Michael Bates would endorse considering his apparent lack of love for Randi.

If Michael Bates says that Randi Miller is "chastened," he'll endorse her.

Don't laugh. It's happened before.

He endorsed a "chastened" Bill LaFortune, despite being a nearly constant critic of his and despite LaFortune's nearly constant bumbling.

Bates endorsed Bush in 2004, too. I guess he has a high tolerance for bumbling politicians, just as long as they're Republican.


Hey, anyone read the paper today? It talks about big splash not paying their rent. Thought it might BELONG in this thread.


Mrs. Murphy was on KRMG this AM.


- They are paying the money today, which was due IN OCTOBER!!  Not January, but October.  So more than 6 months late.

- They were working with the Expo CEO on the Coke sponsorship, that's why they were late

- The Coke deal went down a few weeks ago, so the county is holding $105,000 of their money

- They want an abatement on rent because of the parking lot (even though, as pointed out the host, contractual they get nothing), that's why they were late

- Revenue was down because of the parking lot (even though revenue was up for the year)

- They simply didn't know it wasn't paid

She actually said that.  She gave three or four excuses for not paying, then said it was just an oversight.  Have I called BS yet?  Seriously, anyone have a logical defense that I'm just not seeing... because in my experience when you give three or four excuses it's all BS.  Especially when the final excuse is mutual exclusive of the others.
- - -

Gold & FB:

Can we at least not quote the entire previous posts.  My scroll finger is getting tired.
- - - - - - - - -
I crush grooves.


Originally posted by cannon_fodder
Gold & FB:

Can we at least not quote the entire previous posts.  My scroll finger is getting tired.

Thank you for saying that.
Power is nothing till you use it.


I skipped the stupid quote fest - no idea what they were talking about.

I find it hard to believe Randi Miller, who knew everything there was to know about Bell's contract and "financial plan" knew nothing about Big Splash.

By the way, who is the couty treasurer? I would think they would know when an account has gone unpaid as well as the CEO and others. So why didn't it get reported?

The fair grounds are not that big, how hard can it be to keep track of rent?

Maybe what we really need is for the County Fair Board to start posting up their monthly income statements.

That way we can all keep track of the rent and when it goes unpaid, we can notify them.

Since everyone on the board and on the commission has a bad memory and Ms. Murphey can't remember to pay her rent.

We could all be their happy little helpers.

The CEO took a bullet for everyone involved - but I think there is a lot more to this than will ever meet the eye.

The County Commission is being very careful to protect his reputation for taking that bullet. No cries of outrage.... just covering his butt so he will cover theirs.


Originally posted by sgrizzle

Hey, anyone read the paper today? It talks about big splash not paying their rent. Thought it might BELONG in this thread.

Agreed..can anyone delete the rant above these last few posts?


Originally posted by cannon_fodder

Mrs. Murphy was on KRMG this AM.


- They are paying the money today, which was due IN OCTOBER!!  Not January, but October.  So more than 6 months late.

- They were working with the Expo CEO on the Coke sponsorship, that's why they were late

- The Coke deal went down a few weeks ago, so the county is holding $105,000 of their money

- They want an abatement on rent because of the parking lot (even though, as pointed out the host, contractual they get nothing), that's why they were late

- Revenue was down because of the parking lot (even though revenue was up for the year)

- They simply didn't know it wasn't paid

She actually said that.  She gave three or four excuses for not paying, then said it was just an oversight.  Have I called BS yet?  Seriously, anyone have a logical defense that I'm just not seeing... because in my experience when you give three or four excuses it's all BS.  Especially when the final excuse is mutual exclusive of the others.
- - -

Gold & FB:

Can we at least not quote the entire previous posts.  My scroll finger is getting tired.

Hey! If no one is making you pay WHY PAY IT! Draw interest on the money and wait until someone complains! Its business!


Because if you don't pay you are in breach and generally subject to fines, fees, and other remedies (eviction, renegotiation).   Keep in mind most businesses do not get invoiced for rent or even some loans, payment is known and expected.  But if you have confidence that the other party is not going to punish you in any way - then by all means why pay?

Oh, also most businesses try to pay their bills on time to save their reputation.  If you get the reputation as being a sleazy customer or slow-to-pay it tends to stick with you.  Most people care about that in business.

The CEO was apperently grossly incompetent unless there is more to the story than meets the eye.  Perhaps he was simply used to more reputable business people, perhaps he didn't have a good staff, or maybe someone above him was calling the shots.  But it was still his duty, as a public employee, to call shenanigans if that is what was going on.  Fall guy for someone else or not, he had to go - I'm guessing he isn't "in" on anything or he'd be blowing a whistle damn loud.
- - - - - - - - -
I crush grooves.


What is this crap about Big Splash invoicing the county?

The fair board delivered an invoice to Murphy on Wednesday for overdue rent, but Murphy delivered an invoice of her own to the fair board.

She is seeking $115,000 from a Coca-Cola contract the fair board is believed to be considering. She also claims she's owed reiumbursement for alleged revenue loss from a parking lot repaving.


she wants money for a contract that isn't signed based on negotiations bjorklund was doing to give her a cut.


I also need to invoice the lottery commission for a winning I am expecting anytime now....


Evidence of lost business profits is admissible for purposes of determining the fair market value of property before and after a taking, but such evidence is not admissible for the purpose of establishing a separate item of damages for lost profits.

See State of Oklahoma ex rel. Department of Highways v. Robb, 454 P.2d 313,317 (Okl. 1969).