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City Hall dress code?

Started by Ed W, July 04, 2008, 08:24:08 PM

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Ed W

The World has a story on a proposed dress code at city hall.

"Vagueness or the complete lack of specifics about styles in the guidelines appears to be sparking questions.

Wilkie said the city didn't want to be specific and make people feel they have to have guidelines in front of them when they dress for work each day.

The guidelines are clear that certain collared shirts, along with turtlenecks, are acceptable. But they don't address whether women's collarless apparel, such as V-necks or scoop-necks, can be worn.

The guidelines also list clothing as form-fitting or containing Spandex as unacceptable."


Something tells me this would be right out.


May you live in interesting times.



Anybody need to buy some spandex in size 3x?

I'm guessing I need to find a home for my "McCain eats babies" t-shirt collection as well.

Power is nothing till you use it.


Originally posted by RecycleMichael


Anybody need to buy some spandex in size 3x?

I'm guessing I need to find a home for my "McCain eats babies" t-shirt collection as well.

I'm only interested if the "McCain eats babies" shirts ARE spandex. Otherwise no deal.


What's wrong with Casual Fridays and OU polos?  :D


From what I read in the World article, the dress code guidelines don't seem too vague or unreasonable to me.  I say, if a City employee thinks something may be a violation, just don't wear it.

What really bugs me is the general slovenliness, poor taste, and lack of proper dress in all public places today, especially restaurants.  I went to the Green Onion for dinner 2 months ago, and at the table next to us the men were in shorts or blue jeans, tank tops, and wearing ball caps indoors!  The women were dressed no better.  I would never dress like that when dining at a fine restaurant such as the Green Onion, and I was always taught that a gentleman removes his hat when going indoors.  Of course, the proprietor should share some blame, for if I owned that establishment or any fine restaurant, I would strictly enforce a "proper attire" dress code.  There is no underestimating the taste of the American public.


Actually, it appears you can wear your "Obama is a Fruit" shirt if you somehow encorporate it into the City of Tulsa logo.

Red Arrow

Let's hear it for formal wear. Imagine the class McDonald's would have if men all wore tuxedos and women wore evening gowns.  Maybe we should go back to powdered wigs too. Coats and ties for men to take their cars to the auto service store sounds perfectly logical.  Let's all dress up to go to WalMart.  The world would certainly be a better place.  

Ever watch "Keeping Up Appearances" on OETA on Sunday night?

I must agree that some people abuse fashion privileges.  The fashion Gestapo are just as dangerous.



My guess is that the dress code is a result of too many young women who don't know that the work place isn't the proper time and place to wear skin tight clothes and show off their cleavage.


Originally posted by Steve
 Of course, the proprietor should share some blame, for if I owned that establishment or any fine restaurant, I would strictly enforce a "proper attire" dress code.  

If you opened an establishment and made rules against the Tulsa, Oklahoma dress code you'd lose alot of customers.  It's what's accepted now.  There are no more Thursday night dressy Sears trips for the entire family.  

I understand the frustration but (and I'm not saying this to be an donkey) it might be better to feel good about how you look than worry about the slobs around you.  


Is this so City employees can tell another City employee from the meager-looking public citizens who come there to get their water turned back on?

Reminds me of Disney World, with nicely dressed escorts herding commoners around.



All non-City Workers MUST wear Standard Issue...

Your next water bill will allow Style selection options, and bill you $29.95.


No matter what you wear, people stereotype. You can't please all of the people all of the time. And I do have a couple of tops that are spandex & lycra, (with cleavage in tact)and I have worn them to city hall. As long as nothing hangs out, I'm good to go.LOL